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View Full Version : Why Are Lvl 60's So Rude?

11-08-2011, 03:02 PM
Id just like to let you lvl 60's know that you really are NOT cool. You guys treat lower lvls like complete crap and you act like you are the gods of this game. It takes FOREVER to get to lvl 60 and when the lvl 60 feature was released I saw plenty of lvl 60's on the FIRST DAY. I think you lvl 60's need to learn respect. How about you help out others for once? How about you think about what someone needs rather than what you think you need? Thanks.

11-08-2011, 03:04 PM
Two things. One, as a helpful level 61, I find this offensive. And 2, the lower levels often beg for help or money and items, and this makes us not want to help some of you sometimes. All I have to say

11-08-2011, 03:08 PM
Lol is all i have to say

11-08-2011, 03:08 PM
It's been this way in history. (Rich and poor I.e) We just need to find a way to cope to each other before disaster (I.e. The French Revolition. May the heads keep rolling.)

11-08-2011, 03:08 PM
Id just like to let you lvl 60's know that you really are NOT cool. You guys treat lower lvls like complete crap and you act like you are the gods of this game. Well here's some news for you guys. You are more garbage than most of the people on this game. It takes FOREVER to get to lvl 60 and when the lvl 60 feature was released I saw plenty of lvl 60's on the FIRST DAY. I think you lvl 60's need to learn respect. How about you help out others for once? How about you think about what someone needs rather than what you think you need? Thanks.
Dude, im lvl 60, but I dont behave myself like this. There are kind lvl 60 people too cmon, im not saying I am kind but this is ridiculus

11-08-2011, 03:11 PM
Are you upset because ur getting booted? If so...don't take it personal..alot of ppl are grinding hard to 61 right now and the games ur joining might already be full..add me and I'll try to help you if I'm not busy.

Ign: walkhardd

11-08-2011, 03:18 PM
Maybe because you are asking to be power leveled? I hate being asked to do that. I will help guild members or friends lvl characters if they are in my range ie 54-60, but just because my character is 61 doesn't mean I HAVE to help everyone. Its kinda annoying being bombarded, that's why I'm playing sl till MT fang. I can't deal with beggars

11-08-2011, 03:23 PM
Maybe they are rude to you because you keep hijacking other peoples post and writing "rawr".

11-08-2011, 03:24 PM

Calling all high level jerks is simply offending. Seeing the way you're wording your post here, makes me suspect it might have to do with the way you approach them. Just sayin'

11-08-2011, 03:28 PM
*sets up a guilitine while watching the flaming burn*

11-08-2011, 03:33 PM
Id just like to let you lvl 60's know that you really are NOT cool. You guys treat lower lvls like complete crap and you act like you are the gods of this game. Well here's some news for you guys. You are more garbage than most of the people on this game. It takes FOREVER to get to lvl 60 and when the lvl 60 feature was released I saw plenty of lvl 60's on the FIRST DAY. I think you lvl 60's need to learn respect. How about you help out others for once? How about you think about what someone needs rather than what you think you need? Thanks.
I am a level 61 and I know any time anyone under level 55 send me a friend request they want one of three things...power level, gold, or items..I know this because of two things. The lower level is sitting at the spawn point of a town and sends friend request before you even completely spawn, or they just come right out and ask for pl,gold, or items right after the friend request.
If your getting booted from games its because they are usually full or you are not seen as a contribution to the group because your level is low..join groups appropriate for your level.

11-08-2011, 03:34 PM

11-08-2011, 03:35 PM
*sets up a guillotine while watching the flaming burn*
Fixed :p

This is a very hypocritical thread, you calling high levels rude while you yourself are being very rude. Just sayin, there are ways to voice your opinion while still being civilized.

Like others have said, just because someone is high level doesn't mean they are obligated to help every lowbie who asks for help, especially when it comes to things like powerleveling because many people are against it (myself included) seeing how it ruins the experience of the game and makes for inexperienced future high levels.

If you really want help with something I would be happy to lend a hand but I will be using one of my alts around your level.

