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View Full Version : LB banners

12-14-2017, 12:38 PM
Previous Halloween event the players that ran the event map for hours and hours and managed to get their names on the LB within the positions of receiving the Red Balloon banner and as reward got their banners as promised. But.. Turns out that these banners were all trade-able. This was not mentioned in the Halloween guide thread.
The reason for this thread of somewhat of a question which is the following: Will the same go for the winter event, the coming LB events, Top Player LB, and so on?
I see a LB banner as a reward for the amount of effort, time and dedication put into something, wouldn't making future LB banners trade-able counteract this?
I hope that this was just a one time thing or that next time that STS plans on making another LB banner trade-able that it's mentioned on the same day as the event goes live or possibly ahead of time.

What do you guys think about this all? Is it fair to those who invested so much time into getting a spot on the LB for the banner not knowing that it would be trade-able?

*Thank you STS for listening and implementing this.

12-14-2017, 12:57 PM
Since beginning of event u could see it was tradable, u only need to tap on tier trohy icon next to the name on lb board (work only when u check by category)

12-14-2017, 01:14 PM
Since beginning of event u could see it was tradable, u only need to tap on tier trohy icon next to the name on lb board (work only when u check by category)

There have been multiple cases where the trade-able or not trade-able icon was bugged leading to players not questioning it much until the banner was rewarded. I believe no one questioned it much because no one expects a LB banner to be trade-able, looking back at former energy events.
The goal of this thread is just to ask devs to make players more aware regarding whether or not certain things will be trade-able.
A banner is an achievement for something that you've spent dedication, effort and time into, if someone were to be able to buy an 'achievement' it would make it worth less in my eyes.

12-14-2017, 01:17 PM
yes you are absolutely right!

12-14-2017, 01:47 PM
I think sts should write if banner is trade-able. And I hope more banner will be trade-able BCS many ppl have no time to run lb but would like and they want spend anything for it and + it is a decision of lb runner to sell banner so idk why it should be untread-able if owner want sell he sell being banner trade-able just give owner more thing to do with banner.

12-14-2017, 03:09 PM
I think sts should write if banner is trade-able. And I hope more banner will be trade-able BCS many ppl have no time to run lb but would like and they want spend anything for it and + it is a decision of lb runner to sell banner so idk why it should be untread-able if owner want sell he sell being banner trade-able just give owner more thing to do with banner.

I agree with this... many people just can’t run all day on this game.. like myself I go to school and work every weekend, and even if I have some time I cba to be on this game all day, like he also said the lb runner chose to sell it no one made them

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12-14-2017, 03:56 PM
I think sts should write if banner is trade-able. And I hope more banner will be trade-able BCS many ppl have no time to run lb but would like and they want spend anything for it and + it is a decision of lb runner to sell banner so idk why it should be untread-able if owner want sell he sell being banner trade-able just give owner more thing to do with banner.

I agree with this... many people just can’t run all day on this game.. like myself I go to school and work every weekend, and even if I have some time I cba to be on this game all day, like he also said the lb runner chose to sell it no one made them

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An achievement isn't something everyone can or has the will to accomplish. Not everyone has the determination to be on Top Players LB for example. I'm also a student so you don't have to tell me regarding the lack of time. But a game like AL isn't a game one plays when you have little time, sure you can but don't expect it to wait for you. I also missed out on tons of fun limited-edition things on AL and banners I could've gotten due to lack of time for games but that's just how it is. If you can't run X event due to lack of free time for games, just run LB for an event you do have time for.
Trade-able banners just decrease the value of the banner.
This is all my opinion ofc. The purpose of this thread is not a debate regarding whether or not banners should be trade-able, or else it would be an endless discussion between those that do have time to run for LB, those who don't have the time and those who rather just buy it cuz they'd rather not put effort into running for the banner.
The purpose of this thread is to kindly ask STS for their plans regarding trade-able banners and to mention in guides of an event/some official thread whether or not an item like a LB banner will be trade-able.

12-14-2017, 07:15 PM
Yes some clarity would be nice. The only reason I ran last winter for the lava lamp was because I knew it would be special and untradable. Tradable banners lose their achievement status, but I sure don't mind that I can purchase them when I didn't run xD

12-15-2017, 06:29 AM
i totally agree .... it should be stated in the event preview if the event LB banner is tradeable or not.

I cant comment on whether the event leaderboard banners should be tradeable or not.
I imagine you have players that run leadeboard purely for the honour of displaying and owning such a vanity, because it takes so much time, effort, and dedication to obtain.
And im sure there is also those that run event leaderboard to simply make money on selling the vanities?
I personally never have the time to actually run event leaderboards ... you guys leave me ways behind in your dust ... dunno how you do it ?!?!?!?

12-15-2017, 09:00 AM
Yea there is many friends of mine got upset because of the banner is teadeable, not exclusive to them anymore
Will be helpful to write if it is so they can chose to run or not

12-16-2017, 04:10 PM
An achievement isn't something everyone can or has the will to accomplish. Not everyone has the determination to be on Top Players LB for example. I'm also a student so you don't have to tell me regarding the lack of time. But a game like AL isn't a game one plays when you have little time, sure you can but don't expect it to wait for you. I also missed out on tons of fun limited-edition things on AL and banners I could've gotten due to lack of time for games but that's just how it is. If you can't run X event due to lack of free time for games, just run LB for an event you do have time for.
Trade-able banners just decrease the value of the banner.
This is all my opinion ofc. The purpose of this thread is not a debate regarding whether or not banners should be trade-able, or else it would be an endless discussion between those that do have time to run for LB, those who don't have the time and those who rather just buy it cuz they'd rather not put effort into running for the banner.
The purpose of this thread is to kindly ask STS for their plans regarding trade-able banners and to mention in guides of an event/some official thread whether or not an item like a LB banner will be trade-able.So you want Sts to tell you if the banner is tradeable or not before event goes live?

Does it really matter though

Idk why this thread is even created. If you want to keep the banner for yourself just don't sell, it's simple as that. For those who ran for lb and want to sell the banner good for them at the end of the day everybody wins. It's not like you can tell who ran for lb anyways. People have more than 1 character, heck some even have more than 2 accounts.

You got some serious issues crying about little things like this

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12-18-2017, 08:57 AM
So you want Sts to tell you if the banner is tradeable or not before event goes live?

Does it really matter though

Idk why this thread is even created. If you want to keep the banner for yourself just don't sell, it's simple as that. For those who ran for lb and want to sell the banner good for them at the end of the day everybody wins. It's not like you can tell who ran for lb anyways. People have more than 1 character, heck some even have more than 2 accounts.

You got some serious issues crying about little things like this

Sent from my CPH1707 using Tapatalk

i got only one thing to say about this post .... and im not a leaderboard runner ....

12-18-2017, 10:44 AM
The banner for the Winter Event is not tradable.