View Full Version : Global Twink Buff for Birds

05-21-2018, 12:44 AM
Since the introduction of the Amulet and the Enchantments to go with them we've seen the creations of new setups, switches in gameplay, an entirely new PvP in 30-35. This entire thread will focus strictly on Archer Class in levels 30-40. I will be making many points while giving my personal opinion on what should be done on buffing the Archer Class in 30-40.

Starting off with Birds horrible and quite useless debuff, Blind. In Levels like 15-50 blind can become a quite useless skill, especially once you consider 3pc and any other gear that increases Hit%. It's as if everytime i use the skill I'm merely wasting my time maxing it knowing that people will shrug it off. At L.6 Blind removes -30 Hit% from a opponent while also dealing at least the 3rd strongest attack from the bird skill tree. Though the Hit% debuff seems high it's not enough as players will merely fight through it and land 85-90% of the attacks while under said debuff. I've even experimented with Max blind and a Pink Forgotten Bow, an item that has the Blind skill as a proc that removes 15% Hit Stacked x2. That's -30 Hit% from Blind Archer skill and -30 from Forgotten Bow Proc stacked. Doing the math that's -60 Hit% lost in one go if you can get all of the debuffs to land. Vesus Bears that's a very hectic fight that might go in your favor but vs mages it's irrelevant. They'll just hit a 200 critical lightning then insult you by landing a 300 critical drain to finish you off. Majority of the time you won't be able to get on your second proc before the nuke comes in. Somebody correct me if mages can heal off Blind Skill and Proc.

I'd point out the difference between Bears Hell Scream and Birds Blind is simply the debuff in damage. So that's a easy soulution to fix this problem. Make it that Archers can debuff damage and Hit% on Blind or Bump up the Hit loss from 30% to 60. Seems fair considering Archers are a major underdog compared to High Tier classes like mages.

The Archer is still the lowest damage dealing class for it's base stat items (example Dex gear for Archer, Str for Bear, Int for Mage ect. Dex Birds in 30-40 were non existent for many years straight. I Personally haven't seen a dex bird before amulets were added since 2013 when forgotten bow wasn't nerfed into oblivion. Heck only reason my bird even does damage is because I'm fighting people without armor amulets. When i fight players with 60/60 Armot amulet it's just a repeat of many years ago....no dmg.

Now this is strictly a 1-40 problem so any major changes like buffing Dex Sets might be a exploit for other classes. Increase Archer Base Damage by 25% while bumping up Focus Critical Bonus from 26 to 30-35 might do the job. Heck Buffing birds stats back to what they were before the major nerf would be great for twink.

In total these are the only real issues that enable Archers downfall in PvP. With these fixed it'll be equal playing field when fighting against classes that can tank and heal off all your attacks/Debuffs. Birds could use more Armor or Health but it's what ever.

05-21-2018, 01:58 AM
Since the introduction of the .........

I can't shake my head any harder. Sry.
*. . . . . . come to endgame pls*

05-24-2018, 11:48 AM
*. . . . . . come to endgame pls*

Endgame shouldn't be the solution that the developers tell us. If that was the case then it would be noted that StS only cares for the endgame community, which they don't. Levels 1-61 was always more active than endgame housing the most players. To forget this fact would be a major mistake.