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View Full Version : Miss Old Lovecraft Event

02-12-2018, 06:00 PM
Maybe I"m old or old school, but I miss the old event that was a short run and a boss battle...

I miss those quick runs with no endless pools that kill you, no needless enemies in your way, no miniboss battle that doesn't have a point, and then a maze to run back to Hugthulu. I loved the old way where you can just go and battle in the matter of a minute.

It was simple and fun. Now, it feels like a chore, like all the other events, like they're trying to stretch it out. I don't have time for long runs, I like quick ones, so I can get away from real life for a bit...

This new way where you need energy and it's a maze, isn't fun to me. It's more of a chore now, instead of a free-wheeling fun run.

02-12-2018, 06:13 PM
I think you’re one of the only ones, this event has definitely set the bar high for future events this year and I can’t wait to see what’s to come.

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02-13-2018, 06:54 AM
My opinion is that it's a good event for players with plenty of time but for casual players it is maybe unattainable. I fall in the latter these days because of reality commitments. I did have a few goes at it though and didn't like the map..sorry. Still, good luck to the players who are enjoying it. P.S. I must admit..I find it a tad complicated and I hate complicated things. :p

02-13-2018, 11:50 AM
The map should be in a single line with the minis before boss. The minis should give points. The heart candies should be in maps outside of the event so lower levels could farm them for tokens or to sell the lb runners.

02-13-2018, 12:47 PM
Having a shorter map with a shorter completion time is valid feedback!

If enough people feel this way we can try it with a future event :)

02-13-2018, 01:08 PM
I find with the mechanics of this event, the size map is benifits gold letter hunters, if the team knows how to run the map while using the elix, the gold candy chests are plentiful.

Only request for me, pls dont allow the boss elixs to tick down in town :)

02-13-2018, 03:50 PM
The map should be in a single line with the minis before boss. The minis should give points. The heart candies should be in maps outside of the event so lower levels could farm them for tokens or to sell the lb runners.

I like this idea. The present map has people running around all over the place...not that I can manage to do this event as much as I would have liked. :(

02-13-2018, 04:04 PM
Many people prefer this over short mapd. It used to feel anti climatic when u got to boss before plus now u can get easy pve kills

Keep the same and let elix not run down in town ty

02-13-2018, 04:34 PM
I used to have more time to do these events, but life is what it is, and I've got more family to take care of. So, the reason I loved this event was, it was a short run, 80% of the time I got a heart box and some gold. I could dash to the end, knock out the boss, and repeat in my limited real life time. No energy farming, no getting stuck in a maze of pools and mobs and miniboss... Just log on and run.

I think having a mix of energy-less events along with the energy big events, winter, halloween, etc are great to just help build up funds and keep me active in the game. If you check my logs, over the last couple years my play time has dropped significantly, I don't have the real life time to dedicate to farming. Constant long events take away from the fact this is a casual pick-up-and-play game.

02-13-2018, 04:53 PM
You are the first one I hear this kind of opinion, personally I like this event map yes maybe bit long..but its a feature..also with many pools..why not! This event energy based is great I like it.


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02-13-2018, 04:53 PM
Well I prefer short map too, also I really get mad because of the pools that slow us, but we must say that this event is absolutely one of the best not only to mention drops from boss and money we can make through it, but still prefer simple maps not too big, time flies we are older many of us got real life business and not much time to play so it would be cool if they make next time short map so we can make much more runs in lower period.

02-13-2018, 05:32 PM
Not sure if this is possible or not but during events why not have 2 versions of the Same map. 1 which is plat entry and is as it is now and have one which is free with just mobs and no boss where people can farm things such as hearts and gold letters using the relevent elixirs. Id personaly farm a lot more gold letters if it wasnt like a 100m sprint to the boss every time i enter a portal with plat or energy

02-13-2018, 05:54 PM
This event is great, many new stuff, nice tier prizes and right grinding for f2p, when p2w have the right advantage. But I understand people that miss old lovecraft event, that was one of the best non-energy event. So maybe another option was to keep lovecraft as it was and improve another existing energy event.
That’s said, if I have to make a choice, lovecraft energy event have my +1 ;)

Dex Putra
02-13-2018, 09:00 PM
for me this agood event first time since remiem left AL they can make event come back t life hope next event more than this valentine .ty sts

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02-13-2018, 11:52 PM
Actually, to get Huhu to pop, you can do that map in a very short fashion. It takes just two additional pulls (basically walk up to bridges and watch the mobs come to you) to get Huhu to pop.

