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View Full Version : Arcane Legends offline?

04-24-2018, 05:30 PM
So I was considering adding a portion to the mobile game that we can play AL without the need for wifi. I propose we have a series of maps that we can farm on our own without any need to be online (as sometimes I cant play AL due to the no wifi)

Here is what i suggest:

-we have access to a small map (like the size of a tavern) where we can access our stash, crafting inventory, pets,respec scrolls and items.
-Then we have maybe 2 new farming maps STS can create for us to farm in?
-And we also have 3 maps of our choice that we can select to farm in
-Keeping in mind the fact that since they are offline, dont plan on farming the mausoleum 6, as you will have to go solo.

I dont know if other players struggle with the same no wifi problem as I do but I would love to play Arcane Legends without the need for wifi!
Maybe I'm just a lunatic :)

Suentous PO
04-24-2018, 06:07 PM
How could your idea be improved so no one can bot it?

04-24-2018, 06:13 PM
TBH im not quite sure, As im not quite sure how the mechanics of botting work and what bots can exactly do. (And plus aren't there already tons of bots still in game anyways like littletable who is ranked number 1 for warriors on LB right now)
(He got exposed in several YT vids)

And I'm sure that there are several pattern recognitions that sts can do to ensure that a player is not botting (i.e. if a player uses the same skills in the same order too much)

Littletable exposed:


(Im not sure if this ^^ is against TOS pls dont ban me T_T)

04-24-2018, 10:54 PM
Offline acces to inventory / stashs means that it will be stored localy on your device , easiest way to make the game hackable .

04-25-2018, 07:13 AM
It's not even a good Idea. If you play offline you can easily hack and that's not good. To access your Stash or something you need Internet connection, because it will not ne able to add offline something that automatically add online too.

Sent from my SM-G531H using Tapatalk

04-25-2018, 07:58 AM
All data are store on STS server and this is perfect this way, so forget playing offline sorry

04-25-2018, 08:51 AM
If its would ever happen then ppl easy can hack it because its offline

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