View Full Version : $$$--Selling Signatures--$$$

11-02-2011, 12:27 AM
Hello guys :)

So I'm in need of some money in game to get some armor for my other accounts, and since drops just aren't cutting it, I'm turning to this. I will be selling signatures for anywhere between 5k and 20k+ SL credits. I don't play PL really, so I don't really have any use for PL gold :).

Here's the catch. I will not be making these signatures myself. The first signature I've ever made is the one I'm using right now, and it's...alright. I wouldn't try to do anything more complicated myself because well, I have no idea how, and don't have time to watch videos and learn lol :p..... SOOOOOOO I'll be selling signatures that I'll have made. Think of me as a middle-woman. You tell me what you want, I'll relay the message, and then upload your signature here for you. I don't have much other information than that because it's pretty late and my sig-guy is sleeping :dispirited:

I can tell you that he's good and you won't be disappointed. You don't have to pay me before obviously, that's not fair. If you like the signature, you can accept it and pay for it. Simple as that.

I know this is a very weird way to run a sig shop...but I'm not gonna lie and say that I'm making them, because that's not right :). Any other rules/regulations/whatever I'll post tomorrow after I talk with my guy.

Just post the following:

Name on sig:
Other words on sig:
Primary colors:
Anything else:

K thanks guys :)


http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/1605/kahlua.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/543/kahlua.png/)



Disclaimer: My 'company' owns the rights to these signatures. Using one without my permission is stealing and you will be reported.

11-02-2011, 07:42 AM
Name on sig: DivineHawkz
Primary colors: White space color like milky space
Picture/Render: -
Anything else: Want more of a shadow effect on space white color with layer. Not sure how to explain but make it more dynamic and the best looking ever. 1.5k credit for now.

11-02-2011, 08:09 AM
Name on sig: Nourish
Other words on sig: V for Vendetta (maybe smaller print and in the corner)
Primary colors: Make it galaxy themed, or cyber, robotic, space, starry something to that extent
Picture/Render: I don't want something like my current one but with a person perhaps
Anything else: Make it like yours in a way :) with my name distinctly showing, and maybe a design near the name like how yours has the sound bar things :)

Price is negotiable

11-02-2011, 10:20 AM
Name on sig: DivineHawkz
Primary colors: White space color like milky space
Picture/Render: -
Anything else: Want more of a shadow effect on space white color with layer. Not sure how to explain but make it more dynamic and the best looking ever. 1.5k credit for now.
You're gonna have to try to explain this a bit better my friend, I'm sorry :(
If I don't understand it, I'm gonna have a lot of trouble relaying the message lol

Meowz - Sure thing, I'll relay the message and get back to you with a time frame.

11-03-2011, 06:41 AM
No one else? hmm guess I'll just get these 2 done for yall.
I'm sure after they're uploaded you'll all want one lol.

11-03-2011, 02:46 PM
Here's the Sig they made for me way back when ;)


Awesome talented person :D

11-03-2011, 10:20 PM
Name on sig:
Other words on sig:
Primary colors:
Anything else

Name on sig: Pandr in rainbow colors
Other words on sig: (nothing)
Primary colors: purpleish green galaxy theme
Pictures/render: a random panda somewhere lol
Anything else: make it cool and creative
Payment 2.5k

11-04-2011, 08:40 AM
You're gonna have to try to explain this a bit better my friend, I'm sorry :(
If I don't understand it, I'm gonna have a lot of trouble relaying the message lol

Meowz - Sure thing, I'll relay the message and get back to you with a time frame.

Mm Not good with picture but i take some points from Meowz,

Make it galaxy themed, or cyber, space dark feel. Please :witless:

11-04-2011, 01:15 PM
I need one.
Red white silver are some colors
any thing related to Zero....also add some light effects.
A cool Zero graphic like the Oakley zero now.

11-04-2011, 03:50 PM
Hi Kahlua! <B Thank you and ........in advance!
Name: Gunfu,
Font: God of war
Guild: KoC
Colors: red, black, & white. (Indulge yourself, if looks awesome do it)
Background: Crossed Colt 1911's w/silencers over a white "the punisher" skull
(punisher pirate, with silenced dual automatic pistols thyme)

Cost: Awesomeness= 9-10k
IGN= Gunfu,
KoC proud!!
Edit: want matching Avatar please. Same theme, colors

11-05-2011, 08:35 AM
I will give you all my money Wich is at a all time low but I also have a bit of cool gear.

