View Full Version : Several Detailed Ideas That Would Make AL More Enjoyable

04-24-2018, 05:02 PM
Several Ideas That Would Simply Make AL More Enjoyable

Below are several detailed ideas that would make the game much better in my view. After playing this game for over 5 years, I have come to the conclusion that the following ideas are necessary to make AL play more enjoyable. Of course, as always, this is just my opinion, but feel free to comment on what you agree/disagree with. I recall devs saying that they read every post here, and always respond when there is clearly detailed/constructive comments, so I do my best to address everything down below.

Here is a list of the ideas I propose in the following post:

1) A Remap Button (For Maps On World Map Only)
2) "Trade" with Offline Players
3) Pet Swap Button
4) Trade multiple items (More than 4)
5) Mass Sell/Collect button on Auction
6) Mass Open Button for Eggs/Crates/Chests


Idea #1 : A Remap Button

Explanation of the idea

What this entails is implementing a so-called "remap button" for each map that could be accessed from the world map. Let us use an example. Consider the timed map "Elite Brackenridge Forest." With a remap button, the process would look something like the following:

In map=> Remap button=> In map again

Without a remap button, the process is currently:

In map=> Avatar=> World map=> Town=> World map=> Elite=> Press map=> Go=> In map

This remap button saves the few seconds in between (which is a lot if a player wants to keep rerunning a map). This could also be implemented for untimed maps, where if you press it, you get sent to a new, clean map. Note: This should be disabled for maus maps because those need sequential access.

Why Having a Remap Button is a Good Idea

This button would appeal to several people. For one, this would appeal to farmers, a significant portion of the AL community. To give an example, many players farm Elite Southern Gates for gold. I hear time and time again how annoying it is for players to leave the map, do some party stuff, press avatar, world map, and elite, and map again. I floated the idea of having a remap button, and every single one of them loved it. By having this buttons, players would be happier, and could farm with ease. The main point is that the current remap scheme is unnecessarily tedious.

This button would also appeal to timed runners. Of course, I'm a little biased since I'm a timed runner, but this would save a LOT of time for us because we can simply press the remap button when we have a less-than-optimal run, which would save a lot of time rerunning maps. It would also make gameplay much more fun. If memory is a problem for STS, it could be implemented such that only the Party leader can remap (to prevent 4 new maps from being created).

Possible Objections/Rebuttals to the Objections

In my view, there are no clear objections to this idea. Since someone can already remap-if the map is timed, just go to town, and back to the timed map, and if the map is untimed, do "/partyL, and /partyi asdf" and when you rejoin the map you will be in a new version of it.

Possible Objection: Wouldn't this button be abused by botters?

Rebuttal: If we are being real here, botters already abuse this game. They already know how to remap under the current system, and the system does nothing to deter them from doing so. Adding a button that would help hundreds of players and make gameplay much easier and enjoyable outweighs the drawbacks of it being potentially easier for botters to exploit.

Possible Objection: What if someone disconnects and wants to get back to the map they were just doing?

Rebuttal: The remap button would not impede this in any way. If a player disconnects, they will be sent back to the map they were just in until a certain time (this is what already happens now).

Possible Objection: Wouldn't this create an unnecessarily large amount of maps which could cause problems for STS, since their memory space is finite?

Rebuttal: No, because if it did, the current system wouldn't be in place. The current system ALREADY allows players to go to new maps, simply by creating ghost parties and leaving them. And for timed maps, after starting the time and leaving, you get sent to a new, clean map when you remap.

Implementation Difficulty: 3/10

In my view, this would be relatively easy to implement. Because players can already remap, this involves simply cutting out the fat of the process. The only new implementation would be the design/place of the remap button, and the backend creation of a copy of the same map (which is the same as pressing it on the world map, so shouldn't be too hard). Because the process is already possible, it most likely isn't very hard to implement. Currently, a map "resets" either when a player does the annoying party commands above, or kills the boss, so it should be feasible. Of course, things like checking whether a player inventory is full is necessary.


