View Full Version : Auction system

01-23-2018, 06:46 PM
Instead of deducting gold right away from the start when auctioning.
Could auctioning cost 0 gold but there is a certain deduction after item is sold.
If the item isn't sold, you don't lose gold. There could be 15% deduction after completing sell in auction.
This would increase the amount of items in auction of course, BUT there could be more options for what items you want. Such as buying items from a certain player by searching their name alongside item name.
Or info already on the item such as how much it usually sells for and who previously owned the item in a extra description for the very item. This idea could be improved if anyone else has extra auction options, I'm just wondering. I bet this has been suggested, but I wish to bring it up again just cause~ why Not? :P

im jeff
01-23-2018, 08:49 PM
I wish they would make the tax 1% instead of 5% because i list a lot of items that are over 1m-5m gold in the auc and the tax is always 100k-500k+, ive spent like 20m just on auction tax, ik if they made it free to list stuff there would be idiots to list like 250 items for 99m each...

01-25-2018, 01:29 PM
of course there could also be a increase in amount of gold a player could hold. You could have a price range option as well in order to ignore irregular stuff and only look up for example maridos at a price range of 2-6m. All just to ignore the 99m items, to be honest though there are other games that have free auction then tax deduction after sale and very little players would ever auction at random high prices. There might be bots but of course there could be a detection of random crappy items that have very little demand selling for 99m and what not although itis not the average price.

im jeff
01-26-2018, 12:27 PM
i would like to search for the sellers name in the auc instead of the items to sometimes

01-26-2018, 07:59 PM
I can see more "trolling" taking place where people are spamming auction house with 31 smelly helms listed for 99,999,999 though, since it's free and causes other people trouble.

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01-26-2018, 08:28 PM
Like ive typed before, other games have this system. The trolling you speak of will indeed exist but consider it a small toll for something far greater. This trolling could be ignored with a ignore players items in auction option or price range option along with the search item option to be a good wombo combo. So don't go throwing the idea off because it hasn't been put on yet, people like you with negative thoughts feed onto these trolls that wish to make your life miserable. Ignore them and they wont get what they wanted :/