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View Full Version : How Bad or Good is My Luck?

01-22-2018, 03:30 PM
Been playing font years and so far have looted the following items:
Gear: Nothing. Not once have I looted any ANY gear that I could sell or otherwise benift from. All gear I have ever had has been bought.
Pets: Malison & Ribbit - once each. Again all other pets were bought.
Locks: Jack SQUAT
Vanities: Nothing
Got a Shard and a fossil once from arena - both in the same day once.

So how normal is this sort of luck? Seems bad but perhaps I am just too close to the storm. And to be clear I am only asking out of curiosity - not to whine.
Anyway what do you think?

01-22-2018, 04:05 PM
You seem unproductive with your farming/gold making strategy which is why your luck is terrible

01-22-2018, 04:21 PM
You got a shard and a fossil on the same day... the same day!? That’s way more lucky than me. I’m not trying be smart either, I would have fell out of my chair if that happened to me.

I would recommend exploring gold loot items as an option. It takes the edge off of not being lucky.

Good luck 🍀

01-22-2018, 04:53 PM
Sounds like you are not a paying platinum user runs around with lots of luck elixirs. Only way I EVER get a remote chance of something good dropping is if I stack lepre with elixir and creature that boosrs luck. Otherwise dont bother. Game only rewards those that pay $$$. It sucks but thats the way it works

01-22-2018, 07:00 PM
You seem unproductive with your farming/gold making strategy which is why your luck is terrible

Can you please explain or direct me to a post explaining how or why increased farming productivity yeilds positive results? As I have explained I have never gotten good drops - save for the one crazy fluke of shard and fossil.

As a matter of fact -for clarity - could you please define productive vs unproductive farming strategy? I just want to make sure I dont misunderstand.

You got a shard and a fossil on the same day... the same day!?
Its even better than that. Not only same day but within a couple minutes of each other.
It was a) a long time ago b) a total fluke c) lame that I didn't know what I had
Both came from maybe a half dozen arena runs in a row. Worst part was that I sold off without having a good idea of their worth - 500k or so.

Sounds like you are not a paying platinum user runs around with lots of luck elixirs.
You be the judge. Since creating my account on 5/08/2013 i have purchased 13,583 plats. I dont use luck elixirs. Given my history, would you?

Game only rewards those that pay $$$. It sucks but thats the way it works.

Perhaps you are right but I have a hard time believing it is as black and white as you present it to be. But again you may be right. I simply dont know.

Thank you for the feedback. Hopefully more will chime in

01-23-2018, 01:33 AM
Luck is pure RNG, it is not different for P2P or F2P. I said it before in one post, RNG is never justified, same as Luck in real life. Some people get it, some don't and some get more than they deserve.
I think looting 2 rare items in a day is very lucky. I am sure if you farm more and open more you will have better odds on getting things.
I personally have a bad luck, in real life experience :) , so I depend on trading in game. Farm, sell, buy what you want.

01-23-2018, 09:53 AM
Your luck is way better than mine, I have been playing for four years and the only valuable item I have looted was Dusk daggers of potency which were selling for 1 million at the time maus just opened. That's it! Never looted an arcane item after hundreds of lockeds and runs in various maps and events. And the two times a looted a mythic it was a fang of fenrir and lunar pendant worth 50k. So yeah, you win.

01-23-2018, 12:08 PM
Your luck is way better than mine, I have been playing for four years and the only valuable item I have looted was Dusk daggers of potency which were selling for 1 million at the time maus just opened. That's it! Never looted an arcane item after hundreds of lockeds and runs in various maps and events. And the two times a looted a mythic it was a fang of fenrir and lunar pendant worth 50k. So yeah, you win.

This is the sort of account amwas hoping to see. Seasoned, active and completely lacking in luck. Good to know that I am not cursed. Thank you.

And hopefully this want spark a pi$$ing contest but...
As I am sure many of us remember once upon a time shard and fossile loot rates in arena were consistent enough to support farming. This was also not too long after they came out. So not as valuable. No chance of even getting 1m from either much less both.

