View Full Version : Whats about new classes

05-06-2018, 04:32 PM
Hello there
What's about my idea of new classes Paladin and Driud?
This game have potencial for adding new classes and performances
STS make good games but you dont change nothing big
You kill few games cuz you dont look in the future
Players like big changes and challenges
AL have just 3 classes last 5 years and more
Just look what other mmrpg games have to give us

05-14-2018, 11:19 AM
Just look what other mmrpg games have to give us

Exactly, STS should compare AL to the most successful games of today

05-16-2018, 09:25 AM
New classes proposals:
- complaining dwarf
- never happy elf
- skeptical druid
- pfffff sage
And the most powerful class!!!!!! : FORUMER !!!!
I will stay at mine: AL-is-fine-like-this mage

(Kidding around guys no salt xD)

05-26-2018, 09:35 AM
I dont say that game is bad...but for all this years game needing changes
I understand that some players play this game for the begining but also i am sure that this playerd want new strategy tactics and new chelinges
And for that need new class
Actually this game have good story and a lot of potential new characters
Dwarf paladin can be Grimnirr and druid can be Bjorn druid bear skin changer

05-28-2018, 06:56 PM
Different class to change up the game play would be great. The ones we have now are good, but they're pretty basic in terms of other games. Nothing worng with wanting something to freshen up the game play.

ign Wuggle

05-29-2018, 11:56 AM
AL classes are designed to fulfill most playstyles of MMO.
Style: Melee, Mid ranged, Ranged.
Roles: Tank, DPS, Heal, Support.

The current classes are able to perform all roles depending on what skill you choose. So what role the said druid and paladin class have? and why do we need them?

Now, coming to the point, what are these "most successful games of today" that you guys are comparing AL with? Does the games you are comparing with have events every month like we have in AL? Are these games on same platforms and engine? How big is the studio that develop these games?

05-29-2018, 11:57 AM
Its a good idea , but i think we should first manage to properly balance 3 classes before moving on to 5 ....

07-01-2018, 12:00 PM
The bugs always will be aviable to the game...so with new classes come new bugs...AL need changes...game is awesome but is to much boring after few years of playing