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View Full Version : This needs fixed ASAP... idk how it’s continued like this for this long

01-02-2018, 03:37 AM
I think low level birds need a buff. Bird is by far my favorite class and ive been testing it at different levels in the game. I’ve tested every single active pvp level and it’s basically un-usable 56 and below. Granted 61-71 bird is decently useful but gets absolutely shredded by any mage and most of the decent bear. Back to what I was saying though. Level 16 bird is decent, but a bear can buff and auto it to death without trouble. 20 bird can kill some bears, every other class demolishes it with no trouble. Same for 22, 25, and 27. 30 bird isn’t completely horrible, but still gets wrecked by mage and bear. 35 bird is un-usable. 40 bird isn’t awful, and can kill most classes, buttttt it’s an extremely huge struggle and you’ll almost always lose to mage and 50/50 to bear. 45 bird is actually decent... too bad nobody plays 45 anymore. Found maybe 2 games in an entire week of playing 45. 50 bird is decent, still loses to mage and bear. 51 and 56 bird are the same way as 50, with a little better luck against bear and a little less with mage.

01-02-2018, 08:09 AM
Now others will say what about in the levels higher than 61? People will say they need to be nerfed up there (im not saying endgame now cuz of these dumb pure stats) but bird is my favorite class too i would like to see it get buffed in twinks also because i only can play bear down there since bird isn't good

01-02-2018, 04:15 PM
Nono I’m not saying it needs buffed in high level above 61. That’s a playable class up there, the only thing it may need is an armor buff to compete with mages. I meant the twinks need buffed because it’s completely un-usable down there. Hear us out devs!!

01-02-2018, 05:32 PM
16, 20, 30+ is still good for bird in my opinion. 50 is actually quite balanced when i tried it last week. there doesnt need to be any buffs, endgame needs major reworking first

01-02-2018, 07:28 PM
16, 20, 30+ is still good for bird in my opinion. 50 is actually quite balanced when i tried it last week. there doesnt need to be any buffs, endgame needs major reworking first

20 bird still good? Ha, I’m pretty sure “Safe” got struck out a long time ago.

01-03-2018, 12:32 AM
20 bird still good? Ha, I’m pretty sure “Safe” got struck out a long time ago.

a guild dyig out doesn’t suddenly make the class obsolete..

01-03-2018, 01:42 AM
16, 20, 30+ is still good for bird in my opinion. 50 is actually quite balanced when i tried it last week. there doesnt need to be any buffs, endgame needs major reworking first

Dex... twink bird has been unplayable since forgotten nerf.... have u even tried it??? If you really think that it’s a class that’s able to play competitively, I have news for u bud haha. It on some occasion can beat bear only due to high dodge for its level. Also blind decreases the already small hit percentage, but the tiny damage dealt by bird makes up for it. Mage heals off blind, and also heals off break armor before u can hit a combo that doesn’t even take half hp at below 30 with both debuffs!!! If you try to wait for mage to heal to use debuffs after, ur alrdy dead! U get nuked! Evasion sometimes counters the nuke, but the ever so little damage ruins everything. I agree 50 is useable, I said it is decent, but still loses to mage and bear most of the time if either know what they’re doing. So please go test the levels below 50 then come back and let me know if I’m right or wrong. I would love for a dev to go try it also, just to see what I’m talking about.

01-03-2018, 07:04 AM
Dex... twink bird has been unplayable since forgotten nerf.... have u even tried it??? If you really think that it’s a class that’s able to play competitively, I have news for u bud haha. It on some occasion can beat bear only due to high dodge for its level. Also blind decreases the already small hit percentage, but the tiny damage dealt by bird makes up for it. Mage heals off blind, and also heals off break armor before u can hit a combo that doesn’t even take half hp at below 30 with both debuffs!!! If you try to wait for mage to heal to use debuffs after, ur alrdy dead! U get nuked! Evasion sometimes counters the nuke, but the ever so little damage ruins everything. I agree 50 is useable, I said it is decent, but still loses to mage and bear most of the time if either know what they’re doing. So please go test the levels below 50 then come back and let me know if I’m right or wrong. I would love for a dev to go try it also, just to see what I’m talking about.

did you even play pre forg?

but, you’re right, i haven’t played low level bird before but i’m keen to try it, as i’ve never attempted to before, what levels would you recommend?

also, just incase you aren’t aware - mages can’t heal off the blind shot debuff.

paragraphs are your friend.

01-03-2018, 07:33 PM
did you even play pre forg?

but, you’re right, i haven’t played low level bird before but i’m keen to try it, as i’ve never attempted to before, what levels would you recommend?

also, just incase you aren’t aware - mages can’t heal off the blind shot debuff.


Yeah I did, I started late 2011. Also if u like to play ranges try lvl20 fbow bird or lvl18. Mages rhinos and foxes are unbeatable, but bird vs bird and vs bear are extremely fun, However, if u like to try to nuke instead of kiting and using tactics, try lvl40 str bird. Use platinum guru hammer, peppermint pounder, or cutter with plat set conquerer helm and armor.

01-04-2018, 01:21 AM
Yeah I did, I started late 2011. Also if u like to play ranges try lvl20 fbow bird or lvl18. Mages rhinos and foxes are unbeatable, but bird vs bird and vs bear are extremely fun, However, if u like to try to nuke instead of kiting and using tactics, try lvl40 str bird. Use platinum guru hammer, peppermint pounder, or cutter with plat set conquerer helm and armor.

okay so i tried 30 and 40 bird:
-it’s entirely possible to nuke mages in one combo, not really difficult either. both of those levels are fairly balanced

i tried 18 as well
-that level is balanced well.

not sure what the problem is tbh; we need a fix for endgame though

01-04-2018, 02:31 AM
Dex... twink bird has been unplayable since forgotten nerf.... have u even tried it??? If you really think that it’s a class that’s able to play competitively, I have news for u bud haha. It on some occasion can beat bear only due to high dodge for its level. Also blind decreases the already small hit percentage, but the tiny damage dealt by bird makes up for it. Mage heals off blind, and also heals off break armor before u can hit a combo that doesn’t even take half hp at below 30 with both debuffs!!! If you try to wait for mage to heal to use debuffs after, ur alrdy dead! U get nuked! Evasion sometimes counters the nuke, but the ever so little damage ruins everything. I agree 50 is useable, I said it is decent, but still loses to mage and bear most of the time if either know what they’re doing. So please go test the levels below 50 then come back and let me know if I’m right or wrong. I would love for a dev to go try it also, just to see what I’m talking about.

Just a correction. Mage CANNOT heal blind off. It's an unhealable debuff. Just a heads up