View Full Version : Should I rename my mage?

02-20-2018, 10:58 PM
Probably wrong thread and dumb question, but I wanna hear from you guys :)
My chars’ names usually fits their genders. Ex. Warrior=male name, etc. Mage can be either/or, usually. My mage's name (currently) is Thomasnewton. I have enough plat to rename him, but I'm sorta unsure about doing it. Please tell me if you think I should keep this name or get rid of it :P and if you have any suggestions on if you think he should be a girl or boy please let me know, and maybe some name suggestions. Thanks!

02-25-2018, 07:47 AM
*Bump bump* ^_^

08-11-2018, 05:47 PM
Definitely wrong thread. It's not probably useful but my mage is ghostofbabel