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View Full Version : The current state of twinking (Level 1-30)

03-25-2018, 04:03 PM
Many people are hoping that one day twinking will get fixed (including myself), but no one has made a thread about it in the last couple months I’ve been active on forum. That is why I have made this thread.

As most of you know, twinking at level 1-30 is unplayable atm. This is MOSTLY because of awakenings, armor awakenings to be specific. I have thought about how sts could revive twink the past couple of days and I have some ideas:

1. Disable all awakenings from PvP (Levels 1-30)

This idea has been mentioned before, disable all awakenings from PvP. Awakenings will still work in PvE. This essentially makes armor awakenings useless but this is the most effective way to revive twinking. Obviously many players will not like this idea just because they have used gold to awaken/paid extra for the awakes. That being said I feel like those who actually want to play and kill people will not have a problem with this idea.

2. Allow us (the players) to remove awakenings on our gear.

By removing awakenings I mean allowing us to reset our awakenings (item is now not awakened at all). This is not optimal but it allows those who want to play twink without awakenings to do so. There should be a resetting fee of 50k+ so players can’t abuse the awakening elixir. I’m not sure if this will revive twinking just because twink players will probably not reset their awakenings unless other players do. I have used a fair amount on awakening my twink gear and I’ll admit that I’m not sure if I would reset them because of the high chance that other players won’t. But it’s better than nothing.

And one last thing while we’re on this topic....remove Undying Orb from PvP. Undying armor is fine but Undying Orb in PvP is just unnecessary. Also insta-kill should not be a thing in any game that has PvP content. There are other ways to balance PvP for those saying that it’s good for tanks and mages since rogues are overpowered.

I have not fully thought about the consequences of these ideas so any feedback/other ideas would be appreciated. I think it’s time for sts to say something regarding this matter. It’s unfair to many players that are still hoping that they will do something.

- Screenshotz (Former 13/16-18/21-28 PvPer)

03-25-2018, 04:32 PM
''Twinking'' died with reason, people are quitting everyday, it's just how it is, soon there'll be ONLY maus farmers and endgame pvp players.
Things go by in life,you should go on with the fact that it's impossible to get to those ''good ol' days'' and the golden era of AL.
Every game has it's golden era, and every game dies eventually, whether it's a year or two, or even a decade.
I myself was playing a lot of lvl 10 and 14-15 pvp so I understand how you feel, but asking STS for a change that will not bring them profit is just too much, and I understand them. There have been numerous threads complaining about the same issue, but STS cares only about the endgame ( don't get me wrong, they should only care about the endgame at this point). That's all I had to say, ran out of words.

03-25-2018, 05:44 PM
Bottom line is Twinking doesnt make STS money and they have abandoned it. Theres so many ways the community has suggested the issues can be fixed. But they wont and to a certain extent i understand why. Still miss the good old days :(

03-25-2018, 06:48 PM
If the problem is how can STS benefit from twinking then they should make gear for PvP available only in crates.. making new sets each expansion with new buffs or stats, like the icescale set or something like that.. this is what came to my mind when I read the thread... Just a random thought.

03-26-2018, 08:46 AM
How can sts benefit from twinking? Twinking for many was the main reason why they played this game. Like Kershy said maybe introduce new gear that is on par with Ancient/Icescale/Vigorous/Eerie etc. It’s been a while since they have released gear that is on par/better than the best gear available. We don’t need the garbage Dragon Hunter sets that no one uses. The latest gear they released that’s actually good are Epidemic sets and Arlorian egg shelled ring...but they are very very rare. The new gear can be lootable in locks...not everything has to be about awakenings. If sts removed awake gems from the store for one week everyone would go crazy. I think its time to find other ways to keep the game alive, especially when you think of how active AL was before awakenings compared to today.

03-26-2018, 12:54 PM
How can sts benefit from twinking? Twinking for many was the main reason why they played this game. Like Kershy said maybe introduce new gear that is on par with Ancient/Icescale/Vigorous/Eerie etc. It’s been a while since they have released gear that is on par/better than the best gear available. We don’t need the garbage Dragon Hunter sets that no one uses. The latest gear they released that’s actually good are Epidemic sets and Arlorian egg shelled ring...but they are very very rare. The new gear can be lootable in locks...not everything has to be about awakenings. If sts removed awake gems from the store for one week everyone would go crazy. I think its time to find other ways to keep the game alive, especially when you think of how active AL was before awakenings compared to today.Totally agree with you!!

Suentous PO
03-26-2018, 01:08 PM
Had to dig into my crazy brain to find this one thread I bearly remember then several pages.....finally;

I'm also very interested in a PvP mode where you can only enter with a certain set of gear. This would give us a chance to balance a particular suite of gear (and I'd wanna do this for 66's only to start with) and create a PvP arena scenario where all participants are effectively 'balanced' to a neutral standard. Not sure if I can pull it off, but what I want to do is make it so that once you're in the PvP gear and you enter the Arena, you can't change your loadout; you must remain in the approved set for your class 'til the clash is done. Leave you lose, etc.

