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View Full Version : end game pro mage questions

12-12-2017, 11:31 PM
Hi all,

I had a few questions I was hoping to get opinions on. I'm level 66 using complete voice set, dragon staff/flamestrike with Nekro as my main pet or various others: nilbog, swift, heroic tyr, slink, hisha, corruption, slink, slobber. Skills: healing, fireball (5/5 +5 mastery), shield 4/5 and whirlwind 4/5 +10 mastery. passives: 5/5 all but speed and dex. I play mostly M4-M6.

question 1: What do people do to prevent curse? Pet aa vs ice vs something else?
question 2: How important is crit for this build? I was thinking of upgrading to nightmare set and get str/dex or str/int pieces since they boost armor and health much more than the pieces which boost int the most, which all increase crit
question 3: what pet if any should I buy? Is Glowstick worth it in M5-M6? Is Magma AA worth it with this build?? Get something that stuns??

Appreciate any and all feedback, thanks in advance for your time!


12-13-2017, 11:39 PM
Hellow there, i may not be a pro mage, but u can say I'm equivalent to u?
But i would like to help answering these questions :D
1. I guess stunning and freezing mages would prevent them from cursing the pt.
Running away from mage's curse may help too
2.I dont think crit is very impt for this, BUT int and dmg are still very important for mages in high maus pve, as it affects your proc dmg. Likewise hp and armor are important, but u need balance
3. If you want faster but riskier runs then go for magma :D its your preference. U do have decent pve maus pets, so stick to it i guess? Just save up for NM :D

Besides, NM stats give an op hp and armor boost while also boosting your damage
Happy farming :)


12-14-2017, 11:53 PM
1: Freeze and stun only works on Aimshots, unfortunately not on mage curse.
Pet AA: Glowstick, Nilbog
Mage Skill: Gale Mastery removes mostly all debuffs.
2: Damage/dps better than crit.
3: You don't really need a pet stun because you are running fire 5/5. If your party has glowstic then use magma, otherwise I recommend glow.

PS: Do not use lifegiver skill, switch it with ice (for CC) or lightning (for boss). more info on why here: https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?395265-Support-Mage-end-game.

12-20-2017, 12:16 PM
Nilbog aa works similar as glowstick against curse in maus. Try half time on shield, half time on nilbog aa. You should be fine. I noticed you also hav wind which i dont use, so you should be very safe away from curse. Nekro, ice are useless against curse. Fire ball can prevent mob starting curse, but not removing curse.
Ctitical is not important for mage pve.
Uncharged ice is good and fast against aimed shoot, especially if you dare to walk nearby. Overall, use clock to root mobs is better than heal, or use both.
Choice of pet is up to you if you dont want nilbog aa. Different people diff style.
You can go youtube search keyword "arcane legends obooo" to see some examples. The video might be helpful bcs i m using voice set , too. :)

12-21-2017, 08:50 AM
thank you everyone for your input

Gol D. Roger
07-16-2019, 11:36 AM
Thanks for all the help

07-17-2019, 02:02 AM
Thanks guys

Eriel Delgado
10-04-2019, 10:49 AM
The best counter to curse mages in masso or graveyard is save your shield skill until you see icon of curse, also simply taping gale skill on them knocks them back, if you are running on pt! When ever warrior does pull your main focus is enemy mage, get around spam gale on it and fatality.