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View Full Version : Guide to post useful things on the forums:

11-12-2011, 03:23 PM
I'll keep this brief:

posting random, unnecessary posts on the forums to boost your post count isn't appreciated by most forum members.

Here's an example: I love hotdogs!
Or: Bumping
Or: simply reinforcing someones opinion without adding something useful.
Ex: " hot dogs are good " then "yeah, hot dogs are pretty good" you could add why you like them, not simply reinforce so meones opinion.
Boosting post counts with useless stuff isn't a good thing. I'll edit this when I get home. Thanks!

11-12-2011, 03:36 PM
Cool :)

And I don't think people post to boost their.. 'What-ever count'. They post to talk and communicate with friends.

Now If they were to literally post like 10 messages in a row saying the same exact think, then I can see were your coming from.

11-12-2011, 03:54 PM
So I guess if you have the same opinion as someone else you're not supposed to post?

Not pointing any fingers at anyone but I've been on a lot of forums and sts' forums, by far, has the highest amount of complainers I've ever seen.

But then again, the hotdogs with cheese in them are pretty good. J/k

11-12-2011, 03:54 PM
Nah you'd be surprised Nick, post boosting and necro posting are all the rage nowadays

11-12-2011, 04:23 PM
post boosting and necro posting are all the rage nowadays

Unfortunately. :/

I really don't understand it, I help people; I don't need 29434 posts to show I help people. Age is just a number, so are posts. Bad analogy, I know. :p

11-12-2011, 04:32 PM
Unfortunately. :/

I really don't understand it, I help people; I don't need 29434 posts to show I help people. Age is just a number, so are posts. Bad analogy, I know. :p

Very bad :p

So people with a high count.. only have it because they spam? Hmm I know alot that do, but iv gained quite a high count helping all around the forum, mostly giving useful information. But some times I feel like having a laugh now and then and post random fun things re: topic.

Thought that's what the Thanks and Rep bar was abt not the number of posts ;)

11-12-2011, 05:52 PM
I think Mystical has something like 10,000 posts, but no one would accuse him of being a spammer. Dude is a wealth of information.

11-12-2011, 09:11 PM
I think Mystical has something like 10,000 posts, but no one would accuse him of being a spammer. Dude is a wealth of information.

Information being the key word. I'm all for helpful forumers who give USEFUL information, but repeating someone else's answer or something similar just seems wrong to me. :)
I'm not going to name names, but there are a couple on here who are like that.

11-12-2011, 11:23 PM
@ whoever gave me negative reputation (not that I care) next time please give a valid reason other than "useless thread". Notice how it's under the off topic secton? I made this because post boosting seems to be growing more rampant, which IMO, is very relevant. Oops, double post, better give me more neg repz. :p

11-12-2011, 11:52 PM
Hank Made me giggle ^.^, oops I need to add why! Because Hank is Hilarious! Hilarious Hank Haha See what I did there ;)

11-12-2011, 11:54 PM
Hank Made me giggle ^.^, oops I need to add why! Because Hank is Hilarious! Hilarious Hank Haha See what I did there ;)
hahaha! :)

I guess these are public forums; so my opinions can't be posted even though I post them in a constructive manner. And all I did was give examples of what I consider to be not necessary in a post; which lead to me being trolled, and negative reputationfied! :'( Lol.

I like carmel popcorn I rest my case. :p

11-12-2011, 11:56 PM
I like carmel popcorn

11-13-2011, 12:02 AM
I like carmel popcorn
And Apple Pie.

11-13-2011, 12:07 AM
While we're at it I might as well add what I like, eh?

Oysters, sardines, tomatoes, salmon, tuna, chicken, beef, pizza, Big Mac, #9 with cheese, jalapenos (pronounced hala not jala) , and last but not least: cottage cheese!!!1!!!11

FTW!!! :banana:

11-13-2011, 12:10 AM
While we're at it I might as well add what I like, eh?

Oysters, sardines, tomatoes, salmon, tuna, chicken, beef, pizza, Big Mac, #9 with cheese, jalapenos (pronounced hala not jala , and last but not least: cottage cheese!!!1!!!11

FTW!!! :banana:

Yum to all of it but tomatoes! Cottage cheese with diced jalapenos mixed in, topped with cheddar cheese, fantastic!

11-13-2011, 12:13 AM
I should edit this thread into a favourite food discussion!!!

11-13-2011, 06:39 AM
@ whoever gave me negative reputation (not that I care) next time please give a valid reason other than "useless thread". Notice how it's under the off topic secton? I made this because post boosting seems to be growing more rampant, which IMO, is very relevant. Oops, double post, better give me more neg repz. :p

Ouch! Voiced my opinion as you did yours no need to get neg Rep, but ppl will do what they like at the end of the day. If people want to spam (huge amount of post) without getting 'frowned upon' wouldn't they just join the forum games in off topic :p

If you are going to continue with this idea, add it in the 'Website and Forum Discussion' maybe less trolling? And to be taken seriously you need to be careful of the way you project it, as spammers will do what they do best... spam that neg rep :p

Thought only Senior members and above could give plus/neg Rep.. or did that change with updated Titles? They show but don't count right?

11-13-2011, 02:10 PM
@ whoever gave me negative reputation (not that I care) next time please give a valid reason other than "useless thread". Notice how it's under the off topic secton? I made this because post boosting seems to be growing more rampant, which IMO, is very relevant. Oops, double post, better give me more neg repz. :p

Ouch! Voiced my opinion as you did yours no need to get neg Rep, but ppl will do what they like at the end of the day. If people want to spam (huge amount of post) without getting 'frowned upon' wouldn't they just join the forum games in off topic :p

If you are going to continue with this idea, add it in the 'Website and Forum Discussion' maybe less trolling? And to be taken seriously you need to be careful of the way you project it, as spammers will do what they do best... spam that neg rep :p

Thought only Senior members and above could give plus/neg Rep.. or did that change with updated Titles? They show but don't count right?

Yeah, as I said before; the Rep system is flawed, it takes like 3 immature trolls to ruin someones reputation. I couldn't care less about it, my friends know that a little bar dosent make me what the little discription says I am. It's the principal, I
Don't appreciate being trolled by whomever, and if you ever see a character in PL named 'quittrolling' that's me. ;)