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View Full Version : Why under Lvl 60's Son Needy?

11-11-2011, 08:48 PM
For the sake of humor in relation to a threat that shall remain unnamed.

Dear lower level people,

Why do all the level 1-59 always beg, spam and friend request like it's going out of business. I don't care if you got scammed, how I see it: 'you were just taught a lesson.' What in the world makes you think that I will be friend you just because I am in the same vicinity as you? I don't have any amount of gold I can just give away. I do NOT want to buy anything that you have; I find it insulting when you try to sell me things I liquidated over a year ago while leveling because I knew THEN it was worth less in CS than the amount it takes to even put it on the market. I will not help you power level if you ask me 5 times. What is the point of being 60 if you don't have the etiquette of playing the game and you have not EARNED your level. Don't be mad that you're getting booted from parties. Even I a 61 in full demonic with thrasher elixir get booted there usually is a reason aka 1. Full 2. Guild party 3. Too low of level(not in my case) 4. Maybe you've spammed them too much in the past 5. Maybe you tried to form this bond by 'friend requesting' as soon as you enter. There is a reason and usually it's pretty solid.
We 60/61s don't hate you lower levels we were them at somepoint in time. We HATE the few (many) that feel entitled to have what we have. My biggest advice:

Don't ask for respect, EARN it,
Don't ask for things, MERCH, FARM, or BUY them,
Don't ask to be my friend, BECOME one,

I can go on but I think you get it.

Best regards,

Level 60/61's

11-11-2011, 08:52 PM
For the sake of clarity...
Vicinity not vesinity.
Like not Luke
Merch, Farm, and Buy them not MERCH FARM BUY.

I do kind of find this offensive as an under 60, but since this is a joke, I can take the light humor...
If you were serious, I would be quite sad.

11-11-2011, 08:56 PM
For the sake of clarity...
Vicinity not vesinity.
Like not Luke
Merch, Farm, and Buy them not MERCH FARM BUY.

I do kind of find this offensive as an under 60, but since this is a joke, I can take the light humor...
If you were serious, I would be quite sad.

You are not the standard under-lvl 60, either ;)

He has many valid points, regardless if whether people may not see the humor in it or not.

11-11-2011, 08:57 PM
This is very light hearted. pardon my spelling mistakes. Typed this up while driving (don't do what I do.)

11-11-2011, 08:58 PM
This is very light hearted. pardon my spelling mistakes. Typed this up while driving (don't do what I do.)

Thank God.

And Praise the Lord that you didn't crash as well.

11-11-2011, 09:00 PM
I'll fix the typos later on. Keep in mind that even jokes have truth in them.

11-11-2011, 09:01 PM
Thank God.

And Praise the Lord that you didn't crash as well.
Lol. California's already got a law for no calling while driving.

11-11-2011, 09:03 PM
I'll fix the typos later on. Keep in mind that even jokes have truth in them.

Yeah, that's actually what I believe the point of real jokes are; to make you think about real situations in real life or even games. Especially games.

11-11-2011, 09:05 PM
Lol. California's already got a law for no calling while driving.

I'm not calling just stuck in traffic. Wahington has those laws too.

11-11-2011, 09:05 PM
Nice! Got.back at.that guy.that.labled everyone 60+ jerks! Dude your my idol!! :D

11-11-2011, 09:15 PM
Nice! Got.back at.that guy.that.labled everyone 60+ jerks! Dude your my idol!! :D

I'm in your guild bud. :) deviliscious is the name

11-11-2011, 09:36 PM
Nice! Got.back at.that guy.that.labled everyone 60+ jerks! Dude your my idol!! :D

I'm in your guild bud. :) deviliscious is the nameeven better.((: hehe

11-11-2011, 10:43 PM
Well, I see the humor of it, and it made me laugh on several occasions :D

11-11-2011, 10:53 PM
Kr lol clever even when driving :O

11-11-2011, 10:55 PM
Lol. California's already got a law for no calling while driving.

Nevada has them also and I believe the law reads more like "no handheld phone use while driving," so texting is out as well and only the use of hands free devices are allowed.

On topic: the points are useful but it's too bad that your target audience isn't here to take advantage of the lesson. Begging is not going to stop any time soon and the harder it becomes to level, the more abundant they will become. Prices of the good gear keep rising while opportunities to make gold become scarce, begging is one way that some sustain their enjoyment since it occasionally works. Did no one else see that Dateline special where the beggars made more than the median population, and it's tax free meaning they didn't have to work for it.

