View Full Version : Mishi

12-19-2017, 01:05 PM
So I’m going to review Mishi since it’s my go to pet. I have Heroric Fenris slotted for HB currently.

1. I like the AA. When running Maus 5-6 it seems like we’re dropping Crates more often with the random luck. Better to have at least some chance at reroll vice having no chance at all.

2. The mana regeneration is a huge benefit for the whole party. No one has to worry about spamming mana pots. You have to level Mishi for the mana regeneration to take effect.

3. HB stats are pretty decent, Just can’t beat Heroric.

So I know Mishi is rare and expensive. I got lucky and looted mine off eggzavier during the first egg event, how lucky is that!

I hope this helps and hope to see you all in game! - Uca

04-13-2018, 06:12 AM
nice post i like it

04-17-2018, 06:16 PM
Nice thanks for the info:)

06-23-2018, 04:55 AM
thanks:D very usefull