View Full Version : instant kill & banish

02-21-2018, 08:47 AM
so from my experience with banish weapons/pets (immo weapons and pets like sam/nekro/grimm etc) some mobs can not be banished,and ofcourse same goes for bosses. but with the latest set weapons, tainted debuff have a chance to drop instantkill packs insted of banishing the target.*these dont work against bosses/mini bosses* but my question goes: is banish diffrent from instantkill? lets say can u insta kill a giant in maus? they cant be banished but can they get insta killed. i have tried to do it but didnt get lucky,would like to hear your thouts about it.

gl hf have a nice day

ps:i do think it will be fine if you can insta kill giants and big skeltons,you can already DPS them down but if u have a chance to just kill them with tainted that would boost the power of tainted weapons,as a mage atm i prefer to use horror over tainted even tho i cant charm some mobs.