View Full Version : Toning down Miner McGuirk

11-12-2011, 01:29 AM
I've been experiencing some frustration with Delta 7's final boss, Miner McGuirk
1 example is his charge attack after hurting himself, It seems impossible to dodge. Even worse is that it allows him to trap you and deal heavy damage to you and most of the time kill you before you can escape
Another displeasure is his tendency to run out of his area to attack a idle player (which causes him to run back and heal fully)
PLEASE tone down his charge attack and make his area some-what bigger,
That would be great especially for players trying to lvl up (I had to get my lvl 30 friend to help me kill it)

11-12-2011, 01:48 AM
I haven't tried to kill him before, so I don't know

11-12-2011, 01:49 AM
only thing I agree on is his small range. After that charge attack, he'll sometimes send you flying right out of the entrance. He'll follow you, and then reset. Ive had him do this 3 times in 1 fight. That area either needs to be enclosed or he needs to larger radius to attack without resetting.

11-12-2011, 01:52 AM
He is actually quite easy to beat once you get the hang of it. He is supposed to be a very tough boss, I would suggest taking a full team when fighting him tho since he is definitely isnt an easy boss to solo (unless you are a commando with a ridiculous amount of stims).

11-12-2011, 01:57 AM
He is actually quite easy to beat once you get the hang of it. He is supposed to be a very tough boss, I would suggest taking a full team when fighting him tho since he is definitely isnt an easy boss to solo (unless you are a commando with a ridiculous amount of stims).I have tried using entire teams but it seems like there is always someone who doesn't understand "K NO ONE STAND NEAR THE EDGE OF THE CIRCLE THIS TIME!!!"

11-12-2011, 02:01 AM
Making the game easier is a waste. If it was.all easy, it would get boring faster.

11-12-2011, 02:04 AM
I have tried using entire teams but it seems like there is always someone who doesn't understand "K NO ONE STAND NEAR THE EDGE OF THE CIRCLE THIS TIME!!!'

I could help you if you want to. Add skeletonlord in game and I'll accept and I'll help you kill him

11-12-2011, 02:07 AM
I haven't tried to kill him before, so I don't know

Thats crazyness dude

You should just have the lead commando run in first that will be his only target and the engs should spam heal, op should try to take the commando's place if no eng and if every one re-spawned one person should stay till the others come he will hurt himself one last time making him slightly easier.
He doesnt always make a perfect shot I dodged some every-once-in-a-while but very unlikey for the recommened levels

11-12-2011, 02:21 AM
Making the game easier is a waste. If it was.all easy, it would get boring faster.Making the game incredibly "You mad bro" frustrating is a waste

01-05-2012, 05:45 AM
I'm fully in favor of nerfing this boss.

I frequently get a full party fighting alongside me on my way to the boss, and after one or two attempts at killing him, my entire team has bailed on me.

I'm now trying to just grind my way through the earlier levels in the campaign to get to a high enough level to just skip the boss, and this shouldn't be something I'm doing. I should at least be able to kill him with a full party at the recommended level.

01-05-2012, 05:55 AM
Just level up if you find it too hard. Simple

01-06-2012, 11:50 PM
Or get a lv30+ comm to distract while the engineer heals the lv30+ when he/she has half of his/her life battery [ /]]]]

01-06-2012, 11:54 PM
Just checking, but I've never seen anyone actually kill him. He kills himself when he gets mad and causes those rocks to fall on himself. That's the only way, right?

01-07-2012, 12:26 AM
Just checking, but I've never seen anyone actually kill him. He kills himself when he gets mad and causes those rocks to fall on himself. That's the only way, right?

That's the basic of killing him.

IMO bosses should be more like the miner. The voleria boss is a joke.

I love and hate the miner. Love because he was a challenge and took actual thought. Hate because I died so many times lol

The best boss in SL.

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01-08-2012, 03:10 PM
Totally agree with ardon, there should be some more bosses requiring strategy to kill instead of just regular tank and shoot ; then taking forever to kill a boss wouldn't be so boring, if you have to perform some actions, or avoid special, otherwise deadly abilities.

Although i suppose it's not that easy for devs to come up with that kind of idea with the restrictions of phone platforms (if there are, i don't know anything about programming), it would be cool.

On the other hand, there would be more ragequits from players new to the map and the ones (i'm sure there would be some) that wouldn't bother to learn a strategy, nor think by themselves.

01-17-2012, 11:55 PM
This boss is a little tough especially if your fighting him for the first time. The only way I was ever able to defeat him was ether in a group or having one of my level 41 friends fight him for me. :semi-twins:
POWER IN NUMBERS!, or good friends!

01-18-2012, 01:02 AM
I love this boss! He's challenging. I killed him when o was l14 during beta. I didn't know what to do, only thing i was told to was not shoot. I tanked him my first fight without knowing what to do. I just let him chase me while Engis healed.

I disagree on toning him down. It gives the players a heads up that not all bosses are easy. Makes you think before you fight a boss IMO:p

Having higher lvl people just do it for you, if they don't show you how to do it, isn't cool. If they don't teach you, its basically you do nothing. If they teach you, at least you do what the people who don't have aggro do.

If me as a l14 com could tank him, you can too. As a com it took me 50 stims (yes i remember BC i would get enough for 50 to fight him) to tank (during beta).

If you really have no idea how to fight him, simply add me and I'll show you. It's really not that hard. It's something everyone in beta did, BC it gives you your first back armor.

Sent from my LG-MS690 using Tapatalk

01-24-2012, 10:37 AM

Seriously, this is/was one of the most fun bosses to go against in the whole game (except maybe MF due to the team effort).

Never understood the reasons of a NERF, just because a few players are unable to complete a boss/level, doesn't mean it deserves it. When the game was released at Cap 21 we were fine killing him then, pretty easy when you know how.(check out a few guides for this, as I've explained the best/easiest ways of killing him)

01-24-2012, 11:18 AM
Agree with Ardon, Javier and Bod

If u can not complete him (which is strange really, coz i did it with my low lvl op, not from the first time but nevertheless) then u should ask how to do it properly, not to ask nerfing him

And concerning the way to kill him you just run, dont shoot and tap yo stims;)

If you want more detailed info - use search function of the forums, as there r plenty of tutorials on killin him, including superadvanced ones done in video format

01-29-2012, 08:14 PM
Oh I really hated Miner MG. He always caught up to me and pummeled me to dust. What's worse is that usually I got killed and my team defeated him while I was running back through the really long course, and I didn't get to complete my quest. I think I had to do some Numa Prime leveling before I finally came back to him and beat him. Nerf him or not, I am glad I don't have to face him again because I am staying lvl 15 on my characters.