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View Full Version : Beware of rich noobs

06-06-2018, 01:01 PM
I was scammed of 100k. I think of myself as quite an intelligent fellow but even I got duped. Let me tell you all my cautionary tale.

I was chilling in travellers outpost when a noob mage asked me for help running him through maps. Being an altruistic lvl 64 warrior I agreed. We had barely started Ydra forest when he invited me to trade and showed me all these arcane artifacts and weapons. He told me he had a lvl 66 Rogue with 60 million gold and wanted to try out a mage. He asked me how much gold I had and I told him 200k and that I was saving for my first heroic pet. He asked which one and when I replied cottonkill he told me Fenris is better for a warrior and as a thank you for me running him through the maps he would buy me it.

We got to Stronghold and by this time we had been chatting quite a bit. He asked me to lend him 100k so he can buy some better gear to save him switching to his rogue account to transfer gold. I did think this was weird but then remembered he showed me all his arcane stuff - this guy is rich - why would he scam me for 100k? Also he's giving me a Fenris egg for helping him so just give him the gold - which I did.

It was after completing Tindirin that I realised I was never getting the gold back. He told me he got rich by merching and asked for my other 100k and that he would turn it into 1 million in an hour. At this point alarm bells started ringing but I played along. I told him I just spent the money on a gl item but we could continue going through the maps. He then told me he has 6000 plats but has no idea what to do with them as he has pretty much everything he wants so has started awakening items for friends - then the friend request is sent. I play along again and tell him all my equipment is fully awakened already.

He then tries AGAIN. He tells me he knows a glitch in dead city where the boss can drop an arcane crate. How does it work? Well he needs the lepre I am wearing as only he can do it because he has the arcane item needed. When I told him ok so give me the arcane he said it's not tradeable.

At this point I asked for my gold back and told him I had screenshotted everyone of his attempted scams. He refused to give me the gold back and said there is no way he can get banned as his email is not attached to his main character. I'm not sure how true that is. Surely they can find out the account that transferred him the arcane stuff. I reported him anyway and was going to post the screenshots but i think it's against the rules.

Anyway, beware the rich noob. I let greed get the best of me. I just wanted the free heroic egg. No idea why these people scam when they are rich already. Maybe they just get a kick out of it.

06-06-2018, 01:20 PM
Aaaaaand at the end of the day it's still your own fault

06-06-2018, 01:21 PM
Lol. Sorry but people who know how to play this game do not need help. All that begging...

06-06-2018, 01:40 PM
It's easy to complete maps solo especially with mage and with decent gears from free crates, again, FREE.

The one to blame is only you in this case. You got fooled too easily, if rich or even top player approached you and told you lend me x gold or let me awaken your items for free would you just blindly give it to him? If player is rich doesn't matter he/she is trustworthy. Scammers are EVERYWHERE.
Lesson learned?

06-06-2018, 01:52 PM
luckily it was only 100k it could be worse. Sts bans all accounts connected to an ip address so he can still be punished , contact support maybe they can figure something out . By the way , Someone with multiple arcane artifacts and a maxed account would not ask for 100k... he had a way to get those artifacts there so another 100k should not be a problem . ( moving items between 2 accounts takes less than 5mins ). And as said above the new advancement packs make clearing maps up to glintstone a joke , even solo , especially for a mage since you wont even need to buy pots and 1-hit everything , someone capable of pressing 5 buttons on a screen should not need any help until lvl36 . Most new players will ask for information about the game rather than help clearing maps .

Although this is a new *interesting* way of scamming , i can see alot of players falling for this . I'l go see if i can find this guy and troll him a lil XD

06-06-2018, 02:06 PM
I know it is my fault. I'm just sharing my tale to warn others. I think this guy was very clever. He knew what he was doing. The best scammers play on people's flaws like greed. By showing me these items straight away to show credibility. Then by asking me how much gold I had so he knew how much he had to play with and promising me a heroic egg. I am a noob for falling for it but I honestly didn't think someone who can afford 4 really expensive items would waste their time this way. But I suppose if i fell for all his tricks he could have made a million off all my items as well. I know I'm to blame and I reported him so fingers crossed his main account got banned as well.

If i black out his name can I post screenshots?

06-06-2018, 02:08 PM
"If i black out his name can I post screenshots?"

