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View Full Version : My apology letter to all tainted set users and @Spacetime studio devs

05-14-2018, 05:57 PM
I'm so sorry for criticizing the tainted sets most notable feature the "Instakill" bomb proc, I know i've been too pushy about the proc and complained way too much.

Just looking back at my previous posts on the tainted insta proc, i was too stubborn and passed on judgement without truly using the tainted set out myself.

Now that i've gotten the set, it is so much fun and the bomb is very balanced and it's not breaking PvP it actually helped warriors and mages finally have the ability to once again be helpful.

Because currently rogues are just killing machines now. So the tainted bomb is a way to fight back against this insane damage and infinite nox stack situation

Thank you dev's for the tainted set, it truly is a blessing in disguise and i think every PvP'er out there should get one cause it not only gives a nice bomb proc,

it also increases your stats by a ton!

I love and respect you spacetime studio dev's so much, you guys work so hard and no matter how much stress you guys are put under. You are always there for us, PL/SL/DL are such old titles but still up and going well.

And i understand the situation. It's quite complicated to code/program a game's engine that's a decade old, i've seen/heard many cases where the codes where like spaghetti and headache inducing.

Once again, i apologize and i hope you all forgive me.

And i'll never forget the hard work you dev's put into your games. It is truly inspiring. :peaceful:

I hope you're all having a great day and god bless. Love you all.

05-14-2018, 08:02 PM
You can't lose what you never had~

05-14-2018, 08:20 PM
Apologie excepted :)

05-14-2018, 09:39 PM
Keyboard WARRIOR!!!!!

Sent from my SM-N900R4 using Tapatalk

05-14-2018, 10:04 PM
Keyboard WARRIOR!!!!!

Sent from my SM-N900R4 using Tapatalk

pew pew pew pew


05-14-2018, 10:41 PM
You can't lose what you never had~




05-16-2018, 09:21 PM
Paking keyboard warrior

05-17-2018, 08:31 AM
i still dont like this idea of insta-kill, its like getting the best gear to go play paintball and you end up playing a game where the first to walk on a ball on the floor lose :( this is not fun imo

05-18-2018, 05:38 AM
Paking keyboard warrior
#ExposedAgain!!! and hey man :p

i still dont like this idea of insta-kill, its like getting the best gear to go play paintball and u and up playing a game where the first to walk on a ball on the floor lose :( this is not fun imo

All PvPers should get Tainted set, it's pretty balanced tbh, not so easy to proc the bomb actually. and it can be countered by a lot methods and can be easily avoided.

All you need is a team thats ready and have all the pets and gear prepared and you're set to go! ^_^

05-21-2018, 11:51 AM
Pretty sure the "tainted set users" don't care about ur opinion..so does sts. I don't think Sts has time to be mad at ur opinion ijs

Sent from my Z982 using Tapatalk

05-21-2018, 12:22 PM
Pretty sure the "tainted set users" don't care about ur opinion..so does sts. I don't think Sts has time to be mad at ur opinion ijs

Sent from my Z982 using Tapatalk

You cared enough to reply to my thread tho.

Also, thanks for the free bump! Appreciate it mate.


05-21-2018, 12:29 PM
Threads in general discussion are supposed to be about topics many users can discuss, i.e. not a selfish letter that only applies to you.

05-21-2018, 01:40 PM
Threads in general discussion are supposed to be about topics many users can discuss, i.e. not a selfish letter that only applies to you.

I'm agreed with this

05-21-2018, 08:47 PM
Hmm.. I still think insta-kill should not be a part of PVP. There was a reason why Samael AA and other banish does not work in PVP.
Pvp was bad and now its a joke, hoping the things to change with new expansion. Fingers crossed.

05-22-2018, 04:45 AM
Hmm.. I still think insta-kill should not be a part of PVP. There was a reason why Samael AA and other banish does not work in PVP.
Pvp was bad and now its a joke, hoping the things to change with new expansion. Fingers crossed.

I bet itll be another recolour maps again xD rip 66 expansion(shuyal recoloured)

05-22-2018, 07:51 AM
You cared enough to reply to my thread tho.

Also, thanks for the free bump! Appreciate it mate.

168236Ijs bro idk why u pissed...ur "opinion" still hasn't stopped the hundreds or more of players that use taint set stop using it. Ur voice ain't important. People will do what they wanna do regardless. Let's not get wreckless with our replies. Ok? Flames Of Rainbow.

Sent from my Z982 using Tapatalk

05-22-2018, 09:44 AM
There are many ways to get good stats. Some people take risks and reap the rewards. Tainted, Endless, arcane items, pets, jewels, and procs.... what is the best? The truth of the matter is - we all have decent gear until something new and better comes out. It’s how we use the gear and being friendly that wins in the end.

Hmmm I’m not the one to determine what the best gear is, the individual player who set goals and achieves them is the one who matters. Hopefully they are having fun doing it because that’s what really matters.

05-22-2018, 12:26 PM
Keep the posts coming #FreeBumps


05-22-2018, 01:05 PM
Sometimes I wonder why u bother making these threads that u and everyone else know will cause some sort of drama in the end :/

05-22-2018, 02:14 PM
Apology accepted, thread closed.