Idea #2: "Trade" with Offline Players

Explanation of the Idea

What this would entail is the following:

1) A system for players to gift items to offline players. This would involve typing in an in game name, selecting an item, and pressing gift. Of course, there would be confirmation boxes to deter any typos or mistakes in the username.

2) A more ambitious extension: A system for players to TRADE items to offline players. What this would involve is Player A sending a Trade "request" to Player B. This would be some User interface allowing Player A to select items and gold from his/her inventory, and request his/her items to be traded with certain items and gold that Player B has. To deter frivolous trade requests, it could be implemented such that if Player A requests a trade for items/gold that Player B does not have, the trade request will not go through.

Why a System to "Trade" with Offline Players is a Good Idea

Time and time again, I see on the traders market, or in game, that players always complain that their potential buyers are offline. This is without a doubt one of the most prevalent problems irking much of the merchant and even non-merchant community. Players wait for hours, even days, until the person that posted on their thread logs in, to make the trade.

People have busy schedules, and cannot always log in at the same time (especially if timezones are different). By having this system, all Player A has to do is send a request, and once Player B logs in, he can accept the request (even if Player A is sleeping), and the trade will have been successful. Of course, inventory capacities etc. should all be accounted for.

With regards to the gifting, I am not suggesting that gold be allowed to be "gifted" (as I detail later on). However, for items, I think it should be possible for Player A to gift item(s) to Player B, even if player B is offline. Once Player B logs in, they can then claim the items they were gifted.

Possible Objections/Rebuttals to the Objections

Because this has to do with trading, there are many possible objections to this system, which I will address.

Possible Objection: Ok, on the surface this idea seems like it will benefit the trading community. But you forgot about scammers. Wouldn't the gifting system make it easier to scam?

Rebuttal: The short answer is no, it would not. Here is why. Gifting has been controversial ever since early 2013, when I first started this game. The argument against it was that it makes it easier for scammers to cajole/lure innocent players into gifting items to them, and then running off with them. However, STS has decided to keep gifting, since it provided an invaluable resource for players that want to simply give items to another. If a player is offline, that simple fact will not increase the ease of scamming in any way. I cannot think of a way in which scammers could abuse a gifting system for players offline that they couldn't abuse in the current system.

Possible Objection: Fine, but surely the trading system will be sketchy/allow scams?

Rebuttal: While it is an ambitious extension of the current system, I believe that no, it would not. Several other games have trading systems/request systems for offline players, and they work without any scams being possible whatsoever. I don't see how someone can scam just by sending a request to someone offline. As always, BOTH PARTIES must confirm the trade. This is the exact same as the current trading box, where both parties put in items/gold they want to trade, and both confirm.

Possible Objection: Hmm, ok, but what if players want to change their request?

Rebuttal: I concede that this is a valid objection. It would be tough to make a trading system with offline players that allows for the alteration of requests. What I propose is that there be no alteration system at first. This system should first only be for trades that either a) both players agreed to on the forums or elsewhere but can't login at the same time or b) where Player A wants to see if Player B will trade items for their request, so they make a request and either get accepted or denied by Player B.

Possible Objection: Ok, I guess I'm satisfied that scammers can't take advantage of this system more than they can the system that's already in place but... you forgot about gold sellers. Wouldn't this make it easier for players to engage in illegal activity such as moving huge amounts of gold around to fool STS?

Rebuttal: Nope. Note that I did not suggest gold to be allowed to be gifted. The reason for this was simply because of this problem — gold sellers could easily gift massive amounts of gold to accounts and spread it out etc. to deceive STS. The trading system I outlined above, however, would not allow this. Note that both Player A and Player B have to accept a trade, just like the current system. Gold sellers wouldn't be able to abuse this proposed system more than they can abuse the current system.