11-08-2011, 03:38 PM
Or maybe you can ask your guild members to help you a bit? Isn't that what a guild is about?

This is your guild right?http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?t=41942

In these 200+ members there should be some who you can play with, being the GM and all O.o

11-08-2011, 03:44 PM
What you're doing is stereotyping all "high levels". Let me tell you this; I'm level 61, I am certainly no God nor do I wish to be. I help people when they need help. I saw a level 12 the other day, didn't know how to spend stat points, he had more deaths than kills, I offered to help, and got called a ****** loser in return. Did I tell him off? No. I continued to help him. Why? Because I am passive like that. I know many "high levels" that devote their playtime to help people. For future threads; please don't stereotype people. Thanks! :)

11-08-2011, 04:05 PM
This thread is pointless, stereotypical and stupid. Should've spent the wasted time on MW3 :/

11-08-2011, 04:19 PM
I'll show you some respect once you show me some respect.

Your flaming completely diluted your thesis.

11-08-2011, 04:34 PM
Thanks Low! Don't forget to go to Forest haven soon! It'll be a warning to all trols! Lol

May the heads keep rolling :p

Okay time for my real input in this argument:
1. Person stereotypes labeling "all lvl 60's"
2. Lvl 60's that don't meet the criteria tell the person to correct his wording with examples of why they don't fit the criteria.
3. Some flaming
4. Some random person talking about guillotines breaks down the thread as he is an optimistic person.
5a. Everyone ignores optimistic person and continues flaming then locked thread OR
5b. I somehow managed to cool down the situation in this analysis and we start talking about guillotines OR
5c. We all try to be at ease and have a good ending.

11-08-2011, 04:42 PM
[QUOTE=Draocad;475718]Hey mike... Shutup Noob!

^ Not needed.

And to you Mike,

If you are talking about PvP...not level 60 here...but I can agree to you on all the rushers. So if you are talking about PvP you have to deal with it. If you find a lot of rushes... create your own games and just boot rushers. If you create your own game you can boot everyone you don't like. You don't have to create a thread. People are just going to be mean to you.

11-08-2011, 04:48 PM
Wait? I was never mean to anyone! Don't even disagree! ;)

11-08-2011, 04:49 PM
Guess the 60's you've met aren't so kind as the ones I've seen...

I guess their egos are as big as their levels are high.

Many, if not most, of the higher leveled people are pretty nice, if you don't spam or beg

11-08-2011, 04:50 PM
I usually help my low lvl friends alot. Espicially if they r not beggers like ppl already mentioned. I do boot ppl from my partys, but only be cuz i, like alot of ppl r trying to reach 61 and i find it quicker if i have higher lvls

11-08-2011, 05:04 PM
Stupid 20% of 60/61s give us all a bad name sadly. :(

11-08-2011, 05:18 PM
This is offensive. Should be locked. Being a 60+ is hard because we get spammed with "can I have money" and often rude "give me money" messages. I dont even reply. All I have to say

11-08-2011, 05:34 PM
We get spammed all the time its so stressful being in a guild and also being 61 twice I don't know how I handle it sometimes:)

11-08-2011, 05:43 PM
Chillax people, he's just had some bad experiences with some 60s and losing his temper

11-08-2011, 05:49 PM
Maybe they are rude to you because you keep hijacking other peoples post and writing "rawr". lmao!

11-08-2011, 05:53 PM
I disagree. I think u just met one guy that was having a bad day.:D
And this is.kinda a sterotyping soooooooi yeah.

11-08-2011, 05:57 PM
I know what you mean. Some of the higher levels act "snobby" will not answer you when you speak to them or ask them a question. But, don't give up hope! I'm a lvl 60 mage and i'm always helping or talking to people who are a lower level than me. You just have to find the right person. Don't get too offended when someone acts like that to you. If you ever want to talk to someone or have a question i'll be more than happy to chat it up :) add me. My usernames are on my profile or in my signature.

11-08-2011, 06:01 PM
Chillax people, he's just had some bad experiences with some 60s and losing his temper

Doesn't make it right though...

