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View Full Version : About Curse and PvE and How to Fix This Issue

04-15-2018, 01:29 AM
We all know that Curse is the most useless skill for PvE in AL due to the way it handles an enemy landing a hit on either you or your allies, but it's the opposite in PvP. I really want to use Curse in PvE because it could have potential as a great support skill, but is watered down by the reason mentioned earlier. So with that being said, here's what I feel could be done to finally make this a skill that can actually be useful in PvE,while not breaking PvP:

1.Increase base range to 6m, Sweeping Curse doubles this to 12m,
2.Increase base amount of enemies affected to 5, Sweeping Curse doubles this to 10
3.Updated Mastery:
-Crit debuff is retained
-Enemy Receives tiny amounts of DoT (0.5 seconds per tick) when damaged by Curse
-Level 1: 1 Second,-1% Crit
-Level 2: 1.5 Seconds,-2% Crit
-Level 3: 1.5 Seconds,-3% Crit
-Level 4: 2 Seconds,-4% Crit
-Level 10: 3.5 Seconds,-10% Crit
4.Make enemies receive damage on attacking instead of landing hit

What do you guys think about this idea? What do you think could be done to make Curse more effective in PvE?