View Full Version : AL player starting DL.

01-19-2018, 05:18 PM
As many of you know, I’m a natural born newb when it comes to games. I started playing DL...installed it today...and idk what I clicked to begin my account. I think it just led me straight into the game without asking me what option I wanted. I chose the female warrior and named it, like all my chars in games past, Tippertwo. Ok, so I had to go and exited the game to return to it later. I logged in a few minutes ago and the game options popped up of what I wanted to started the game (Facebook, email, etc...). I chose Facebook but this time a male figure... (I decided the man looked better than the lady, no offense. If you wanna make fun of me you can). And I named that char Tippertwo. Ok, so this thing popped up that says “char name is in use.” I exited to try logging in again, and instead of asking me the options again, it goes straight to the char log in. How do I go back to my first acc that I tried the first time? I want my name back but as far as I see there’s no option to change accs.
Sorry for the lengthy post. I hope someone can see this though and help me...

01-19-2018, 06:20 PM
I think there was a small bug from the last update that got fixed just now, I would suggest to try to make the account again :)

01-19-2018, 06:30 PM
Thanks, but my name is still taken, and that’s my signature name [Tippertwo] for every new game I play.

01-19-2018, 06:31 PM
Hmmm what about "Tipperthree" hehe

01-19-2018, 06:32 PM
Hmmm what about "Tipperthree" hehe

Probably taken...isn’t that right, Kairihearts? -_-
hehe long story XD
its ok I’ll just go with plan B what I named for my warr on AL XD i name chars based on gender. Kinda funny bc nobody knows who I am XD

01-19-2018, 06:34 PM
Alright man, hope you enjoy Dark Legends!

01-19-2018, 06:37 PM
Alright man, hope you enjoy Dark Legends!
Thanks, if I need help I’ll hunt you down and thirst on your blooood *-*
my name will probably be Shruikanian. Hope it works. And I accidentally skipped the story at the beginning with my first acc that I didn’t mean to make :/

01-19-2018, 06:39 PM
Thanks, if I need help I’ll hunt you down and thirst on your blooood *-*
my name will probably be Shruikanian. Hope it works. And I accidentally skipped the story at the beginning with my first acc that I didn’t mean to make :/

Sounds good man :)

01-19-2018, 08:02 PM
There should be an X to close the initial window to go to the page to choose how to log in, just like in AL. It's been a month or so since I logged into DL, but last time I logged in, it seemed the same, which means a page you can back up from to choose your login method.

I have no clue though if that is what happened to your other account. It's just that choosing how to login in DL is similar to how to login in AL.

01-19-2018, 10:26 PM
There should be an X to close the initial window to go to the page to choose how to log in, just like in AL. It's been a month or so since I logged into DL, but last time I logged in, it seemed the same, which means a page you can back up from to choose your login method.

I have no clue though if that is what happened to your other account. It's just that choosing how to login in DL is similar to how to login in AL.
Thanks Fyrce, I see it now! It appeared after I played for a bit tho now I have an entirely new char XD