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View Full Version : Winter event plat tier

12-21-2017, 01:59 AM
I received lots of pm in game while I’m running lb, sorry if I did not reply you.

Here is the answer plat tier require 28150 points. Enjoy and good luck to all

12-21-2017, 03:15 AM
I received lots of pm in game while I’m running lb, sorry if I did not reply you.

Here is the answer plat tier require 28150 points. Enjoy and good luck to all

Is that number a joke?!? You gotta be kidding. Sadly I believe it since some people I know have 15k points and said bar not even half way.

Do you at least get a title for it?

12-21-2017, 03:21 AM
No title haha, just vanity set. Look quite nice

12-21-2017, 04:22 AM
No title haha, just vanity set. Look quite nice

The recolored slightly darker dragon set with "shadow" black head. Won't lie, this set will be rare!

12-21-2017, 09:27 AM
Plat tier is really a challenge this year for f2p.
I think you need at least 700 runs to reach that tier.
Considering 2 hours craft and ....5 craft session a day, make 25 energy/day. 25x21 days is 525 energy.
Not considering the time to run event and farm energies......
Hope I made a mistake in my calculations......

12-21-2017, 09:40 AM
Plat tier is really a challenge this year for f2p.
I think you need at least 700 runs to reach that tier.
Considering 2 hours craft and ....5 craft session a day, make 25 energy/day. 25x21 days is 525 energy.
Not considering the time to run event and farm energies......
Hope I made a mistake in my calculations......

I agree. Crafting time for forged energy should be changed. 😭😭 2h is long if we need 28150 for plat. unless well be playing 24/day no sleep for 21 days as well as christmas and newyear for gatherings LOL
Or Unless u have $$ and u can buy as many energy kits as u want xD

12-21-2017, 09:48 AM
I agree. Crafting time for forged energy should be changed. ���� 2h is long if we need 28150 for plat. unless well be playing 24/day no sleep for 21 days as well as christmas and newyear for gatherings LOL
Or Unless u have $$ and u can buy as many energy kits as u want xD

I really love the Brood Dragon vanity and I would like to reach plat to get the new one, working hard to collect essence but....wow I’m a little worried I won’t make it :/ hope killing the dragon gives 1000 points each kill xD

12-21-2017, 03:52 PM
28k points? Gotta be freaking kidding us.... Lel if that's the actual points needed for plat tier I give up on this event.. just gonna run brood whenever it's up.. disappointed... Im not even silver lmfao

12-21-2017, 04:27 PM
A majority of players I know are not running this event. Plat tier is too high even gold tier.
Too many people gave up due to the amount of work/farming this requires.

I understand it was intentional to get rid of forged energy and made 3 weeks so farmers had more time to farm but it is heavily impacting the game experience of all players. But I also want STS to have a nice break for Xmas so I don’t expect them to alter it now but it would have been nice.

To be honestly, last Ursoth and Haloween event was below 8k for plat tier, the sudden jump to 28k seems rather odd? It is like 3.5* harder now.

Personally I feel the reward is not worth the effort and runs.

Good luck all!!

12-21-2017, 05:16 PM
I agree nothing worthy to be at plat tier and ridiculous amount if points needed. I didn't bother nowadays even on the last event... no new title or banner at plat tier..

12-21-2017, 06:12 PM
I don't get why the bar is set so high, the rewards are kinda dissappointing. While the set might be rare, not many will want it because there's tons of other vanities out there that look a lot better.

12-21-2017, 06:26 PM
I can't do it. Too busy irl with Christmassy things. I didn't hoard loads of forged energies and never have done so it's a no from me. I shall most likely run the event when I can and run around in Maus. Merry Christmas all. :)

12-21-2017, 06:39 PM
Yes, as someone who runs to plat every event, this time it's over the top. Even with all my forged spent and casual farming more, I'm not even going to be close. Good luck everyone who's going to do it! Heard you don't even get a cool title.

12-21-2017, 08:35 PM
A majority of players I know are not running this event. Plat tier is too high even gold tier.
Too many people gave up due to the amount of work/farming this requires.

I understand it was intentional to get rid of forged energy and made 3 weeks so farmers had more time to farm but it is heavily impacting the game experience of all players. But I also want STS to have a nice break for Xmas so I don’t expect them to alter it now but it would have been nice.

To be honestly, last Ursoth and Haloween event was below 8k for plat tier, the sudden jump to 28k seems rather odd? It is like 3.5* harder now.

Personally I feel the reward is not worth the effort and runs.

Good luck all!!

So true AL is slowly fading away the plat tier is just a recolor not worth the 28k points
And no special tittle....
but i hope the future holds better events :)

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12-22-2017, 09:40 AM
Better on halloween which is gold tier only around 2k point and reward kinda expensive like heroic pet while for xmas event we need 10k to get Rudolph the legendary... Too much

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12-23-2017, 01:41 AM

Whaat? Too bad, I liked those wings :(

12-23-2017, 02:08 AM
so boring to get to plat tier

12-23-2017, 02:13 AM
Well ty sts the only time I spent money to run for lb or buy the special stuff. Sigh... time to look for a new game...

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12-24-2017, 05:09 AM
...Too many people gave up due to the amount of work/farming this requires.

