View Full Version : One small adjustment to make the leaderboard more fair for all of us

04-22-2018, 02:44 AM
Dear spacetime team

I have a suggestion about the best player leaderboard. First of all I like the idea to let hauntlet be available for farming kills so everyone is able to go in the competition and not just those who were able to farm tons of kills in tombs in the past. The problem is that many people just use bot programs instead playing fair. Some are not even satisfied when they got 3m kills more than the others and can't stop:)) and nearly every day I see people who join lb or climb higher and instantly go crazy with bot programs. It comes to a point where people think they have to do the same or they will never have a chance at lb and it ends one day in a leaderboard without a single legit player like the pvp lb and will be removed.

I think 1 small adjustment could solve the problem:) at hauntlet when we have to pass the red portal to open the map at the moment we attack it to open the map but u could change it in a way that when u r close to the portal a random located button applies on screen which u have to tap to start. This would confuse the bot program. Maybe u can make the bot tap whole screen idk but I guess that takes so long that the people who run legit have a chance again cuz they r so much faster. (It's also possible to give 3 tries to hit button correct or room is locked and need remap then no one can bot but maybe this goes too far in your opinion)

Maybe you think its not worth to put effort in this but I think a more fair leaderboard would change the game a lot. Much more people would go for it. It's sad that we need to do stuff like that. It's sad that some people feel no shame and continue their obviously cheated success and let themselves be celebrated by their guilds and people who have no idea what's possible and what not. OK, thanks to all who read this maybe what I suggest is possible and you can do something like that:)


and thanks for this great game and all the years together:)