View Full Version : Bring Back the PvP lb

04-04-2018, 10:02 AM
Please Bring back the PvP lb, i know it has been discussed like thousands time but its worth it.

i know its been removed coz of dammy farming but if u reset the lb once a year/season it will be awesome.

if u can remove tons of energy and energy essence from every single player, then its not a big deal to remove those PvP kills once a year/season.

And + the game will bring back thousands of players who just quit coz of that.

We the Arlorians, wants a fresh reworked PvP lb.
Let everyone know what u think about it.

We want an alive PvP

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04-04-2018, 10:21 AM
I'd say NO to "PVP CHEATERBOARD" sorry ;-; cheating days are done,deal with it. The Flag Leaderboard perhaps. I see no reason for it not to come back also, there can be lots of ways in getting those banners like they can set a "Seasonal PvP Tournament" not just lb

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04-04-2018, 01:09 PM
I will be posting a thread about this next week probably.

04-05-2018, 09:10 PM
It's debatable. People can play legit and others can farm slowly for kills and make it seem legit. It could be wiped out every month or so but dummy farmers so never go away. In fact they will return 10x worse since now many m is the trick.

04-05-2018, 09:21 PM
Just sucks to even bring this topic up. We won't get PvP back

04-21-2018, 06:45 AM
A NEW tweaked Leaderboard can work I guess...

1.) Previously the dummyfarming went overboard because pvp rooms get locked after a certain number of flags/kills and dummykillers can lock themselves up alone with the dummies for hours.

2.) Just disable the locking system and let the room end and reset when a certain number of flags/kills are acquired by a team. When there is no locking anyone can enter and farm the dummyfarmers.

3.) The Leaderboard should be erased and reset periodically.

04-21-2018, 01:19 PM
2.) Just disable the locking system and let the room end and reset when a certain number of flags/kills are acquired by a team. When there is no locking anyone can enter and farm the dummyfarmers.

this will not help, dummy farmers can do kills in tdm forest because there nobody playing pvp, people going there only for trull ap or farming dummies

04-22-2018, 03:50 AM
In my opinion there is no way to make pvp leaderboard fair so I don't want it back it's just a challenge who does best dummy farming and tbh I think the idea to reset kdr every season can only come from a dummy farmer:) ask one of the few ppl who farmed legit more than 100k pvp if they want their kdr resetet next season. The community took it so far to force sts to remove that lb cuz they all were cheating themselves into this lb without any shame and now it's removed and if the community doesn't change in that point I'm sure other leaderboards will follow.

04-29-2018, 11:15 PM
In my opinion there is no way to make pvp leaderboard fair so I don't want it back it's just a challenge who does best dummy farming and tbh I think the idea to reset kdr every season can only come from a dummy farmer:) ask one of the few ppl who farmed legit more than 100k pvp if they want their kdr resetet next season.

It was suggested to reset the Leaderboard not individual KDR. You misread the posts I guess. Nothing is 100% fair or perfect, but it can be fairer than before. People can enter TDM or anywhere dummy farmers are and kill them once room-locking is disabled.

Also a new PVP leaderboard could be for flagging if not for kills. The Leaderboard could take into account the flags scored in a particular pvp season (week/month/fortnight) and not the total number of flags anyone has currently.

If a particular guild tries to get free flags for its members (like they do flagdummying for flagging APs now), there could be rival guilds who give it competition and interrupt the free-flagging.

04-30-2018, 02:25 PM
sadly cheaters ruin privileges for all of us

05-02-2018, 04:16 AM
Thanks, but no