View Full Version : Some problems and Bugs in star legends.

Kirti Mogla
11-04-2011, 01:57 PM
Dear samhayne,
I was having some problems and bugs while playing star legends,

1- when I chat and close the keyboard , the keyboard does not go back and stays on my screen , due to which I have to restart game.

2- Sometimes when a operative hacks a door, the door remains closed but we can pass through it.

3- When we disarm the proximity mine , we still stay down even if we move away from it.

4- In the last map of shipyard with boss fight , when some enemies go on console , while using if they die , they still remain their and keep moving hands.they do not go down sometimes.

5- when we switch a weapon fastly while moving our hands hold gun wrong way, like a chainsaw which is two handed gun looks like one handed.

I hope that I helped you Improving your game :subdued:

I have a question too,well on fourms it is written that we must help members on game and fourms,
I have helped tons of members in game , but I'm less at fourms is their any way I can be star guard without being on fourms?

11-04-2011, 02:06 PM
Nooooo! Why did you tell them #2!?!?!?! :p

Kirti Mogla
11-04-2011, 02:12 PM
Well I just wanted to help samhayne and space time studios to improve their game,and to help them on fourms to become a star guard .

11-04-2011, 02:25 PM
Number one rule of becoming a mod: Never ask to be a mod. Besides looking cool, Star Guards are forum mods. If you don't like to be on the forum that's even less reason for you to be picked.

11-05-2011, 11:32 AM
1.When i shoot with my Bandits Double Strike it shoots from the ground not from their barrels!!!!!!

11-05-2011, 12:34 PM
Number one rule of becoming a mod: Never ask to be a mod. Besides looking cool, Star Guards are forum mods. If you don't like to be on the forum that's even less reason for you to be picked.

Rule # 2. Don't act like an elitist because some one asked what was required to become a Star Guard. It makes forum regulars look bad and comes across as extremely rude.

Kirti Mogla
11-05-2011, 12:54 PM
Thanks for suggestions.

11-05-2011, 01:03 PM
Number 2 has happened to me on iPod, however I haven't experienced any of the others.

11-06-2011, 06:22 PM
Rule # 2. Don't act like an elitist because some one asked what was required to become a Star Guard. It makes forum regulars look bad and comes across as extremely rude.If you would read his second post, he's not asking. He just said wants it. The first post concluded with asking if it's ok to not be on the forum but still be a SG, and I clarified that it's not possible. I wasn't trying to be rude or elitist, so that second one doesn't apply to me.

Maybe if you would read posts better man. I was just trying to help him be a good member. Asking for it is not good. Maybe I was a little too blunt.