However, this event is interesting because there are various ways to farm these maps. I have done slow non-elixir groups just to farm normal letters - you would clear the map. Some people even farm gold. I have done the map to farm gold letters - you would do huge pulls w/ speed and lots of luck. I have done it where I check on the merfies. I have done it where the goal is to get Huhu Prime.

Yes, the event has some super hard aspects, but I think overall the event is quite good.

For the casual people, yes, you will need to spend some money and time to buy love letters or make them (farm gold letters, etc), but letter runs make the event doable on a casual level. I think there are plenty of gold letter parties, as well as love letter parties, so look for those.

02-14-2018, 02:59 AM
This event seems gud to me. The maps r big for a reason to farm more gold candy chest. Tho i think the miniboss should drop token atleast.

If u farm event need to first discuss with pt who wants to explore which part. Ss helps alot here as always.

For gold candy farming i personally feel soloing is better i mostly get 2-4 extra candy chest when i solo.

Only drawback is hugthulu drops jst 6 points,love letters can be used bt not all can afford it always nd need gud pt for that.

Energy less event either makes drop rate of loots nerfed alot or too much drop making them common.

Energy reset seems gud too me becoz it helps everyone who want to run for lb,more u grind more higher u go on lb. Not like earlier ppl would stack forged energy nd use all of them for 1 event.

In short energy based love event seems gud for me. Gud drop rate of new items. Gud gold making ways. Cheap op sets.

Jst drawback is hugthulu should have dropped more points to help ppl reach high tier faster.

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02-14-2018, 07:39 AM
What I miss is the energy stashing that you could do to be prepared for the next event. Instead, everyone must spend part of (or a few days for people able to play 24-7) the event mass energy farming to hit the gold tier.

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02-14-2018, 09:25 AM
IMO this event is a lot better than the 2 last lovecraft i have participate, yes the map are longer and i really like it even if its mean less run for me because too busy irl, but i have manage to get that endless set that give a nice boost to my stats outside mausoleum (i use full nm there), and i have manage to make around 1.5m profit by crafting those love letter at the begin of event, as for the energy i have farm kt4 and i have been able to get energy very fast there, crafting time is very good too, also i really appreciate that many people will get that tainted set because i think it will make revive pvp 66 (hope so :), so overrall a big thx STS for your hard work on this one!! Long live to AL!!! :D

02-14-2018, 07:35 PM
I like this new version of the Lovecraft event but I also concur that from time to time an event with a short map without energy requirement is nice !

02-14-2018, 08:55 PM
I'm personally more of a fan of this event's format....... 2 bosses (1 main boss (like Hugthulu) and a second, highly sought after boss (like Hugthu Prime) with optional mini bosses along the way (like Merkfin) while running an actual map with actual things to do (like gold candy chests, gold Merkfins, actual "good gold" dungeon chests, ETC.).... It's also a much more fun "multiplayer/co-op" experience........

I'm personally not a fan of the other event formats....... Like 5 different bosses (3 piece of crap bosses, 1 main boss, and some 5th boss that requires you to do all types of elaborate things just to fight it), a map that is "smaller" than Garetta Village with approx 10 "Brackenridge leveled" minions to fight, and nothing to do in the map........ I'd prefer to just run through maps and to the boss during "non event" times in Underhaul and Maus because to me, that's what "events" are supposed to be about.... More action...... Sorta of like when the carnival comes to town...........

For any "mini events" or "in-between events", if the "map action" and/or "event objectives" are to be smaller and less elaborate than the bigger events, it would be good if they're at least more complex or more lucrative by implementing a system/format that something more than just running through a map, killing 10 minions, then fighting a boss....

02-15-2018, 06:51 AM
I found that energy farming was very nice as essences droped plentiful. The points of 6 per kill was dreadful took way too long to reach silver/gold/plat. Thank God for people who have enough time to open hugthulu prime early on so the rest of us can just pay to tier up. The letter system also caused a bit of drama in the guilds in that some people didnt provide a letter when it was their turn, and ultimately were deemed scammers and kicked from the guild. Something as silly as shortage of gold just to power through the tiers of an event causing players to lose their integrity is just plain sad. Shorter tiers/less points required could remedy this. Those who lb will lb, those that don't just want to reach plat tier which is painstaking long as of the winter event and that really needs to change. 40+ normal runs should get someone close to gold, not 300+

02-16-2018, 08:08 PM
Even though I can't reach gold tier..like I said before, I have commitments, I am now liking this event. Now that the majority of players are being more considerate in the map I'm getting the hang of it. Made some profit too, yes I like it now. :)