..Ursoth and Haloween event was below 8k for plat tier, the sudden jump to 28k seems rather odd? It is like 3.5* harder now.

..Personally I feel the reward is not worth the effort and runs.

+1, I agree to everything but lets not jump to conclusions, brooding ground is not open yet... hopefully we get good points to cover the gap. So, I think I will hold on to my concerns (rage) till then.

Armani Boi
12-25-2017, 09:21 AM

Its Christmas Time, and suppose to be its a gift giving. But looking into the Tier, you need almost most of your time to reach Gold/Plat Tier.

Why you set the limit too high? Please Gold Tier Reward is a so so average pet also. Again, its Christmas Time give something players can feel the Christmas spirit. Everyone have high expectation on this Winter Event and in the end nothing much. Better the Ursoth/Halloween Event.

Sorry about that but this is most players sentiments. Can you please do something most players will be happy. Its not too late!!

12-25-2017, 11:52 AM
First they punish all the people that hoard forged energy by removing them at the end of the event. Then they punish all the people who didn't hoard forged energy by making the tiers impossible to reach. GG

12-27-2017, 05:15 AM
...This event is 3 weeks long, I think it's more than possible to get plat.
...Faster crafting time would be nice, as would better drops and token value. Already spending tokens on vanities and "heroic"breezega isn't worth it.

No, it not possible for people who does not have energy stocked or are willing to spend on it. Unless:
Lets say you get Tarlok every run or lets just average every run point as 30(unlreal). So, 28k (plat tier)/30(points)= 933 runs.
It takes 2 hours to craft energy (because essence drop is so awesome that you just need 1 KT4 run -_-, and obviously you will be running the event in these 2 hours), with 5 craft slots, i.e., 50 energy a day (forget that you have a life, and sleep is for loosers) = 1050 crafted energy. There you go! you are plat, enjoy your vanity, and you have few extra energy to contribute towards removal of it.

+1 on the 2nd point.

@STS, 1st of all, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you and yours.
I hope with new year this game does not turn from F2P to P2P. Because the events certainly turned into P2W.

Many people said that the plat tier is high for compensating on removal of energy; which I doubt, coz why would you want players with no energy stock to suffer, right? After all you are going to remove energy used/unused. With Shadowspire not dropping any points, I believe I cannot reach plat, so I just cry on gold tier. Thank you very much for such a wonderful event :). Now, I ll just keep quite and see how low things can drop.

#nosalt (Loved the shadowspire dragon design, very original :))

12-28-2017, 09:43 PM
Is this event even worth it...I mean I get that you can loot locks (which is amazing :3) but is it really worth the time?

12-29-2017, 01:58 AM
Is this event even worth it...I mean I get that you can loot locks (which is amazing :3) but is it really worth the time?

loot locks if its those new ones Why did I recieve what I got from my 3chests for reaching Silver the event apart from the Two Crate Tokens.
3 Rare items 2 mages helms and a Rare tanks Armour (and two token locks you use in the NPC In Garetta Village. The Exact Same Item ( Which are not even listed in 2017 themed locked crates.
30 plat for the same as the 3Chests for reaching silver tier WooPeeDooo.......
I Stopped their till I spoke too you guys, As I was just about too spent some xmas cash
Thankfully I didnt spend £500.00 (sterling ) & saved myself $673.00 in dollars....
Which I would have happily spent too try get a heroic Pet...
now looking at it again it does not even state that rare items are given out so Why Was I given the Same 3 Items from my siver chest apart from the 2 Crate Tokens.
And Now They Are Sold out....

Can Someone please answer me that I was praying for a heroic pet Not 3 Rare items & 2 lock Tokens ....

Thank you Hopefully I’ll get an asnswer soon ....

12-29-2017, 06:23 PM
I did type a long post about Einstein's theory of relativity but left one word out and deleted it. I personally don't think it's worth it. Did you know that if you stand next to a very large solid mass, time is supposed to slow down in that place? Then again..what is time, does it exist? Answers can be posted via arlorian postman to my house. Only joking.

Suentous PO
12-29-2017, 08:39 PM
I did type a long post about Einstein's theory of relativity but left one word out and deleted it. I personally don't think it's worth it. Did you know that if you stand next to a very large solid mass, time is supposed to slow down in that place? Then again..what is time, does it exist? Answers can be posted via arlorian postman to my house. Only joking.

I love quantum physics ( M theory ftw!), and while I could answer the part about time, I'll instead share some of my test results for your peer review;

I'm standing on/near the biggest mass ( the earth ) I could find beside trumps head, and time has slowed on the brood bar whenever I'm awake.

12-30-2017, 03:52 AM
I love quantum physics ( M theory ftw!), and while I could answer the part about time, I'll instead share some of my test results for your peer review;

I'm standing on/near the biggest mass ( the earth ) I could find beside trumps head, and time has slowed on the brood bar whenever I'm awake.

I'm standing next to a very large guy at the moment.. purely to test the theory.. not because he's good looking and has a vintage Bentley you understand. Why does time slow down when we're waiting for the brood grounds to open but go quickly when we have a luck elixir from Klaas?

12-30-2017, 03:06 PM
...Why does time slow down when we're waiting for the brood grounds to open but go quickly when we have a luck elixir from Klaas?

It's all relative....