To the OP, are you referring to ALL lvl60's, what kind of bad experiences have you had and have you had any good experiences? Would you take some time to constructively post why you felt the need to post the original thread so we can better understand what exactly is the issue rather than everyone assuming, because you might actually be trying to raise a really valid issue but just not getting the point across correctly.

Not great you felt the need to tar us all with the same brush but there are plenty of really great people in game at all levels. If you can post a few more details then we might be able to assisting / advising how to reduce those bad experiences. I really don't meet many 'idiots' in game often these days...

Feel free to reply or even PM almost any of the people who have replied, mostly they'll gladly discuss this further with you.

Hope you get some great experiences from now on... I've got toons at most levels.

11-08-2011, 06:02 PM
We get spammed all the time its so stressful being in a guild and also being 61 twice I don't know how I handle it sometimes:)

also. when i'm on my lvl 10 character i still get asked for money. i get asked for money on my level 29 bear. people will ask you for money no matter what level you are.

11-08-2011, 06:13 PM
Good thing I'm still level 58, once I turn level 60 im gonna be a jerk apparently...

11-08-2011, 06:28 PM
Good thing I'm still level 58, once I turn level 60 im gonna be a jerk apparently...

Well we can't have that! I command you to not level beyond 59! :D

Man I hate being sterotyped!

Tapatalk'd from my PowerWashed Fascinate

11-08-2011, 06:34 PM
As a level 60, I will say I have probably been a jerk at least once. But it's not like it doesn't happen to us, too. I get booted all the time with annoying reasons like "nope" etc. I don't relly give gold to lower levels or anyone for that matter. I don't try to act all cool like i "own" the game, but I'm pretty sure I have without intending to. It's not like all 60's are that way. In fact, we're not. You can't get to know a person from what they say in game. It's not always the person they really are, it's kinda like their shadow. And there ends my words of wisdom. BAI!

11-08-2011, 06:52 PM
This thread chose to take path 5a. Be warned that this is bad!

11-08-2011, 06:56 PM
Doesn't make it right though...

Yes but no one's perfect are they?

11-08-2011, 06:56 PM
I don't have any level 60 toons but I do have 2 level 59's and a 58. I've also recently leveled 3 twinks, a 30, 35, and 20. I've found rude people at all levels but it I feel like the lower level crowd is nicer and more apt to help overall. My 30 or 35 has never been booted out of swamps or AO (for my 35) by higher levels. If you ask a question about gear the lower levels are more likely to answer you than the higher level ones. Most importantly, if a lower level says they need help with a quest or to clear a map the whole group agrees to help. Try asking to get help clearing levels or doing a quest in nuri's. It's not gonna happen in a pug like it does in the lower levels. I've even seen the same attitude in this thread when people say things like "lower levels slow our runs down". You may not be conscious of it but that is a sort of egotistical attitude. In reality a level 55-59 isn't going to slow a group down that much. It's true that a lot of lower levels do beg of higher levels and there's not an excuse for that. But many of you have said things like "we don't friend lower levels because we get begged to much". I feel like that's also a stereotypical attitude and somewhat elitist.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying that ALL level 60's are jerks or there aren't jerks at lower levels. High levels should be considerate of lower levels, let them play along side you (unless the game is full of course, you have to read between the lines I can't say everything in a post haha), and answer questions (a level 55 in nuri's who doesn't frequent the forums may not know how to beat all the bosses there or how to handle the hard hitting mobs). Lower levels shouldn't beg or look for free rides off the high levels and be considerate when asking questions so as not to monopolize the higher levels time.

11-08-2011, 07:00 PM
i have two lvl 61s and a lvl 60, and i have spent hours helping ppl for free, i have offerd advise wehn asked, i have even loaned money to ppl i kinda know...

some might be most are not mean...

and yes i get "begged" for items and money allllll theeee ttttiiiime

11-08-2011, 07:08 PM
I'm level 28 I dont beg or ask for powerlevel, someone offers I jut say no thx and level 70's actually ARE helpful, jay help me with build airyina answer my questions!

