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View Full Version : STS, iOS App Store Policy Change & Locked Crates

12-21-2017, 09:52 PM
New iOS app store update forces devs to include the list of items in a loot box and the odds of getting each possible item.

From the article (link at bottom):
“...Apple has opted to use the term "loot boxes," which it defines as "mechanisms that provide randomized virtual items for purchase." Now, any game or app that utilizes such a random-item system "must disclose the odds of receiving each type of item to customers prior to purchase"

Locked Crates are freely available.
Locked crates can be opened only by purchasing plat or crate keys with real world currency. Neither of which are "lootable".

What if any impact will this have on STS game(s)?
I look forward to hearing thoughts on this. Lookin at you STS.

Link to article:

12-21-2017, 10:21 PM
This is awesome so finally we shall the chance of looting a arcane!

12-23-2017, 03:53 PM
Easy way to get around this. Offer for players to buy story/crate tokens and give free locked crate instant open, ubtradeable, unstashable..
Tier 1 bundle:1 story/crate token, Free x amount crates included, free to open.

And so on. This way the player is buying the token itself and the crates they would get based on the plat value they used. So if each is costing 40 plats to open, and the tier 1 is 400 plat, they would receive 10 crates.

Hearthstone does this in a similar fashion in China where the terms are similar, and will probably do something like this on the platform.

If you are giving the item for free(crates in this case) then I believe its not required to show the chances. Because in theory the player is paying for the tokens while getting the crate as a bonus.

If any dev can shine some light on this suggestion or may provide feedback that would be awesome.

12-25-2017, 09:04 PM
Thanks for sharing.

Some arcane items for sure drop is good. Some return on investment rather than gambling on luck. Times there are people spend many thousand plat and get lame loots while some players loot decent loots with in 1k plat. Appreciate some balance. This will help to keep plat player and also motivate non plat player by having control on price in AL market.

12-26-2017, 01:56 AM
Im looking forward to finally seeing the drop rates :)

12-26-2017, 02:00 PM
Will it change the way you look at crates once you see the drop rates? Seems to me it’s the kind of reveal you want to see so you can feel better about getting trash over and over again. I support android and iOS stepping up and holding devs accountable for over promising and underproducing.

12-27-2017, 06:45 AM
Current drop rates are not that interesting

Pre-rengol expansion drop rates a.k.a 100m shard a.k.a 80m nekro-that's what is really interesting, but it will never be revealed