View Full Version : more suggestions

The Royal Gaurd
11-04-2011, 10:27 AM

Add a guild notice board

This is where guild members can see what has recently happened in the guild, ie new members, recent boots, promotions/demotions
this would allow those that are not online to see what has happened when they were away from SL. And for the GM to check the status of the guild

Add guild hall decorations [from my original post]

honestly the guild hall looks boring....


Add a combo button

This would allow players to place a maximum of 3 skills in one combo slot (max slot =2) thus players would not need to keep swapping pages to get the combo.

Add a delete marked items

this would save players the frustration of deleting useless loot 1 by 1...

Lol i suddenly forgot what i wanted to say. oh well will continue when it comes back to me ;P