Implementation Difficulty: 8/10

I'm not going to sugarcoat this - this would probably be pretty hard to implement. Not only does STS have to ensure that the system doesn't make it easier for scammers to abuse (though I outlined why it doesn't above, the UI could make it the case), but they also have to make a new UI that allows offline trades. And given that things such as the glitchy confirm trade button that takes 5 clicks to register haven't been fixed, I assume that it is quite hard to fix/make things relating to trade. But I cannot stress enough how beneficial this would be to the community. People would simply just be happier.


Idea #3 : Pet Swap Button

Explanation of the Idea

This button could be implemented in several ways. For one suppose I have two pets A and B. And suppose I have A summoned currently. A pet button could be placed on the HUD (perhaps above the inventory quick slots), and once pressed, it would summon B. And once B was summoned, if you press it, it would summon A. Of course, this would require the user pressing it at first and selecting 2 pets to put. Moreover, the pet regulations would still have to be in place, i.e. you can only summon when the pet aa isn't active etc.

Why Having a Pet Swap Button is a Good Idea

From a small survey of 64 individuals in the AL community (Random people in towns), I asked the following question. How many pets do you use daily? The responses were as follows: A staggering 50 responded that they used 2, 10 responded that they used 1, and 4 responded that they used 3+. From this small server, it was clear to me that many people used 2 pets. A frequent combination was those who used nekro/glowstik, or magma/nekro, etc.

In my view, players would definitely enjoy having a pet swap button. Although the stable is much cleaner than the previous one, one things it lacks is the "ease of summoning." Frequently I hear complaints of how long it takes to summon a pet - you have to click stable, select preferences, click pet summon. And to summon another, you have to do the same thing. A pet swap button would take care of all that clicking and make it easier on the user.

There are just many instances when people want to switch pets. For example, at a boss, someone might want to switch a pet to one with an AA that increases boss damage, or damage, or crit, etc. While fighting a boss, a player does not want to open stable and go thru all those clicks, potentially dying. This button provides the solution.

To elaborate on the 2 pet thing - it would be useful if one pet you could select none, and one you could select a pet. In numerous scenarios, players unsummon their pet in towns, or houses, or guildhalls for several different reasons. This would make it easy to do this, as well as swapping between pets. And it can't be abused because of the pet aa active restriction.

Possible Objections/Rebuttals to the Objections

Possible Objection: The HUD would just become more cluttered - do we really need this?

Rebuttal: Yes. For one, countless players use 2 pets, and it would be invaluable. Two, the right side of the screen is effectively useless - we already have pet aa there and quick slots. So why not use a little more space for pet swap?

Possible Objection: Besides that, it sounds cool, I don't really have any other possible objections, and I've racked my mind.

Rebuttal: Yeah, it does.

Implementation Difficulty: 6/10

I don't claim this would be easy to implement, but I think it is something that many many players would want. Since you can already summon a pet and then summon another, it would really just be the implementation of the button and the swapping.


Idea #4 : Option to Trade Multiple Items (more than 4)

Explanation of the Idea

This has been one of the most outdated things in AL in my opinion. The trade window. What this idea does is simply reform the entire trade window as follows. First, make the box allow more than 4 unique items. 6 would be nice, 3 in each column. Second, allow the option to trade many items of the same kind. For instance, 70 red eggs. Or 15 locked crates. You get the idea. There should be an option to click an item, and select a quantity, and put it in the trade box. It should be clear how many items should be traded - bold or something - to ensure no abuse.

Why the Ability to Trade Multiple Items is a Good Idea

This would be invaluable to players who want to trade multiple items, rather than going 4 at a time, one by one (with a glitchy confirm trade button as well). Because of the recent addition of even more items of the "uniform type" (eggs, awakenings etc), this is becoming more and more necessary to have. Players want to bulk buy many items, and they want to do it in a sleek, clean manner, instead of trading 4 at a time for ages. This would allow players to buy items they need, and quickly.