11-11-2011, 10:56 PM
Nice! Got.back at.that guy.that.labled everyone 60+ jerks! Dude your my idol!! :D

Lol that's what it's for.

I thought you where being serious lol.

11-11-2011, 11:17 PM
For the sake of clarity...
Vicinity not vesinity.
Like not Luke
Merch, Farm, and Buy them not MERCH FARM BUY.

I do kind of find this offensive as an under 60, but since this is a joke, I can take the light humor...
If you were serious, I would be quite sad.

You are not the standard under-lvl 60, either ;)

He has many valid points, regardless if whether people may not see the humor in it or not.


Edited : stupid smart phone

11-12-2011, 01:47 AM
Just use Siri and speak to it while driving. :D If you're on an Android, I believe you can do the same.

11-12-2011, 01:51 AM
I find this kinda rude as I am only lvl 33 and I do none of this and It's fine of a newbie sends you a random friend request, they're just trying to figure out how to play. I know your trying to put some humor into this but some my find this offensive

11-12-2011, 03:13 AM
Just use Siri and speak to it while driving. :D If you're on an Android, I believe you can do the same.

Havent got the 4G S :(

I find this kinda rude as I am only lvl 33 and I do none of this and It's fine of a newbie sends you a random friend request, they're just trying to figure out how to play. I know your trying to put some humor into this but some my find this offensive

Ok, some shall but take this a guide for how to NOT approach people. Would you go up to people in real life and ask them for money or to be their friend without knowing who they are? (food for thought)

11-12-2011, 03:23 AM
I don't think you get the point of video games, there a way to escape from your life! If you wanted to make this a guide on how to approach people you should have said that but instead your ranting about how 1 or 2 lvl 5's asked for some money and now your declaring everyone is so annoying or begging. If you don't want to deal with this don't plat the game

11-12-2011, 03:54 AM

11-12-2011, 04:13 AM
Let's refocus on an important topic, this thread deserves it.

Is irony a good way to convey a message?

I'd vote yes but it sometimes backfires. Thoughts?

Another important philosophical question:

You were born an original, how do you make sure you do not die a copy?

Open question really. Is PL part of the answer? Thoughts?

Ps: just in case it is not obvious, i got tired of the thread(s) opposing low and high levels :-)))

11-12-2011, 04:39 AM
I think irony and humor is the best way to bring real issues to light. Sure it back fires and not everyone agrees with my rationale amd that's fine. Not everyone thinks every joke is funny. unfortunately though game or not there are still very real 'rules of engagement' and higharchy is in games and real life.

My thoughts on your philosophical question: I shall answer with another question. 'what motivates you and what do you want to be remembered by?' that answer is different for everyone.

PL part of the answer? Maybe to some; I don't know. For me personally it is providing for my fiancé and unfortunately PL detracts from that. She doesn't really understand hoe farming or helping my guild level adds to our relationship. :)

I posted the thread not to flame but shoe both sides of the problem and that we are all falible but we can all laugh about our faults... Together.

11-12-2011, 05:14 AM
I don't think you get the point of video games, there a way to escape from your life! If you wanted to make this a guide on how to approach people you should have said that but instead your ranting about how 1 or 2 lvl 5's asked for some money and now your declaring everyone is so annoying or begging. If you don't want to deal with this don't plat the game

Be happy you are low lvl. Once you get to lvl 50 it will change and being top lvl, meh you can forget it. Everyone sends friend request, sometimes even 5 seconds after they join. I already have many friends in game and adding another leech to my friends list isn't going to happen. I typically boot if i get a friend request before you even bother saying hi. I have one word for you, R E S P E C T. Learn it, live it, then you get it. I has never worked any other way in my many years on this rock orbiting the sun

11-12-2011, 06:07 AM
I agree 100% and my highest is only 56. As well I have to admit I laughed pretty hard. And I like what you said about earning respect...yeah :D

11-12-2011, 08:23 AM
Hekpoc - i completely got the irony/joke part of your post, no worries! :-) and i thought it was interesting to have both sides as well but this topc def needs to remain light hearted hence my questions!

Love ur answers btw, particularly the fiancee one coz replace fiancee by wife and that my story! :-) go explain to them that your dinner is getting cold coz you need to kill panto first after spending 10 minutes killing the little ones... Not gonna fly :-D

11-12-2011, 06:18 PM
Hey folks,

Just popping in with a quick reminder to ensure your replies are civil, constructive and bear in mind this thread (as noted in the original post) is not made to offend anyone, it's satire/humour.



11-12-2011, 06:26 PM
1%, this applies in PL too, you know.