View Full Version : How Feasible Is This?

01-18-2018, 06:13 PM
I'm currently a level 51 Mage with Samael, and I am trying to save up enough Gold to purchase an Heroic Fenris Egg and Glowstik Egg for Pet Slots.

I currently have ~1.7M in Gold alone and the target would be around 5-6M.

How feasible is this without purchasing Platnium?

01-18-2018, 07:14 PM
Depends if you have gold loot items if you do you can make it but will take alot of time if you dont have m5 m6 open. :)

01-19-2018, 02:17 AM
There are 4 common ways to make gold:
-mausoleum 5/6 with gold loot
-events (not everyone of them like last winter teach)

Farming locks and reach 6m would take (around 5-9 locks each hour, 2 hours day, 4-5k each lock.......months) (handsumlegends/azerothraven wrote nice guide for farming, have a look https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?415153-Handsumlegend-s-Ultimate-Guide-to-making-1M-Gold)
Mausoleum needs you to level up, reach tier to unlock maus.......months.

Merching and events are one of fastest way to accomplish that (another useful guide from Handsumlegend https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?410764-Handsumlegend-s-Ultimate-Guide-to-Merching)

As a non plat user I can say that with hard work you can accomplish every goal in game, but takes time! I’m lucky I enjoy game meanwhile. Hope you can do the same ;)

Have fun

01-19-2018, 06:59 AM
IMO maus 5-6 most profitable. I’m running with gold loot. Usually there’s 1-3 massive looted and a few large locks as well in the party. Jewels and elite gold runners drop as well. You can save up your tokens and make money at the merchant, I just save up 1000 tokens and trade them in for 10k gold chests.