Possible Objections/Rebuttals to the Objections

Possible Objection: Can't scammers quickly switch the quantity of items to fool the other?

Rebuttal: It is easy to prevent this, one way being to simply have that pop up window saying the person changed the quantity. And of course, the end confirm screen, to make sure you really know what you're getting.

Implementation Difficulty: 7/10

This would require changing the existing trade window UI, but honestly, this is a change we need. The trade window is severely outdated, and clunky to use. And the confirm button hardly even registers. And the fourth item isn't completely visible. With a refurbished trading window/system, players would love to trade and just play the game in general.


Idea #5: Mass Sell/Collect on Auction

Explanation of the Idea

This is a simple implementation of a feature. What this means is if you have 100 sales that you just made on the auction, there should be a button to collect all your sales at once. Furthermore, say you have 200 red eggs, there should be an option, given the appropriate number of auction slots, to sell all at a certain price, at once.

Why Having a Mass Sell/Collect Button on Auction is a Good Idea

This would make it much easier on people selling to the auction, since they wouldn't have to click 300 times to sell their items. They could easily sell them all at the same price, with no stress. Moreover, after making the tough sales, they wouldn't have to spam complete sale, and instead, could just complete all of them at the same time. I have talked to several players and all of them think that this would be a great idea to implement.

Possible Objections/Rebuttals to the Objections

Possible Objection: But I love clicking 938492834 times on the screen.

Rebuttal: There's an app called cookie clicker. Download that instead.

Implementation Difficulty: 2/10

This just involves implementing the button(s) and making some small tweaks. It's a type of quality of life addition that STS has been making in the recent past, so it should be easy to implement.


Idea #6: Mass Open Button for Eggs/Crates/Chests

Explanation of the Idea

This idea only became truly necessary and relevant after the egg event. Players had hundreds of different eggs of all different types. What this would be is a button to "open all" - just as there is a button to sell all. After pressing the button, there would be a confirmation, and you could say yes to open all your chests. Moreover, given time, there could be an extension which allowed the user to input a certain quantity to open.

Why Having a Mass Open Button for Eggs/Crates/Chests Is a Good Idea

More often than not, players end up getting several chests of the same type, whether it be arena chests, elite golden chests, red eggs, locked hug crates etc. And more often than not, players either want to sell them all, or open them all. Because players can garner a huge amount of these, it is impractical to spam the open button time and time again, especially since you have to click twice per crate/chest/egg. This would make it much easier on the user to open crates.

Crates have always been a big part of AL, and there have been several times when I've had maybe at least 5 copies of each type of crate in the game. This button makes it easy for me to open them all and get my much anticipated loot.

Possible Objections/Rebuttals to the Objections

Possible Objection: I'm going to accidentally click the button.. and lose all my chests that I wanted to sell.

Rebuttal: STS can make a confirmation window, and maybe even a quantity window, to prevent this from happening accidentally.

Implementation Difficulty: 4/10

This just involves implementing the button(s) and changing the animations for the opening crates after you press the button. Perhaps there could be a window with the loot you received after you opened them all.


I hope you enjoyed these ideas and please comment below what you think. Be honest if you hate them, I don't mind - as always, honesty is the best policy.

04-24-2018, 05:09 PM
First +1 all nice ideas

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Ride AL
04-24-2018, 05:17 PM
+1 awesome ideas!

04-24-2018, 05:20 PM
Ability to use 1 pet at a time but there's 200 in my stable......it's kinda silly

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

04-24-2018, 05:22 PM
lovely ideas. With regards to the remap button however i have infact suggested the remap button idea myself. However, the problem comes from mausoleum 6. The remap button would allow players to run Maus 6 over and over again endlessly.

04-24-2018, 05:24 PM
Thank you for your comments! To your last point, I stated that it should only be available for maps accessed through the world map, to prevent something like what you're saying from occuring.

04-24-2018, 06:04 PM
Good ideas! Good luck!