11-08-2011, 07:14 PM
This thread chose to take path 5a. Be warned that this is bad!you get the guillotine, i'll get the basket :)

11-08-2011, 07:18 PM
Ok, stop profiling on high levels cause they wont do anything mean if u dont do any thing obnoxious, and since idk how to give a "Thumbs Up" on my iTouch, ill just say i completly agree with u Parth ^_^

11-08-2011, 07:43 PM
Im a lvl 61 and i treat others how they deserve to be treated. If you dont like how i treat you then you probably have a bad attitude or a foul mouth. Its that simple

11-08-2011, 07:43 PM
Id just like to let you lvl 60's know that you really are NOT cool. You guys treat lower lvls like complete crap and you act like you are the gods of this game. It takes FOREVER to get to lvl 60 and when the lvl 60 feature was released I saw plenty of lvl 60's on the FIRST DAY. I think you lvl 60's need to learn respect. How about you help out others for once? How about you think about what someone needs rather than what you think you need? Thanks.
Your not cool.. :)

11-08-2011, 07:54 PM
Id just like to let you lvl 60's know that you really are NOT cool. You guys treat lower lvls like complete crap and you act like you are the gods of this game. It takes FOREVER to get to lvl 60 and when the lvl 60 feature was released I saw plenty of lvl 60's on the FIRST DAY. I think you lvl 60's need to learn respect. How about you help out others for once? How about you think about what someone needs rather than what you think you need? Thanks.

Come on, some bad lvl 60s doesent mean all lvl 60s r bad. Get remind that u yrself be hitting 60 eventually. R u gonna say u r uncool too? Lmao! Run with yr friends, or not, host yr own game. The world dun evolve around anyone at all. Just play and enjoy the game as it meant to be.

11-08-2011, 08:34 PM
Personally, I think low levels are meaner than high levels...

Eric Huang
11-08-2011, 08:56 PM
Some people will say:
" can you give me dome money? "
" lend me money please " (99.99% won't give back)
" please give me your weapons "
The most annoying is that after you said sorry , they says that you're rich and stingy...D:

11-08-2011, 09:18 PM
Guys, idk if yoou realized this but the OP hasn't posted since the first post.

What this means is:

1. OP got the point and is keeping quiet
2. OP is humiliated and doesn't wanna show face

or (and this is the most probable one):

3. It was simply a troll post used to stir up drama on the forums.

- Successful troll is successful

11-08-2011, 09:26 PM
Well we can't have that! I command you to not level beyond 59! :D

Man I hate being sterotyped!

Tapatalk'd from my PowerWashed Fascinate

Or, he could somehow magically skip lvl 60 and become 61 immediately. O.o

11-08-2011, 09:29 PM
I think this post could be alot better by just putting the wordf "MOST". I have to agree that most lev 60 games i join i often get booted.

11-08-2011, 09:33 PM
Id just like to let you lvl 60's know that you really are NOT cool. You guys treat lower lvls like complete crap and you act like you are the gods of this game. It takes FOREVER to get to lvl 60 and when the lvl 60 feature was released I saw plenty of lvl 60's on the FIRST DAY. I think you lvl 60's need to learn respect. How about you help out others for once? How about you think about what someone needs rather than what you think you need? Thanks.

u are saying that we lvl 60s should act like noobs like we used to and help out other players by giving them respect? respect as in giving them complete attention and items for free? and we do help players but the begging is a problem

11-08-2011, 09:55 PM
I think this post could be alot better by just putting the wordf "MOST". I have to agree that most lev 60 games i join i often get booted.

Not my games Elite!!! :D

And blox, I agree with you when you said, "...we do help players but the begging is a problem." Many (not all of course) are more than happy to help a fellow player in need, however this becomes an issue when people begin taking advantage of us. Being constantly bombarded with begs, hurtful words, harrassment, and just plain being irritating can render even the most helpful of us into an insensitive player.

