View Full Version : A Tribute to Veterans.

11-11-2011, 09:14 PM
This is a thread to honor all veterans. So if you have any friends/family that have served then post their name and which war/year(s) they served in. I'll start. My dad served in Desert Storm in 1992 (Forgive me if the date is wrong) anyways I am very proud to say that my father has served our country.

11-11-2011, 09:23 PM
My dad went to Vietnam, by choice not draft. He was there during the worst part of the "conflict" called the TET Offensive. He left our country proud to serve her, came home to hippies spitting on him and calling him a baby killer. Daddy doesn't talk much about his experiences in Vietnam, he served in an Engineering group, they defused land mines as well as built bridges and roads. They offered to put him in a tree with a rifle and several days worth of rations, he declined lol.
I am proud of my daddy for doing what he did for me and my kids! I have a GodSon who is currently serving in the Air Force, has recently returned from Afghanistan. I am proud of him too.
To all other veterans of various military actions, conflicts and official wars: Thank You Very Very Much!! You actions thoughts and deeds are appreciated more than you know!!!

Epic Unicorns!
11-11-2011, 09:39 PM
My grandfather served in the latter part of World War II, as a Navy engineer. He was up close to the action, but luckily he came back OK. He has a few health troubles of age nowadays, but I was sure to give him a hug and a big thank you for serving our country.

11-11-2011, 10:53 PM
This is such a kind, and nice Idea of a topic...

11-11-2011, 10:58 PM
My dad was a tank commander in the Cold War. He doesnt like talking about it at all. :/

11-11-2011, 11:02 PM
To all your family members who served in a war, I thank them for all they have done. Thank you to all the veterans who went to war and sacrificed everything in order to protect our country. Thank you! Have a happy veterans day, you guys deserve the honor that was granted to you.

11-11-2011, 11:18 PM
Where to start?

Great grandfather: WWII
Great uncle: WWII
Grandfather: Signal man, Korean War, Vietnam War
Uncle: Air force, Afghanistan War
Uncle: Navy, Iraqi War
Dad: Army, Iraqi War
Cousin: Medic, Afghanistan War

Thanks for helping me sleep at night knowing I'm safe

02-06-2012, 10:33 AM
My dad went to Vietnam, by choice not draft. He was there during the worst part of the "conflict" called the TET Offensive. He left our country proud to serve her, came home to hippies spitting on him and calling him a baby killer. Daddy doesn't talk much about his experiences in Vietnam, he served in an Engineering group, they defused land mines as well as built bridges and roads. They offered to put him in a tree with a rifle and several days worth of rations, he declined lol.
I am proud of my daddy for doing what he did for me and my kids! I have a GodSon who is currently serving in the Air Force, has recently returned from Afghanistan. I am proud of him too.
To all other veterans of various military actions, conflicts and official wars: Thank You Very Very Much!! You actions thoughts and deeds are appreciated more than you know!!!

Brought tears to my eyes... Thank you to all the people who sacrifice for our country. Including the families who have to be away from loved ones while they are deployed. <(^_^)>v World Peace

02-06-2012, 01:23 PM
My grandpa Tom Martin was in the Korean war, my great uncle Nicolas Cavallaro was in WWII in the 82nd airborne, and he was gunned down less than a week before he was supposed to come home, my cousin Matt Martin is in Iraq, not allowed to say what he does.