View Full Version : Can't seem to save my data!

The Royal Gaurd
11-03-2011, 07:28 AM
Every time i log in, i have to input my email and pw even after i added them into drop list and clicked "remember password". Further more my 4 chat locks alway reset when i log off... :apologetic:

any solution?

11-03-2011, 07:55 AM
Not sure, I haven't ever heard of this problem myself. You could email support at support(@)spacetimestudios.com. if all else fails a nice uninstall reinstall generally fixes a lot of bugs.

11-03-2011, 08:38 AM
Every time i log in, i have to input my email and pw even after i added them into drop list and clicked "remember password". Further more my 4 chat locks alway reset when i log off... :apologetic:

any solution?

Im having the same exact problem.

11-03-2011, 09:41 AM
Check preferences / under the hood / content settings / Cookies. If it's not on 'Allow local data to be set', you may need to add an exception.

11-03-2011, 03:32 PM
Check preferences / under the hood / content settings / Cookies. If it's not on 'Allow local data to be set', you may need to add an exception.

Hello Futumsh,

Cookies was already enabled, 'Allow local data to be set' was already checked yet i still had/have the issue.

11-03-2011, 03:34 PM
Im not sure. I only use 1 email

11-03-2011, 04:54 PM
Hello Futumsh,

Cookies was already enabled, 'Allow local data to be set' was already checked yet i still had/have the issue.

Hrm. If you just enter your email at the account screen, then quit the browser without logging in, and open it back up, does it have the email there or is it cleared out?

11-03-2011, 05:53 PM
Hrm. If you just enter your email at the account screen, then quit the browser without logging in, and open it back up, does it have the email there or is it cleared out?

Email address is Cleared Out upon re-opening the browser

11-03-2011, 06:13 PM
A few more questions to help troubleshoot this:

What OS are you using?
If you don't close the browser after putting in your email, but do close the tab it's in, is it preserved if you reopen it without closing the browser?
Can you check the javascript console (under tools from the menu), and see if there are any error messages there? They may look something like 'fs open error', 'load/query error', 'put/open error', 'put/write error', etc.
Does it patch every time you log in after restarting your browser?

The Royal Gaurd
11-04-2011, 07:04 AM
i'm using a mac mini and yes everything clears out when i quit the browser/ tab...

11-04-2011, 11:16 AM
A few more questions to help troubleshoot this:

What OS are you using?
If you don't close the browser after putting in your email, but do close the tab it's in, is it preserved if you reopen it without closing the browser?
Can you check the javascript console (under tools from the menu), and see if there are any error messages there? They may look something like 'fs open error', 'load/query error', 'put/open error', 'put/write error', etc.
Does it patch every time you log in after restarting your browser?

I am using Windows 7 OS 64 bit. Unforunately I didnt get a chance to check the javascrip console before performing a clean uninstall and reinstall.

Everything seems to be stable now and I can confirm that it now saves my data after closing and re-opening the chrome browswer.

11-04-2011, 11:18 AM
I am using Windows 7 OS 64 bit. Unforunately I didnt get a chance to check the javascrip console before performing a clean uninstall and reinstall.

Everything seems to be stable now and I can confirm that it now saves my data after closing and re-opening the chrome browswer.

Interesting - good to know reinstalling fixed it, but wish I knew what the difference was. =(

11-04-2011, 11:40 AM
Interesting - good to know reinstalling fixed it, but wish I knew what the difference was. =(

I appologize for not reading your post on providing you with my javascript console error messages before i uninstalled.

Perhaps 'The Royal Guard can report their javascipt console error messages.

11-04-2011, 11:46 AM
Maybe if u played with a sufferer device ur auto chat will be reseted or u can contact sts