View Full Version : Guild situation

01-25-2018, 12:56 AM
So I'm having an issue with my guild that i have been in for over a year, a guild i made representing my youtube channel, i never leave it even if i am alone, i don't mind being alone.

So me and a friend decided that he would grow the guild so i passed him the lead, he recruited like 20 people, i was fine with all of this until today.

Friends name is, well i can't say it, but someone I'd rather not call a friend anymore after this, this may be bogus to you but to me this is my guild, big or small i own the guild, the only guild i stay in. Now everything was fine til i read the Motd, it was very suspect not to mention i was very fond of the officer choices, made me think very hard of what was going on.

So the Motd stated "5m event soon", I'm wondering why would you do a 5m gold event and there are less than 50 players in the guild and the guild is inactive, like 1 or 2 on at a time, what would be the point, i looked at the Motd as a way to scam if you think of possible scam events in guilds.

Officer choices were so bad that i asked for my master position back and i was just questioned over and over like i was messing up something in the guild, like he really didn't want to give it back no matter what i said, so i got mad because it's 2 buttons to pass over the leadership, i didn't see what was the big deal about it, but he refused no matter what i said. I wanted to make some changes to the guild, nothing more, but no too hard to get the leadership back.

I have screenshots of our chat of him continuously refusing to pass the lead, now you're probably still wondering what is my point of this thread, well i want my guild back, i already know if i contacted support I'd get no reply, but i know someone has the power to forcefully take the master position from him and pass it right back to its rightful owner, crazy what people do nowadays, over a guild name, sad, right?

Well i think i got my point through, ty for reading and i hope a dev fixes this for me.

Oh and my guild name is Dollaz, My ign is Low, the owner of the guild.

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01-25-2018, 09:06 AM
All fixed

Thread closed

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