Assassin theme
Red and black
Name: Olz
Text: V For Vendetta

11-05-2011, 06:05 PM
Now this is very creative! Kally's Signature Brokerage...i like it! Let me know if you need any additional staff, a repo man for example. There may be room to expand this industry ;). Plus you might need an enforcer...you never know.

Seriously tho, great idea.

11-06-2011, 05:49 PM
haha Chownis, I could use a body guard ;)

Okay guys, my sig guy has been very busy but he should have a few of these done by tomorrow. I'll upload them as I can.

11-10-2011, 06:22 AM
Ok guys one of the signatures is done. As I don't live with the guy who's making these for me, I don't know what order he's going in. He also has no name on it yet...which I'm confused about, so yeah. It looks like a mix of Gunfu's sig request for the Punisher theme and Olz's Assassin theme with the red and black.

Silly silly sig maker! LOL. Well I'll leave it up to you boys. If either of you two want this sig, I'll have him put the name on it. Maybe he sent me the wrong file, who knows lol. He's awake now so first come first serve. If neither Gunfu or Olz want this sig or respond by the end of today, it's up for grabs. I'll upload it in a bit. He likes to post descriptions of what he did in the sig too, so I'll paste that in there as well.

11-10-2011, 06:28 AM
I want mine~ lol

11-10-2011, 06:40 AM
Ok here it is. He said he has multiple versions, each with different lighting because he tried a new style out (which he said was a mix of grunge, burning, and lighting) so he's not sure if you will like what came out of it. Everything in the background was made by hand, meaning no pictures were used and everything was made with a paintbrush. The Render is from Hitman, and the face was already blacked out in the render. Adds to the mysterious feel of the signature. (Plus if I remember correctly, Hitman is supposed to like...not even have a real identity, right? Like I know he has an actual face, but his name is a number and he's expendable). This is a png signature right now, and is WAY too big to use on this forum. I'll convert it to 15kb once the owner is decided and a name is added. That's something I can actually do myself without my sig guy hahaha.

http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/8759/hitmansigrenderlight.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/401/hitmansigrenderlight.png/)

This is the only version he sent me as of now. Once someone claims this sig, I'll see if I can get the other versions too! Thanks guys! Hope SOMEONE likes it lol!!!

11-10-2011, 06:41 AM
I want mine~ lol
Ya I'm sorry I don't know why he's not going in order :(
If no one claims the one I just uploaded, you're more than welcome to!

11-10-2011, 07:02 AM
Ok, here is what I would like:
Name: Mastercon
Picture: (attached to this comment)
Payment: Err I have 2.3k about, would that be ok along with the whistler, energy shield generator, and chainsaw rifle?
Text: Proud to be a member of Hella Good!

11-10-2011, 07:06 AM
I want more of a galaxy milky feel. No people standing there. Maybe just shades.. Mm Hard to explain but i hope you get it.

11-10-2011, 07:10 AM
You basically just want a nebula then...google Nebula and let me know if that's what you mean.

11-10-2011, 07:35 AM
Mm. Something of this type too..


11-10-2011, 07:47 AM
hmm ok, I can probably do that myself. I'm not very good at photoshop but I know there are brushes on the version we have at home that do those sparkle/star effects, and I'll just use a stock nebula or try to make my own. Otherwise, I'll let the pros do it lol.

11-10-2011, 08:39 AM
Thank you kahlua. Hope to receive good news from you =D

11-10-2011, 08:53 AM
Hey KAhlua nice idea of making SIgs ive heard of your artistry 0.o

Name on sig: Ninjaduck lvl 35 Engi!
Other words on sig: isit a ninja? is it a duck? is it a flying cheezburger? No its a Ninjaduck -___-
Primary colors: Red, Black and Green
Picture/Render: samurai/ninja with a duckhead
Anything else: V for Vendetta.

ill pay you 2k for doing it and ill pay you 7k if i like it :)

11-10-2011, 09:33 AM
This is pretty cool. I'm actually interested in seeing all of the sig artist's final products after translating it from everyone's descriptions here. He seems very talented.

11-10-2011, 09:42 AM
Hey KAhlua nice idea of making SIgs ive heard of your artistry 0.o

Name on sig: Ninjaduck lvl 35 Engi!
Other words on sig: isit a ninja? is it a duck? is it a flying cheezburger? No its a Ninjaduck -___-
Primary colors: Red, Black and Green
Picture/Render: samurai/ninja with a duckhead
Anything else: V for Vendetta.

ill pay you 2k for doing it and ill pay you 7k if i like it :)

I'm not the one making the sigs (unless they're basic enough for me to attempt), I have a guy who makes them for me and I upload them here.
I'll pass this one along.

