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View Full Version : This is very serious, please do something about this @Spacetime Studios

01-25-2018, 04:00 PM
Today i was just chilling then this guy appeared and started to spam, told him to stop and this was the result....amazing...

Plus, alot of people where on my side telling this guy to chill and relax cause he's acting like a child now... the person's name with the Green&Yellow bar and a "L" not covered by the green&Yellow censor bar is the person that should get investigated.

Please check the chat log history as fast as you can & Also i sent you a message on Spacetime studios support too please check the message and do something about this, this is a very serious threat @Spacetime Studios

Also Sorry if some of the chat is covered, my photoshop program was buggy and didn't register the photo placements properly! please check the chat log in game history! @Spacetime studios


01-25-2018, 04:23 PM
Posting won't do anything or solve the problem. How many times do people need to be told just message support and not post anything on forums. Send an email and wait. Patiently. Or you can message justg on forums to help you out. There is a ignore button that you can easily use as an option.

01-25-2018, 04:25 PM
/ignore will make you a much happier person.