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View Full Version : Good to be back! Kinda

04-03-2018, 09:24 PM
Hey guys my name is Chase and in game I am Lordsgift. Some of you might know me from 56-61 PVP back in 2013 some might not doesn't matter I'm not that good to be well known haha. Anyways, I came back to PL about 2 months ago and a lot has changed including the fact that a lot of people quit and it is starting to be in a dire situation.. Playing PVP has always been the sole reason for me to play Pocket legends and it really hurts to see that die as well.. Anyways, I have been experimenting a lot of pvp levels from 15 up and I gotta say I fell in love with 45 pvp. The game play is a lot of fun in this level and isn't slow like low level pvp but rather fast paced constant FFA and Ctf. Also it doesn't require set enhancements for the people who cannot afford it at least until yet. My good friend from back in 2015 came back last week and i am happy to say he came to 45 pvp. His name is Waves/Bossnuke really good fella and we are trying our best to keep 45 pvp fun and active. I know not all of you guys have oktal pets and it might be a little difficult coming to 45 but you guys should definitely check it out! I am not going to lie 45 pvp is not as active as low level but it is starting to grow and I would really be happy to see some of you guys come over here! If you love FFA and CTF and fast paced pvp come here!! Anyways, for those who read this thank you for your time and hope this message reaches you well. If you guys have any quetions in game shoot me a pm I am not hard to find :) I am always on my 45 bird Emplor i got dat pink outfit :D Anyways deuces fellas