11-10-2011, 10:01 AM
What's a sig? Is it IN SL? If so I will take
Name: killer
Color: black, blood red
Embalm: Skelton
(sorry if embalm is spelled wrong spell check)

11-10-2011, 10:16 AM
A signature is the picture you use on forums that appears under all your posts. Mine is the picture of the girl with the purple effects and such

11-10-2011, 11:16 AM
Hey KAhlua nice idea of making SIgs ive heard of your artistry 0.o

Name on sig: Ninjaduck lvl 35 Engi!
Other words on sig: isit a ninja? is it a duck? is it a flying cheezburger? No its a Ninjaduck -___-
Primary colors: Red, Black and Green
Picture/Render: samurai/ninja with a duckhead
Anything else: V for Vendetta.

ill pay you 2k for doing it and ill pay you 7k if i like it :)

I'm not the one making the sigs (unless they're basic enough for me to attempt), I have a guy who makes them for me and I upload them here.
I'll pass this one along.
ok no problem! thanks!

11-10-2011, 11:31 AM
If no one claims that signature I posted on the first page by 9pm Eastern Time, I'll open it up for purchase to anyone. Bidding will start at what I see fit, but it'll be a 15k auto-win (aka you offer 15k, it's yours). The price will obviously include a name and other text if wanted. However, since time is money and this sig isn't really what either party mentioned previously asked for, for a rather nice price of 12k, you can claim it NOW. No loopholes or tricks, it's yours right this second for 12k SL credits. Otherwise, as I said, auction starts at 9pm eastern.

Again, this is the signature up for sale if not claimed by Gunfu or Olz:
http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/8759/hitmansigrenderlight.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/401/hitmansigrenderlight.png/)

Please note that while you may want multiple lines of text, it just may not be possible/look good to have it. If I know my sig guy, he won't do something if he thinks it'll look bad because it's his name on the work.

Just a heads up guys, my sig guy is busy tonight until around 10pm Eastern, but then he's not very busy all weekend so expect to see some sigs popping up here :).
I'm thinking about just letting him make sigs as he wishes as well, like ideas that he has that no one asked for, and putting them up for sale. Like a art gallery where everything is up for auction. Could hire people to find the winners in game and collect money like Chownis mentioned, even give people a cut if they bring me customers...

Keep an eye out for a big remodeling if this starts to take off...my poor sig guy is going to hate me lol!!

11-10-2011, 02:08 PM
It's mine

11-10-2011, 02:12 PM
You said you wanted the punisher and the skulls and what not, I believe the guns Hitman has are just a coincidence. He's usually pretty good about following directions, which makes me think he already had this one started?

If you want it, it's yours. If not, the above auction info stands.

EDIT: My mistake! That was Gunfu who wanted the guns and what not. I'll wait to see what he has to say, and you two can discuss it. If I don't hear from him by 4pm Eastern (about 2 hours) you can claim it.

11-10-2011, 02:17 PM
I want it thank you I will put it on tomorrow
Ok well I'll have to get your name added and whatever other text you wanted. Then I'll have to resize it to be useable on the forums.
Plus there's the matter of payment :o

11-10-2011, 02:18 PM
I want it thank you I will put it on tomorrow
Ok well I'll have to get your name added and whatever other text you wanted. Then I'll have to resize it to be useable on the forums.
Plus there's the matter of payment :o
Ima get some money soon and I also have a custom weapon worth 20k so will that do

11-10-2011, 02:24 PM
Ima get some money soon and I also have a custom weapon worth 20k so will that do
I don't want to take 20k from you when I was going to auction it off for a 15k auto-win.
This sig won't be 100% done until tomorrow, so you've got some time.

Unfortunately, I'm going to need to ask my sig guy who this sig was meant for, if anyone, because if it was meant for Gunfu and I give it to you by accident, he's going to be mad. The reason I think it's his is because why would he make 2 different signatures each with dual crossed guns? Would look very similar and I know that's not his style. I'll get to the bottom of this tonight.

11-10-2011, 02:29 PM
Ima get some money soon and I also have a custom weapon worth 20k so will that do
I don't want to take 20k from you when I was going to auction it off for a 15k auto-win.
This sig won't be 100% done until tomorrow, so you've got some time.

Unfortunately, I'm going to need to ask my sig guy who this sig was meant for, if anyone, because if it was meant for Gunfu and I give it to you by accident, he's going to be mad. The reason I think it's his is because why would he make 2 different signatures each with dual crossed guns? Would look very similar and I know that's not his style. I'll get to the bottom of this tonight.
K I hope it's mine I really like it and it matches the colour scheme and the full theme which is assassin so I hope it is mine.