The moral of the story here is:

Don't bite the hand that feeds you

11-08-2011, 09:57 PM
Don't bite the hand that feeds you

Amen to that.

11-08-2011, 09:58 PM
Amen to that.

What if it's naughty?

11-08-2011, 09:59 PM
What if it's naughty?

And this is when the hijacking of the thread begins!

Who wants Cookies?? :D

PL Playa
11-08-2011, 10:00 PM
I'm not even a level 60 and one of my best friends, my GM, is a level 60. He has done so much for me, given me money, leveled me. We were friends before guilds and so I was first one invited. I must say the poor analysis may just have been due to one person, or a bad day, but not all high level players are bad. I know many others have said this buy I am trying to just reinforce the point.

11-08-2011, 10:00 PM
What if it's naughty?

Naughty as in a giggity-giggity-goo kind of way or naughty as in pulling a fire alarm when there's no fire? ;)

11-08-2011, 10:03 PM
Naughty as in a giggity-giggity-goo kind of way or naughty as in pulling a fire alarm when there's no fire? ;)


@Moarpewpew, Just trying to deviate the thread from upcoming drama if there is any. (:

11-08-2011, 11:55 PM
I am the meanest, angriest, 61 in-game dude, but I never see you? We should hang some time and you can see the real mean ones, like me haha. ;)

11-09-2011, 01:24 AM
Two things. One, as a helpful level 61, I find this offensive. And 2, the lower levels often beg for help or money and items, and this makes us not want to help some of you sometimes. All I have to say


Android LG Optimus using Tapatalk

11-09-2011, 01:35 AM
I love how these threads only make the OP look ignorant ;)

11-09-2011, 01:43 AM
I love how these threads only make the OP look ignorant ;)they do backfire often dont they? Lol eventually people will learn to roll with the punches, its an art that takes a while to master :p

11-09-2011, 02:34 AM
Or maybe you can ask your guild members to help you a bit? Isn't that what a guild is about?

This is your guild right?http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?t=41942

In these 200+ members there should be some who you can play with, being the GM and all O.o

Omg! I love this response!
Thanks to much for the link ;-)

11-09-2011, 02:41 AM
I think enough is enough. While I look back at my posts, I don't think I posted in the best light. Sure, the posting didn't mean to come out as he intended, but I think we knew what he meant as well. Bagging on him makes us just as bad.

That being said, I stick with my original statement. You respect me and I'll respect you. (:

11-09-2011, 03:24 AM
I'm 61, so whatevah...

I think a lot of lvl 60's are less tolerant recently ( and many ppl HAVE been -there's no denying it... ) because with the new lvl cap looming they feel more pressure to bust out completely efficient runs, and having lower lvl characters in the group threatens that efficiency -not by much, in the hands of a strong player... But that's not often the case. Having all 60's in the group insures that everyone is on the same page, and working towards the same goal.

They want to hit 61 ASAP, with no time for BS (and I'm not talking about Balefort Sewers, either...)

11-09-2011, 03:42 AM
I'm 61, so whatevah...

I think a lot of lvl 60's are less tolerant recently ( and many ppl HAVE been -there's no denying it... ) because with the new lvl cap looming they feel more pressure to bust out completely efficient runs, and having lower lvl characters in the group threatens that efficiency -not by much, in the hands of a strong player... But that's not often the case. Having all 60's in the group insures that everyone is on the same page, and working towards the same goal.

They want to hit 61 ASAP, with no time for BS (and I'm not talking about Balefort Sewers, either...)
Think you missed the point of his post, bud. (: I believe he meant lower level as in 20-45. (:

11-09-2011, 03:51 AM
Think you missed the point of his post, bud. (: I believe he meant lower level as in 20-45. (:LOL! it wouldn't be the first time for me!:witless:

11-09-2011, 04:35 AM
I am the meanest, angriest, 61 in-game dude, but I never see you? We should hang some time and you can see the real mean ones, like me haha. ;)


11-09-2011, 04:48 AM
There's just as many rude lower level players as well. Many are just punks talking trash & hanging around trying to scam.
I hate beggars for real like everyone mentioned. I dont know why people even start playing if they don't even want to try.
Many twinks/scale farmers were annoying in the Halloween event! I'm not saying all of them but you were thinking like high levels were purposely trying to ruin their farming!

