View Full Version : Thanksgiving?

11-02-2011, 04:33 PM
Does sps do a thanksgiving special on pocket legends? If so what lvl are the items lowest? Ive never seen a thanksgiving time before (assuming they exist)...

11-02-2011, 07:20 PM
We don't get thanksgiving events. We get campaign additions in the middle of November. Last year it was Wylde Wood and this year it's mt.fang.

11-02-2011, 08:59 PM
Ok thank you

11-02-2011, 09:04 PM
Well from what i've read on here i think what red said might be wrong. There might have been a new campaign last year during november but i read that mt fang was suppose to come out last month not november. Not trying to call you out or anything

11-02-2011, 09:17 PM
I think what red was trying to say was that we don't get a thanksgiving event, but we usually get a major update around the time of thanksgiving...

11-02-2011, 09:18 PM
I thought mt. fang was coming out next year from the poll...

11-02-2011, 09:21 PM
I thought mt. fang was coming out next year from the poll...

Sam told some people in game it is coming out in November.

11-02-2011, 09:23 PM
I thought mt. fang was coming out next year from the poll...

It has been said several times by different devs (after the poll), that mount fang was planned to be released before the thanksgiving holiday in November.

Here's a screenie from the FB comment (and there are more on the forum):

11-02-2011, 09:38 PM
Well from what i've read on here i think what red said might be wrong. There might have been a new campaign last year during november but i read that mt fang was suppose to come out last month not november. Not trying to call you out or anything

My fang was supposed to come out last month, but it didn't. There are numerous sources, especially from a dev, that it's coming November. Above this very post is proof. Not trying to call you out or anything

11-02-2011, 10:03 PM
My fang was supposed to come out last month, but it didn't. There are numerous sources, especially from a dev, that it's coming November. Above this very post is proof. Not trying to call you out or anything[/QUOTE] I don't think you got what i was saying. I was saying that mt fang wasn't originally suppose to come out in november so saying that month of november brings a new campaign is wrong. Since you repeated me im not going to post on this thread after this, i don't argue through text :D

11-02-2011, 10:13 PM
And who's to say that we wouldn't have gotten at least a branch campaign? It was said by STS themselves that wyldewood was a thanksgiving present, so them going with mt. Fang at the same time frame wyldewood came last year, even though the poll showed more users voted for after new years, doesn't say anything?

An argument is two sides taking opposing stands on beliefs or opinions. You're just flat out saying I'm wrong with no hard backing to your assumption. If I were wrong, MF would still be post new years, not mid November. The October quests/area were repeated from last year, samhayne said the same droppable items for Xmas last year will make a return so presumably we'll get the same area/quests from last year, so what're they going to do for thanksgiving? Give us wyldewood again? Lol, come on man.

11-02-2011, 10:20 PM
not trying to call you out or anything


And who's to say that we wouldn't have gotten at least a branch campaign? It was said by STS themselves that wyldewood was a thanksgiving present, so them going with mt. Fang at the same time frame wyldewood came last year, even though the poll showed more users voted for after new years, doesn't say anything?

An argument is two sides taking opposing stands on beliefs or opinions. You're just flat out saying I'm wrong with no hard backing to your assumption. If I were wrong, MF would still be post new years, not mid November. The October quests/area were repeated from last year, samhayne said the same droppable items for Xmas last year will make a return so presumably we'll get the same area/quests from last year, so what're they going to do for thanksgiving? Give us wyldewood again? Lol, come on man.

This is becoming an intense argument! Look at that two paragraphs... Hmm... Since redryder wrote more, and his name is cooler... He officially wins the argument YAY