View Full Version : Hmm

11-13-2011, 02:07 AM
Ok I overheard a convo/discussion about people getting together reporting a person just because they dont like them,is this allowed? And if the person gets reported does he get banned? I honestly dnt think its fair or cool so im wondering if a,person goes through this and they have done nothing does sts moniter the chats and get to the bottom of the situation so a person doesnt get wrongfully banned or punished for no reason? Because I really dnt think its fair for a person to get reported then banned for no reason.....leave comments if you will IF A DEV SEES THIS PLZ RESPOND thx

11-13-2011, 02:10 AM
No, this will never happen. A report with no substance or purpose will only hurt whoever is reporting.

If I remember correctly, as you report, there's a message saying that devs/customer support take reports very seriously. An abuse in the system would be a point against you.

Also, a ban is never given out for no reason. Common sense in play, why will STS ban potentially spending players for no reason, right? There is always ​a reason for a ban.

11-13-2011, 02:14 AM
Ok cool but if a person does have to go through this will sts moniter the chat logs just to make sure? The reason im askin is because the person is a dear friend of mine dnt want him punished because of something incredibly dumb

11-13-2011, 02:24 AM
Ok cool but if a person does have to go through this will sts moniter the chat logs just to make sure? The reason im askin is because the person is a dear friend of mine dnt want him punished because of something incredibly dumb

I don't really know their customer support process, but after multiple reports on one character, I figure they may just check logs to make sure. But again, if your friend has nothing to hide, there should be nothing to worry about.

11-13-2011, 02:57 AM
K thx

11-13-2011, 09:06 AM
The Devs have said before that if someone reports someone for inappropriate chat, they review *all* sides of the chat log. So:

Person A: *says totally inappropriate thing about Person B*
Person B: *snaps back a retaliatory comment*
Person A: "I reported you!" and does so.

STS is not going to look at Person B's comment as a stand-alone thing--they're also going to be checking Person A's chat since most comments don't appear in a vacuum. The whole convo is examined. And yes, there can be consequences for making false reports. What those consequences might be is known only to the Devs.

Moral of the story: lying and wasting the Devs' time isn't nice and actions have consequences.

11-13-2011, 09:16 AM
I can't really add anything extra apart from to reassure you that false reporting isn't going to effect anyone but the reporter(s), and if they were discussing their cunning plan beforehand, more fool them as its all recorded...

I've seen copies of the chat logs from a conversation i had with someone I helped who was raging and ended up helping out and had some fun with in the end. STS sent me a thanks a long time ago. They are exactly everything that was written....

11-13-2011, 02:17 PM
Thx you all for all the info its a huge help

11-13-2011, 03:52 PM
If a bunch of people gang up and report a guy, he very likely wont be banned
if however, one person reports something inappropriate, and it really is inappropriate, it takes about 10-15 seconds but that toon vanishes from the map lol
so I believe they do review it, and quickly at that

11-13-2011, 04:03 PM
Witness the mighty power that is the Dev!