View Full Version : Rogue items in maus run per 2018

05-07-2018, 04:06 AM
As title says, what is / are better or favorable weapon for rogue nowadays since tainted and dread bow release? Most important since dragon blade proc isn't as good as before.

I have tainted dagger (good for trolls and curse mage) , Dragon blade (wanted to sell but still love it hoping the proc come out which makes me happy everytime I run maus lol) , immo bow (it's known for a must weapon on boss?) and the last on my hand now is dread bow .

I like to change my weapon depending on teams. Planning to sell the dread bow but.. Seem like it Pierces through lich shield? Or am I wrong? Only a few run here, need more run to see dread bow on lich. Should I replace immo with dread?
I know it is close to new expansion so why so bother ^^ but I'm just curious ^^

Please kindly share your items you use on Maus run dear fella great rogues :)
And for Mages and war what is your preferences for a rogue running with you?
Thank you in advance! Happy mausing v(^.^)v

05-07-2018, 05:19 AM
The best two weapons I use on my rogue right now is a little blue guy on my left who can banish everything and a big strong guy on my right that can pull everything

05-07-2018, 07:49 AM
The best two weapons I use on my rogue right now is a little blue guy on my left who can banish everything and a big strong guy on my right that can pull everything

Oooh.. I've been calling them my pets. 😳

05-07-2018, 08:51 AM
Ha ha.. ha ha ha.. you guys are so funny... -_-
*applies curse* :p

05-07-2018, 09:10 AM
Ha ha.. ha ha ha.. you guys are so funny... -_-
*applies curse* :p

Awww..at least I feed them and ouch..that curse hurts. 😓🤕 To OP..I just use dread bow, it's good on mobs, not so good on boss. I'm not good with daggers you see. :(

05-07-2018, 09:12 AM
Awww..at least I feed them and ouch..that curse hurts. 😓🤕 To OP..I just use dread bow, it's good on mobs, not so good on boss. I'm not good with daggers you see. :(

*charged mage heals*
Pls dont leave me alone .-.

05-07-2018, 10:06 AM
Think best combo for Rogue if you're rich is the following:
-Arc Shivs
-Nightmare set
Other than that tainted set for mobs and immo bow for bosses is the next best thing to go.

05-07-2018, 10:20 AM
Level 66 arc daggers on mobs and immortal bow on bosses and nightmare set 5/5 or 3/5 with speedset for faster runs.

05-07-2018, 10:25 AM
I've got all nightmare set so I will be ok with just getting immo bow for bosses. I do find dread bow ok on mobs. Even if I was good with daggers, I couldn't afford the frightful ones.