View Full Version : Suggestion: Store elixirs to use later

11-08-2011, 03:29 AM
I don't really get why elixirs all take effect immediately upon purchase. I think it would make much more sense if the players could carry an inventory of them to activate later. There's really no reason they couldn't/shouldn't behave just like potions. It would certainly make party coordination much simpler if the members could just carry the elixirs they're planning to use rather than exit to buy them and rejoin party.

In fact, this would probably be a pretty good money-maker for the game. People who convert their plat to merchandise like elixirs are more likely to find themselves short of plat when a good deal comes along, causing them to buy more plat to take advantage of it. More plat, more money to STS. I'm actually pretty surprised this hasn't been done yet for that reason.

How it would work: elixir buff screen would show active elixir (as today) and also the other elixirs in inventory. Those that can't be activated (because another is active already) are grayed out. Player can activate one from this screen. Usual rules about when they can be used still apply.

11-08-2011, 09:19 AM
nice! maybe a stash to hold the elixirs! brilliant!

11-08-2011, 09:48 AM
That's a good idea, I was also thinking why not make them "time stack"? Instead of for example a 2x combo lasting 30 minutes why not be able to purchase more than one that run consecutively. Say 3 2x combos last 90 minutes instead of having to break from group to buy one every 30 minutes and also why can't players with a tier 3 guild purchase them with the discount anywhere in game instead of having to run to guild hall? That would be another nice feature.

11-08-2011, 09:59 AM
I like the OP.

Time stacking would be ok, but STS doesn't want people to accidentally buy a bazillion of them. Probably they can't make them time stafk currently and make buying the same kind extend the time if they're the same.

11-08-2011, 10:20 AM
One obstacle is the fact that various elixirs show up as the Deal of the Day, unless they do some kind of "limit 5 per account" or something. Otherwise people will always just wait for the DotD and never buy at regular or guild prices.
That's easily avoidable buy making dotd a one at a time purchase only.

11-09-2011, 07:48 PM
Yes I totally agree, I've always wished they didn't activate upon purchase. It'd be real nice to activate them when I wanted

11-09-2011, 08:42 PM
Edit Never mind.

11-09-2011, 09:43 PM
Yeah, I have to constantly buy 1.5 elixirs because they last 5 min.

The reason I buy 1.5 elixir is because there is party bonus which is 1.3.



11-11-2011, 04:56 PM
Nice idea! Would like this idea in game, also been toying with the idea of being able to pause elixers too. However storing would be amazing! Also sts could sell bulk elixee packs! I was also thinking of suggesting new elixers which could be damage, defense, and speed without the luck etc which could be good for those who want to just level fast