View Full Version : More console commands, e.g. /host sy2, /join soiledpants, /joinany blackstar, etc

11-09-2011, 03:20 AM
Like the title says, how about adding some actual commands to the sl "console"?

Some examples could be:
/host <map> [password]
/joinfriend <friendname> [password]
/join <game host name> [password]
/joinany <map>
/inventory [category]
/liquidate [category]:[pattern]
/give [item] [playername]

And last but not the least:
/listsettings (or just /set with no args)
/set [setting] [value]
/set guildmotd "meeting at guild hall today UTC 12:00"
/set autoreply "running with elixir, get back with you in a minute"

None of this would clutter anyone's interface, big or small device. We could assign those to quick chats any way we please and decide ourselves which we need to use the most. It should also be very simple and safe to implement. And I can't think of a downside other than the shortage in quickchat slots and my own inability to type without typos on my device. :)

I also thought about settable game names:
/host <map> [password] [gamename]

The game name would allow the host to give a name for the game, like "exp run, no boss" or "des king ol gurg" ;)
But the more I thought about it the gamename might be unnecessary if the password setting and remaking would be easier, because then guild runs, solo runners and other should-be-pw-games could be made with pw set easy enough.

Quake (and many games since) employed this scheme to great success. I'm not sure how many here remember, but quake even featured scripts and binds (on press and on release separately!) through that interface, which allowed elaborate macros to be written using them (like the "adjustable secondary weapon quick button for close encounters" which I used back then). Now I'm not saying such features are needed or wanted here, but I am saying that Carmack et al hit a home run there, too. Those that remember the guis really weren't epic.

11-09-2011, 11:47 AM
There's one that I've tried to brainstorm for awhile but am not sure how feasible:

/follow playername
which, if playername accepts, you automatically join them on their hosted runs until you logout or until they take you off their followers list (another tab in the social area?)

11-09-2011, 11:51 AM
Nice ideas