04-24-2018, 06:17 PM
+1 to all and ofc remap button will help alot at gameplay!

04-24-2018, 07:10 PM
+1 Because I admire your effort for writing all that .

Sent from my OCTA using Tapatalk

Suentous PO
04-24-2018, 07:27 PM
If they can do a remap button they'd better have some great way to instaban macro script kiddies.
I saw a lot of that in pl

Instead of a pet swap button I simply want a pet to be tied to my existing load outs.
Less hud clutter, more options

04-24-2018, 07:33 PM
Finally someone has taken their time and put effort into making a thread like this one. Threads like these and similar are the threads that STS should look towards if they want constructive feedback. For players to invest so effort into trying to improve the game is something that STS should greatly appreciate and encourage.

For suggestions like collect all, more items for trading window or open all option AL needs to have better servers tho or glitches can occur more frequently.
For the trading window increase I suggest keeping the 4x limit when it comes to rare items, I'd say for example arcane or mythic rarity items but since there are craft-able components such as body and mind relic that are quite cheap for their rarity there needs to be exceptions not to mass trade items that are worth for example above 1 million since 'accidents' can occur and since 1x of one of the rare items are more valuable. This can also control those trades of people trying to be creative in 'buying gold' for $.

There needs to be a confirmation when it comes to open all of X chest tho, even a double confirmation when it comes to opening locks. Currently if you open locks from quick slot even with the plat confirmation enabled in settings the locked crate still opens without any confirmation resulting in a lot of accidents.

Overall these are all great suggestions that should be considered if not implemented by STS.
I'd really like to see the devs play their game LIVE more for players to see and enjoy. Not only will bugs be reported, fixed faster and more efficiently but it will also help the devs grow more with the community, devs are mostly only bound by information that forum users give, LIVE streaming every so often when something new gets released will give devs a greater source of information.
Lastly I hope to see a more active support. In my case I sent multiple emails and only got a 30 days has passed sorry, tough luck.

Again kudos Fry (mostly known as L) for making this thread, great ideas.

04-24-2018, 07:38 PM
If they can do a remap button they'd better have some great way to instaban macro script kiddies.
I saw a lot of that in pl

Instead of a pet swap button I simply want a pet to be tied to my existing load outs.
Less hud clutter, more options

In regards to a remap button - people already abuse macros to bot. Having the barrier to entry be the worldmap process is hardly a barrier at all. In essence, the botters/macroers will do it anyway. Adding a remap button just adds so much more benefit to the AL community as a whole, which is why I think that should be weighed more than the potential drawbacks of macro abuse.

In regards to your pet suggestion, I think this is a good idea too - but I think the flexibility of the pet swap button is nice since it can work with any loadout, whenever you need it. Moreover, you dont need to go into your inventory to press loadout to switch pets, which is pretty much the sole reason why I introduced the pet swap button in the first place.

04-24-2018, 08:41 PM
+10000 great ideas

Sent from my P00A using Tapatalk

04-24-2018, 08:47 PM
+1 good ideas gl !

04-24-2018, 10:19 PM
+3,14 for pet swap button idea

04-24-2018, 10:33 PM
All great ideas! The only ones I would like to comment on are #3 and #6.

#6 is a good idea but, from my perspective, is only useful if an event like egg event would come up again. Outside of egg event, I never find myself with more then 10 of any chest that needs opening, and I'm not even sure who does. Maybe mass unlocking locked crates would be one example? But that doesn't apply to most people so not sure about that. Very few people farm arena, but I guess that would be another example. Only other "chest" is the 10k gold chests from somberholt but still I personally never exceed 10 of them. Unless theres some chest that is mass opened that I'm forgetting about, I dont find this idea neccesary as compared to your other ides.