11-09-2011, 07:43 AM
I don't think you should take your experience with SOME high levels and apply that to ALL high levels. This kind of prejudicial behavior certainly does not help your cause. Many high levels are helpful. You probably don't realize that the high levels that go on the forums tend to be some of the most helpful players in the game. It's not appropriate to bash like this, but especially to all of us.

11-09-2011, 01:30 PM
You probably had a few bad experiences that drove you to create this thread. But don't sweat it, you'll find that you'll be bothered less and less by negative experiences if you don't let them get to you. Just surround yourself with people you trust and can rely on such as guild members and friends.

When you get to the high levels, you would probably understand why people have done what they did for various reasons. You may or may not agree but at least you'll see what a lot of posters before me have shared about the experiences they had with lower levels.

11-09-2011, 04:55 PM
Yes, yes. I think he gets it. Anyway... you don't have to post anymore.

11-09-2011, 09:01 PM
Hey, I know u!
We did a crush the keeper run together today :)

11-09-2011, 09:05 PM
Id just like to let you lvl 60's know that you really are NOT cool. You guys treat lower lvls like complete crap and you act like you are the gods of this game. It takes FOREVER to get to lvl 60 and when the lvl 60 feature was released I saw plenty of lvl 60's on the FIRST DAY. I think you lvl 60's need to learn respect. How about you help out others for once? How about you think about what someone needs rather than what you think you need? Thanks.
Why are all the low lvls soooooo rude ...bwhahahahha ...the worlds against me boooohoooo hahahahahah... ...oooops spilled my soda. Funny shizzz tho

11-09-2011, 11:53 PM
Haters gonna hate

11-10-2011, 04:30 AM
What? They probably treat you like crap if your begging 24/7. Get your facts right before making such a broad and RUDE comment.

11-10-2011, 06:54 AM
I'm level 28 I dont beg or ask for powerlevel, someone offers I jut say no thx and level 70's actually ARE helpful, jay help me with build airyina answer my questions!

Where are these elusive level 70s?? :)

11-10-2011, 07:33 AM
Typical stereotype...

Get to lv60/61 and you'll understand.

11-10-2011, 09:12 AM
This is a horrible topic!!!!
So much has been said in here that I agree with putting down your post.
Like so many others I don't wanna be rude, but what you have said will only make
people look for you in game and ignore you!!! You 1 either met the wrong person or like
others have said approached people in the wrong mannor. Come on now.... Think about what
your saying here to an entire forum full of PL players.....
Your setting yourself up to have people become rude to you that normally would be
happy to help you along and laugh with you and not at you!!!

11-10-2011, 12:34 PM
Everyone who said that lv. 55 and under ask for pwoer lvling and gold. You cannoit call me a hypocrite or tell me Im stereotyping. You base what your saying off of first hand experience. Im basing my theis off of first hand experience. This wasnt directed toward all lv. 60's. Rather to those who treat me poorly. I dont ask for money, I dont ask for power lvling, and i really dont need items. Im sorry. I didnt mean to direct it toward everyone.

11-10-2011, 02:01 PM
Perhaps you should edit your original post to include that information

11-10-2011, 02:29 PM
Stereotyping, aye? I don't care for this at all. I have refrained from posting on this thread because it is so dull and idiotic.....
Here are just a few examples:

-Ambassadors of Alterra - created for those with lots of gaming experience to make a lower level and help lower levels.

-Guardians of Alterra - people picked for helping the community in all aspects of the game.

And if you were inferring to 'some' level 60's, why did you flat out say just level 60's? Some level 10's are rude, some level 20's are rude, some level 30's are rude, some level 40's are rude, some level 50's are rude, and YES! some level 60's are going to be rude. That is life.

