View Full Version : devs, save the colorblind people! please please please

07-07-2010, 12:30 PM
I know this was brought up a while back, but really would love to re-surface the issue of pinks/purples. I know for most people this isn't a problem, but I, as a colorblind person, have no way of distinguishing between pinks and purples

(N.B this has made for many an interesting trade -
buyer "What you selling?"
me *shows all gear*
buyer "I'll have the pink helm"
me ........aw **** )

anyway, Devs, I was just wondering if it was possible for some kind of marker to be implemented on the item description that would indicate it's rarity (eg, Bastard Sword of Legend - thats right, I said Bastard! [X] ) with the X indicating pink or purple or whatever.

please consider it, I know it wouldn't help many people at all, but having seen you guys listen to so many other suggestions, I thought I might as well ask.


07-07-2010, 12:57 PM
File a law suit for discrimination. But actually, I don't know about the X idea but I agree they should put some other distinguishing factor for people that are colorblind or anything similar.

07-07-2010, 01:32 PM
look i hate to say it but you should just deal with this. i am partially colorblind and yes i know it can be annoying. but we are a very small percentage of the general population.

Pinks are VERY different than purples. TOTALLY different stats and names and it should be obvious which gear is good and which is bad regardless of the color of the name.

We dont need a handicap ramp dude.

07-08-2010, 02:46 PM
I think a small symbol indicating what color an item is would be an awesome idea. For your reason exactly. It could just be an option that players can turn on if they wish.