#3 is tricky. Everyone plays different so its hard to tell. Personally I cycle through 6 or 7 pets so I never have to feed any. I figured other people did this too but not sure how other people play. I would like to see some form of "quick summon" that you mentioned. I guess I wouldnt mind seeing the whole pet feeding system destroyed completely. Why must we feed our pets when we never feed our characters? Why must do pets get unhappy if you use them? I have pets that I opened and have never touched since. Shouldnt that make them unhappy instead?

Anyway, really liked the rest of your ideas and hope to see some/all added to the game!

04-24-2018, 11:19 PM
Thanks for your comments Korabiv. I agree #6 isn't as necessary as the others. It's true that the egg event is the most applicable to #6, and outside of that, it's more of a luxury feature. However, there are several players who farm arena for a long time, or elite golden chests, and simply want to open them all at the same time. I think it's a small feature (sort of like sell all) that would just be a small nice addition.

For your comments on #3, it turns out most people give up with cycling. They just end up feeding their pets. Because people get so rich nowadays, they don't really mind feeding pets. I, for one, am like this, even though earlier when I played, I used to try to avoid feeding my pet. I wouldn't mind having the feeding system destroyed either . Mainly, though, I just think pet swap would be very useful for many players who want to keep summoning different pets with different aa's.

04-25-2018, 12:51 AM
Nice thread! Many positive thoughts and ideas!
Hope devs will have a look :)
Wowdah you have my respect for the effort you put on this, few threads are this detailed.
+1 to all points

04-25-2018, 02:36 AM
Another great improvement would be items grouping in inventory. E.g. it's such a pain to scroll through 200 eggs/crates/materials/whatever. Wouldn't it be cool to see just "Red egg x123" rather than 123 separate eggs? It also comes in line with suggested "mass operations" like #4,5,6

Implementation should be easy as there is already such feature but by some reason it works only for some crafting materials like essences.

I know that many people are looking forward to see this one day and this is one of the biggest possible improvements of quality of life.

04-25-2018, 02:43 AM
Nice suggestion - I was actually going to add that for a seventh one, but got tired. I'll add it tomorrow, thanks for the reminder! :)

04-25-2018, 03:53 AM
Many great ideas and i love how clear and well written it is. Very impressive. Just a bit of feedback if i may

Idea 1. Have suggested this myself before but would prefer it not to be on the main HUD but on the sub menu to prevent me remapping out of a map accidently. Anyone who has run with me will vouch for me. The amount of times ive duelled and traded in Maus is unbelievable :D

Idea 2. This is the only idea which i wouldnt really push for. Imagine listing something on forum and waking up to 1000 lowballers wanting to trade with you.

Idea 3. I only use Glowstick myself but it will help others and is good idea

Idea 4. This should have been implemented so long ago. Personaly id love to see 10 slots. just because its a lot easier to multiply by 10 when selling a lot of the same item :)

Idea 5. Yes please. Getting bored of cookie clicker, any other suggestions lol

Idea 6. Only Sta can see if this is necessary in the future. If theres more events like egg event then yes please

04-25-2018, 03:58 AM
As you have so nicely written all this out too Wowdah can you please add the ability to see when someone was last online to this list. Positives.. Will help to keep friendslists clear of inactives, will help guild masters to clear guild of inactives, will give u a better idea of what timezones your friends are most likely to be active during and when you can most likely find them online. Dont see any negatives unless you have a stalker and want to avoid them at all costs lol

04-25-2018, 09:55 AM
+100000 and yep +1 to paw also for tht ^^

04-25-2018, 11:00 AM
As you have so nicely written all this out too Wowdah can you please add the ability to see when someone was last online to this list. Positives.. Will help to keep friendslists clear of inactives, will help guild masters to clear guild of inactives, will give u a better idea of what timezones your friends are most likely to be active during and when you can most likely find them online. Dont see any negatives unless you have a stalker and want to avoid them at all costs lol

Or a “clear inactive from list” option after ......idk.....60 days or something like that. Privacy respected and active list :)
+1 to this