Y'all just need to remind him if he's not already doing it.

Ps TY Cinco ;)

03-26-2018, 02:25 PM
Had to dig into my crazy brain to find this one thread I bearly remember then several pages.....finally;

I'm also very interested in a PvP mode where you can only enter with a certain set of gear. This would give us a chance to balance a particular suite of gear (and I'd wanna do this for 66's only to start with) and create a PvP arena scenario where all participants are effectively 'balanced' to a neutral standard. Not sure if I can pull it off, but what I want to do is make it so that once you're in the PvP gear and you enter the Arena, you can't change your loadout; you must remain in the approved set for your class 'til the clash is done. Leave you lose, etc.

Y'all just need to remind him if he's not already doing it.

Ps TY Cinco ;)Woot! I never read that lol

03-26-2018, 03:19 PM
Forgive my ignorance, but can a PvP aficionado please explain why it's better to PvP as a twink vs end game? Why twink? What really makes it desirable vs end game PvP?

Suentous PO
03-26-2018, 03:37 PM
Forgive my ignorance, but can a PvP aficionado please explain why it's better to PvP as a twink vs end game? Why twink? What really makes it desirable vs end game PvP?

Dont like grind to endgame,
Item restriction; eg no belts at lv 8,
Already have endgame & like variety,
Level feels more balanced between classes, or prefer dynamics of the level.

Off the dome

03-26-2018, 04:40 PM
Forgive my ignorance, but can a PvP aficionado please explain why it's better to PvP as a twink vs end game? Why twink? What really makes it desirable vs end game PvP?Haha you've not tried twinks at all, if you've tried PvP above 41, and specially 66, you know it's easy to kill everyone with one shot as a rogue.. even tanks hit hard. This is not like that on low levels (at least on 16 and below). There you have real fights where it's more about technique rather than stats. I remember that I didn't have amazing stats as a lvl 12 rogue but I could still fight rogues with para/Eye gear and win the vs.. ofc this was before awakenings came in.. that's another thing that ruined it.. rogues now at 12 can reach 1.5k armor.. that's insane, isn't it?

03-26-2018, 05:05 PM
Haha you've not tried twinks at all, if you've tried PvP above 41, and specially 66, you know it's easy to kill everyone with one shot as a rogue.. even tanks hit hard. This is not like that on low levels (at least on 16 and below). There you have real fights where it's more about technique rather than stats. I remember that I didn't have amazing stats as a lvl 12 rogue but I could still fight rogues with para/Eye gear and win the vs.. ofc this was before awakenings came in.. that's another thing that ruined it.. rogues now at 12 can reach 1.5k armor.. that's insane, isn't it?

I knew game was up when i spent 15mins on my level 12 warrior just using jugg and vb running circles round 3 rogues, It kind of tickled

03-26-2018, 07:59 PM
I knew game was up when i spent 15mins on my level 12 warrior just using jugg and vb running circles round 3 rogues, It kind of tickledLol tanks were annoying there but still could beat them!

04-03-2018, 05:11 PM
Forgive my ignorance, but can a PvP aficionado please explain why it's better to PvP as a twink vs end game? Why twink? What really makes it desirable vs end game PvP?

Well for me at least, you don't get one shot in twinks unlike endgame. Hopefully twinks gets active again

04-04-2018, 05:26 PM
For me (As im from the UK) i find the lag delay makes a significant difference at endgame. At twink levels i find its more managable as you survive a lot lot longer

04-05-2018, 11:35 AM
Edgame pvp is so lit tho; 1shot rogue hahahahahhaha

04-06-2018, 01:29 PM
am new to game so dont know any idea about low lvl pvp,would love to try it if twinking goes active again.

02-04-2019, 05:05 PM
I have no idea what a vigorous ring gives
All it says is like it's beams with energy.

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02-04-2019, 06:25 PM
What could y’all have imagined if twink was alive today? Would AL be as active as before or would it have died later on? Btw this is just a guesstimate but I noticed that AL’s population had dropped a lot I’d say we lost about 65% of the official population I could be wrong I for sure know no dev will confirm it because the numbers will just scare us.

I don’t see that many players anymore I remember each place having full maps in paradise pier, exp camp, shuyal but now places like shuyal, nordr and kragg city are basically ghost towns mostly shuyal.

I don’t see why sts had to kill off twink, there were a lot more players then, then there are now. Doesn’t more players means more money? Now only those who’ve bought plat are playing the game I’d say a good 85% of them.

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