11-10-2011, 02:37 PM
I will be offline then I only have 24 mins till I'm off
Ok, well as I said it won't be done until either late tonight or tomorrow morning since he's busy till 10pm. So no worries.

11-11-2011, 03:35 AM
Is it mine now?

11-11-2011, 04:01 AM
Can you please stop spamming my thread?

Yes, he's probably going to be emailing it to me soon.

EDIT: Received the completed signature. Changed the file type down to jpeg, but kept it at 17kb instead of 15kb because the extra 2kb drop caused it to get very grainy and pixelated. Signature will be posted once payment is received. The forum will auto adjust to 15kb I believe when you upload, so if the signature looks bad after that fix, I'll have my guy do some tweaks to get around the file size.

11-11-2011, 07:39 AM
thank you and sorry for spamming

11-11-2011, 12:08 PM
thank you and sorry for spamming

Hey buddy, I know your excited on getting it :) as was I once hehe so I know how you feel.

But if you could delete the unnecessary posts that would be awesome if your not sure this is how.

Click 'Edit post'.

Click 'Delete'.

Fill in Delete section, ie 'error'

Then Click 'Delete post'.

This removes a post all together ;)

11-11-2011, 01:29 PM
I really liked this one its pretty good apart from the textures he knows to do lights very well.
hmm just saying 15kb was too low to get non grainy images at that size, so either use smaller images (your sigguy prolly knows this, im sure) orrrr thingy is that its not just "file size", its the "size on disk" that counts forum does not auto-adjust size, so the file size should actually be closer to 11-13kb to get a "size on disk" file size to less than 15KB

11-11-2011, 02:39 PM
What ur ign kahu

Kahlua or Lafontaine would be your best bet on finding me :)

11-11-2011, 03:45 PM
thank you and sorry for spamming

Hey buddy, I know your excited on getting it :) as was I once hehe so I know how you feel.

But if you could delete the unnecessary posts that would be awesome if your not sure this is how.

Click 'Edit post'.

Click 'Delete'.

Fill in Delete section, ie 'error'

Then Click 'Delete post'.

This removes a post all together ;)

Great delete post guide. I wasn't even sure at the beginning how to delete posts

11-11-2011, 04:18 PM
Payment of: 1 custom chainsaw rifle received from Olz. Thank you, Olz!

Here is your PNG version of the sig. Very high quality, as promised


And here is the JPEG file. Unfortunately, you can see the loss in vibrant colors and overall quality, ESPECIALLY on the name :(. This happens when you use jpeg images :( It's a shame, but hopefully you can use the PNG sig on another forum or something?


Put it as your signature and we'll see how the little 2kb change goes. If it looks bad, I'll have it fixed. Don't just settle with it if it doesn't look right. We only produce perfection :p

11-11-2011, 04:49 PM
the bottom one.

11-12-2011, 04:46 AM
woot thank you it is EPIC

Edit: I deleted all un needed posts

11-12-2011, 05:52 AM
woot thank you it is EPIC

'Edit' is your friend buddy ;) (Shouldn't ever need to post more than once if you poster last beforehand)

That said.... wow looks awesome in your sig! You're guy has out done himself even though it looks so basic to do that by hand is amazing!

Cnt wait to see mine now :D

P.S. Olz that suits you to a T! Your Guild! Your Name! And everything ;)

11-12-2011, 03:10 PM
Punisher themed, punisher skull(white), crossed silenced automatics, (no assassin theme toon, or body parts). That was not mine thank goodness! Picture "white punisher skull, with two crossed auto's, (like a pirate skull and crossed swords), sitting atop a red&black sea nebula?

11-12-2011, 05:43 PM
Punisher themed, punisher skull(white), crossed silenced automatics, (no assassin theme toon, or body parts). That was not mine thank goodness! Picture "white punisher skull, with two crossed auto's, (like a pirate skull and crossed swords), sitting atop a red&black sea nebula?
lol ok.

But the "thank goodness" part is a little harsh don't you think? I personally think that signature is awesome! If it were for me, I'd use it. I find the signatures of nebulas and planets and stuff are boring and most of the time are just pictures taken from the internet. I doubt my guy will use a picture cause he doesn't steal backgrounds, so he'll try to make it by hand...let's see how it turns out.

EDIT: as proof, I found this in literally 15 seconds on google. Red and black nebula.

Anyone can take a picture and slap on a name or something...hopefully my guy doesn't let you down with his nebula cause those don't look easy to make (That one is an actual picture)