04-25-2018, 12:44 PM
If they can do a remap button they'd better have some great way to instaban macro script kiddies.
I saw a lot of that in pl

Instead of a pet swap button I simply want a pet to be tied to my existing load outs.
Less hud clutter, more optionsThere are admins to ban those kids and players easily can just report them ... I think that STS should fear more from plat farmers than those macro user nabs ... I know many plat farmer ppl who create new accounts to complete offers , next they just open many locked etc , these ppl r buying MANY dummy acc with trade permit ! Yeah!! Accounts whats suppused to get perm ban ... So

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04-25-2018, 01:25 PM
Nice feedback Paw.

1) I think a remap button after you press avatar is OK, but IMO, having one above the pet aa button or the potential pet swap button would be nice too. I hardly ever click pet aa etc. on accident. By duel and trade, do you mean when you click players? You can disable context menus in maps to prevent that from happening already.
2) This is a valid concern, but a possible solution is settings for players to restrict trade requests. I.e. amount of gold, type of item, etc. I doubt spam from lowball would be that rampant since they would need to log on diff accounts for it to matter. I don't think many people will bother, and regardless, people can just reject all the trade requests with a simple click (it takes the lowballers more effort to make the request than for the player to reject it).
3) Ty
4) Ty
5) Ikr
6) True, this is the least relevant IMO, but would still be nice.

In regards to your other suggestion, I thought of that as well. I'll probably edit the OP with that idea included :)

04-25-2018, 02:58 PM
Nice feedback Paw.

1) I think a remap button after you press avatar is OK, but IMO, having one above the pet aa button or the potential pet swap button would be nice too. I hardly ever click pet aa etc. on accident. By duel and trade, do you mean when you click players? You can disable context menus in maps to prevent that from happening already.
2) This is a valid concern, but a possible solution is settings for players to restrict trade requests. I.e. amount of gold, type of item, etc. I doubt spam from lowball would be that rampant since they would need to log on diff accounts for it to matter. I don't think many people will bother, and regardless, people can just reject all the trade requests with a simple click (it takes the lowballers more effort to make the request than for the player to reject it).
3) Ty
4) Ty
5) Ikr
6) True, this is the least relevant IMO, but would still be nice.

In regards to your other suggestion, I thought of that as well. I'll probably edit the OP with that idea included :)

Been here since day 1 and didnt know you could do the disable context menu thing. Thanks :)

04-26-2018, 02:13 PM
Lot of work put into this post, gj. We can argue about you "playing this game for over 5 years" on line.

Fastest remapping method means probably teleporting to your gh or house then, but you probably know that mr timed runner :P I honestly think it is nott "unnecessarily tedious". It is also probably nott a memory problem for the game, would love if lojack interjected here if I'm wrong, probably a game engine issue.

I also don't think botting is as rampant as b4, just because STS has made it a point to nott have bottable items on this game anymore. Honestly the biggest problem arriving from this would be someone misclicking on it and the confirmation button follow by it if there were one. Nott a bad idea over all just makes mapping easier for bots and hoomans alike.

Idea no.2: Maybe I didn't understand properly or maybe the explanation isn't clear enough, but how is the gold meant to be exchanged hands? It all seems rather a bit too unnecessarily tedious >:) This will cut into the auction tax revenue which is a gold sink. The game needs gold sinks more than anything at this point.

If someone has a busy schedule and can't login for 5 mins to follow through on a trade, I become incredulous and a tad bit judgmental :P

Idea 3 is nice, veterans are the ones who really need this, the new stable is complex and a head ache to even look at(personal opinion, some people might like it). Maybe something like quick slot inventorys. Possible objection for it being on the right side? Why do we need to clutter everything on the right side? The bottom left is pretty free.(didn't need to rake my brain to find an objection on cool downs on pets :P)

Mass sell/collect seems like a decent idea, the issue arises when people have differently priced items in the auction. Let's nott forget the lowly scammers who list energy kits for 1m during events hoping someone fall for this scam, I collect screen shots and add people to my sh*t list whenever I see them do this regularly.