When you have a job and your boss is a complete jackwagon, you don't go and flame every other boss for being a jerk. You don't go posting posters and rioting because your boss is a jerk, you stick with it or leave.


11-11-2011, 04:13 PM
Why don't you go do it yourself, like most others have done. This game is played for the individual, so flaming higher level players will get you nothing, but a loss of my respect.

11-11-2011, 07:08 PM
This entire thread is extremely amusing. I read the first post and nearly got upset, and then my pain started to ease.

Let's just all agree a few basic well known things in PL:

1) all high levels are very stupid
2) all high levels are extremely unhelpful
3) all high levels have a tendency to be substantially rude all the time
4) all high levels should indeed be banned for ever and ever
5) [maybe irrelevant] all high levels should give everything they have to low levels, including money items and experience.

Good, now we're all in agreement, we should close this thread.

11-11-2011, 07:09 PM
or not

11-11-2011, 07:19 PM
Wow, this thread still alive and (literally) kicking? O.o

11-11-2011, 07:37 PM
Wow, this thread still alive and (literally) kicking? O.o

success comes from within :-)))

11-11-2011, 07:38 PM
This guy tarnished his forum reputation within a week lol. His threads have yet to hold any backbone, so don't take this guy so seriously :)

11-11-2011, 07:42 PM
Fallacy!!! or use of fake logic ;D
your saying that since one lvl 60 is rude, all lvl 60's are rude
its like saying if someone's a good swimmer and is on the swim team and whales are good swimmers, that person is a whale or whales are on the swim team...
it doesn't make sense does it?

11-11-2011, 10:11 PM

This entire thread is extremely amusing. I read the first post and nearly got upset, and then my pain started to ease.

Let's just all agree a few basic well known things in PL:

1) all high levels are very stupid
2) all high levels are extremely unhelpful
3) all high levels have a tendency to be substantially rude all the time
4) all high levels should indeed be banned for ever and ever
5) [maybe irrelevant] all high levels should give everything they have to low levels, including money items and experience.

Good, now we're all in agreement, we should close this thread.

And guys, let's let this go. :) We all got our points across, let bygones be bygones.;)

11-11-2011, 10:18 PM
i have two lvl 61s and a lvl 60, and i have spent hours helping ppl for free, i have offerd advise wehn asked, i have even loaned money to ppl i kinda know...

Some might be most are not mean...

And yes i get "begged" for items and money allllll theeee ttttiiiime

mes does help!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-12-2011, 01:48 AM

11-12-2011, 03:27 AM
This reminds me of the guy who's saying everyone below lvl 60 is so needy

11-12-2011, 03:51 AM
Does this mean I should be using my high levels to give away stuff instead of using my low-level toons to do that?


11-12-2011, 07:33 AM
Samhayne should have closed this a while ago, BEFORE it got ugly...

11-12-2011, 07:38 AM
This reminds me of the guy who's saying everyone below lvl 60 is so needy

If you took a closer look at that thread, you'd realize the OP was joking.

11-12-2011, 02:25 PM
This thread needs a lock. All its good for now is boosting your forum count like so. :P I think our points have been made. Now lets let this thread die. :D

11-12-2011, 03:51 PM
First off I hv several characters two of them at 60. I have a lot of respect for everyone in the game as long as they r respectful towards me as well. I hv never been rude to anyone in the game n I truly find ur comment insulting to many of us lvl 60's that work hard n try to help others get lvled and helping them with quests. You need to look into showing respect to other fellow players maybe you have been rude to them n they in return are returning the same behavior u r exhibiting. There r a lot of very nice respectful lvl 60's out there willing to help without even asking for anything in return. I am one of them!

11-12-2011, 06:30 PM
Hey folks,

We've closed this thread, and would like to take a moment to explain why. While you're free to discuss, and even debate, we do expect you to do so in a civil and constructive manner. There's a fine line between a mild rant to get something off your chest, satire, and flat out flaming. We appreciate your understanding; discussions are fine, but this has degenerated into the realm of Not Constructive Land.

Take care out there!