Obviously that's all changed now.

im jeff
01-24-2018, 12:57 PM
lol ive played since 2012 and have spent over (5000) plat on massive locks and have not even looted anything worth over 25k gold.. in arena i opened over 1500 chests got nothing i bought over 200 elite golden warchest iii and opened them got nothing, done elite gretta maps/ underhul like 40x and when my team and me kill the boss they get 10k pure gold and i get 0 gold just some stupid common item, ive spent a total of 19k plat..... and i havent hit over 150m gold yet zzzz i havent looted an arcane item at all except the elite boss relic (mind) in events i see people loot 4-5 arcane artifacts but then i do the map like 65x and dont even loot the common item worth over 400k like the green arlor vanity set .......

01-25-2018, 03:28 AM
My luck is one word: Trash.

01-25-2018, 07:22 AM
I once looted a fossil.

01-25-2018, 08:56 AM
Tbh I don’t think I’ve ever looted a big item. I’ve looted stuff out of locks but nothing big just grinding maps.

01-25-2018, 09:36 AM
Tbh I don’t think I’ve ever looted a big item. I’ve looted stuff out of locks but nothing big just grinding maps.

I looted the fossil eons ago. I'm lucky because I have good friends like you in AL. :)

01-25-2018, 09:52 AM
Been playing font years and so far have looted the following items:
Gear: Nothing. Not once have I looted any ANY gear that I could sell or otherwise benift from. All gear I have ever had has been bought.
Pets: Malison & Ribbit - once each. Again all other pets were bought.
Locks: Jack SQUAT
Vanities: Nothing
Got a Shard and a fossil once from arena - both in the same day once.

So how normal is this sort of luck? Seems bad but perhaps I am just too close to the storm. And to be clear I am only asking out of curiosity - not to whine.
Anyway what do you think?

1. Gear - considering very little gear that is good drops from maps its not suprising you haven't looted anything as most people have not either. Almost all of the valuable stuff drops only from locks.
2. Pets - Ok lets be real for a second. If thats all the pets you have looted, you aren't doing it right. Pets are very easy to loot, given that you are running the correct maps and using a lepre. Unless you mean only very expensive pets? Again, no expensive pets actually drops from maps, only from locks.
3. Locks - Very few people loot good stuff from locks due to the drop rate. Enough said. There are so many thing better things to spend plat on, so you shouldn't complain. You can easily make a lot of gold from buying certain items for plat as opposed to gambling it away.
4. Vanities - Again very few vanities actually drop in maps, and very few have actually looted any. Not much to debate here.

Long story short, you are only looking at the very, very low drop rates in the game. Considering most people haven't looted any of these items either, you shouldn't be complaining as if this only effects you. The more you play, the more you loot. Keep grinding and eventually your luck will become good.

01-25-2018, 10:03 AM
lol ive played since 2012 and have spent over (5000) plat on massive locks and have not even looted anything worth over 25k gold.. in arena i opened over 1500 chests got nothing i bought over 200 elite golden warchest iii and opened them got nothing, done elite gretta maps/ underhul like 40x and when my team and me kill the boss they get 10k pure gold and i get 0 gold just some stupid common item, ive spent a total of 19k plat..... and i havent hit over 150m gold yet zzzz i havent looted an arcane item at all except the elite boss relic (mind) in events i see people loot 4-5 arcane artifacts but then i do the map like 65x and dont even loot the common item worth over 400k like the green arlor vanity set .......

Well you story seemed a little far fetched to begin with but it lost all validity when you talked about elite garetta and underhul. Gold ALWAYS drops from elite underhul bosses. Its impossible to loot 0 gold. So complaining that you are looting nothing while your teamates are looting 10k is a false statement. I know that elite northal drops 0 gold, but he drops 0 gold for everyone, not just you.

If you have played since 2012, surely you know that vial drops from arena chests were very high, so high in fact that people used to sell for 10k gold. It wasn't until later that sts drastically nerfed the drop rates. So odds are, opening 1500 arena chests, you wouldve looted several hundred back in the day. Current arena drop rate, 1500 chests is expected to drop nothing.

You cant complain about the rest of your luck too much either as it is pretty typical. Sts puts low drop rates so items hold value, other wise chests wouldnt be worth opening.

01-25-2018, 10:49 AM
I looted the fossil eons ago. I'm lucky because I have good friends like you in AL. :)

Ah thanks Susie! Your awesome and made my day 🙏