Idea #6 doesn't really concern me so I have no objections about it, kappa. If they made all these commodities like elixirs and locks stackable in the inventory it would mean we could trade multiple items in one trade window. However the issue arises for auction, when someone can buy all the items in three clicks, it just becomes an uneven playing field since all it takes is be the first to read community announcement then buy out whatever thing is going to be affected by the news. If you want to make money in bulk items, better be ready for the grind of clicks nab :P

P.S.: heard you were paying for likes, comments and suscribes. Pls ban esteaes

1) Remapping by going house and going world map is just tedious IMO. Farmers and timed runners know this alike - especially if you have a certain amount of time, and just want to grind, and decrease the time spent on pointless remapping.

2) The trade with offline players is essentially the same as trading with online. There can be a tax for sending trade requests to offline players MAYBE, if that would alleviate the problem of there not being a gold sink. However, Auction would still be by far the most prevalent form of sell, because 95% of the time, you don't know the user who's going to eventually buy your item, so I really don't think the gold sink part is important or relevant. OF course, players wil have the option to disable trade requests etc. if they wanna hide their items from others.

The trade with offline works as I detailed - You send a request to someone for an item/item + gold. For instance, I could send a request to someone saying "I will pay 8 million gold + gold malison for your bugface mask rogue." If they don't have the bugface, the trade won't go through. If they do, the request will be send. If Player B accepts, the items transfer, just as they do in trade, as well as the gold. It's the same as normal trade.

The main issue is with timezones - many people simply cannot login the same time, and so much time is wasted when selling items just waiting for buyers etc. This provides a solution to that problem. Moreover, many players lend items to trusted individuals, so the idea of gifting items to offline people is just good IMO.

3) Maybe the button could be on the bottom left, honestly as long as it's there, it doesn't matter to me :D

4) It's not an issue if people want to sell items for different prices - they still can. I don't see how adding mass sell/collect disrupts that in any way. If anything, it just makes it easier for people to sell items they want to. The point is that since players can DO THIS ALREADY, adding the button does NOTHING but ease that process. I fail to see how it can have issues since it's already possible to sell many of the same items (i.e. awakening gems) at the exact same price, you just need a ton of clicks, which just makes the user experience worse.

6) I never suggested that people can sell items stacked in auc. Maybe in the way way future, but no, all I meant was you could post them at the same time, but the auction format would be the same. It shouldn't be a thing that's like "you gotta click a lot to sell your items." That's stupid. If a player can already do a said action - it just takes longer and is pointless effort - then why not add something to cut all of that fat and make it easier on the player?

04-26-2018, 03:40 PM
Great ideas. You should add this to the list:

Add a filter that hides items you can not craft (due to lack of ingredients). Scrolling through the craft section is hideous.

04-28-2018, 02:19 AM
Yeah - apparently has to do something with spacetime engine. Would be cool to have a dev post here though for comments about each of the ideas 1 through 6 and why/why not they can be implemented. Just a small post if possible :D

And note that I never suggested mass buying, only mass selling. So your concerns were misplaced, since that wasn't my suggestion ;)

05-06-2018, 03:52 PM
Many good ideas here!

05-06-2018, 07:53 PM
Thanks! Hope a dev has time to give a quick reply on feasibility of all of these ideas (Vroom mentioned some stuff about a few of them in chatbox, but would be appreciated if a reply could be given - it was stated by JustG if feedback was given constructively and professionally, devs would respond).

05-07-2018, 09:10 AM
Add in the list to create more pets with good Arcane Ability sigh only glowstik and nekro AA is the only good now

05-08-2018, 03:47 PM
Well, there will always be pets with the "best" aa ability - some are still useful for some maps, others useful for other things.

05-08-2018, 03:52 PM
Moved to Suggestions forum to keep them all in one place, carry on