Please don't, the story was sufficient.

06-06-2018, 02:21 PM
"If i black out his name can I post screenshots?"

Please don't, the story was sufficient.By "easy A*" I meant easy AND FUN [emoji14]
Rip Shortcuts

06-06-2018, 02:26 PM
No idea why these people scam when they are rich already. Maybe they just get a kick out of it.
How do you think these people got rich in the first place? By scamming their way through other people like you.

he showed me all his arcane stuff - this guy is rich - why would he scam me for 100k?
From you 100k, from someone else another 100k, from some other a few mil, and then he'd just add another arcane item to increase his credibility further...

06-06-2018, 02:31 PM
Aaaaaand at the end of the day it's still your own fault

YUPPP, these I got scammed posts are so useless. “ I got scammed” = it was your fault

06-06-2018, 02:43 PM
YUPPP, these I got scammed posts are so useless. “ I got scammed” = it was your fault

i dont think they are useless tho, i think that some people may avoid scam if they read those story, they have some warning/learning purpose!

me i got scam once with the 1 key crate :/ scam,
bought a bunch of 50 key crate and someone have insert a 1key crate at the same price as the 50 key crate, was half afk and bought 1 key crate for 500k lol
now i dont "shop" when i'm half afk lolll

06-06-2018, 03:03 PM
YUPPP, these I got scammed posts are so useless. “ I got scammed” = it was your fault

I think you are missing the point. Where in my posts did I say it was not my fault? I'm just sharing for awareness. Technically no scam took place. I lent someone 100k that I thought I would get back. It quite clearly states don't trade anything you don't want to lose - that's why you have the confirm button. However his other attempts were clearly scams that I want to make others aware of. If i came on here crying about it then maybe the thread would be useless. I think you need to work on your reading comprehension sir.

06-06-2018, 03:03 PM
I’m sorry for your bad experience and hope you won’t loose your kindness towards people.
Being kind is not a fault.
I’m really sad there are so many scammers around that prefer to invest time and effort to fool people (ruining their gameplay experience, and for that THEY are at fault, and should be banned) instead of enjoy AL.
Keep going and keep help people with gameplay and advises, just be careful on landing money.

Again. Scammers are at fault, not nice people. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience and teach us another variety of scamming.

06-06-2018, 03:21 PM
I think you are missing the point. Where in my posts did I say it was not my fault? I'm just sharing for awareness. Technically no scam took place. I lent someone 100k that I thought I would get back. It quite clearly states don't trade anything you don't want to lose - that's why you have the confirm button. However his other attempts were clearly scams that I want to make others aware of. If i came on here crying about it then maybe the thread would be useless. I think you need to work on your reading comprehension sir.

I actually didn’t read it 🤷🏽*♂️ just going based off what someone else said. Thought it was about you being scammed. My b

06-06-2018, 03:33 PM
Yeah that's what makes this scam all the more sinister because you are taking time out to help them when really they just made the account to fraudulently make money... I'm more annoyed about the time wasted than the 100k tbh. I will still help any player who asks. I know I will never be a top player and don't want to play competitively. In the last week I have given 4 dovabear eggs a gobi and tyrannica egg to low lvl players to help them out. None of these players asked for anything they just wanted help with a quest or two. It takes me an hour to make the 80k for these eggs but people really appreciate them which is nice. I'm not bothered about the 100k I lent him. But the scamming (lying about glitches) needs to be punished harshly and thankfully is. However like he said, it wasn't his main account so is there anything that can be done? I'm not sure. But making people aware is a start.

06-06-2018, 03:45 PM
Once again, another scam that occurred starting with "so I opened my trade window".


Yeah, I let my mom borrow my lepre one day in elite kraken isles, I haven't seen her since. She left me and my dad in real life as well, so I couldn't ask her for my lepre back in person. But hey, it's still my fault ;)

06-06-2018, 04:09 PM
Once again, another scam that occurred starting with "so I opened my trade window".


Yeah, I let my mom borrow my lepre one day in elite kraken isles, I haven't seen her since. She left me and my dad in real life as well, so I couldn't ask her for my lepre back in person. But hey, it's still my fault ;)

So what are you suggesting? They get rid of trading? I don't think this is the problem as you have the confirm and also the warnings when the offer is changed.

I think the threat is rich players making noob accounts off completely different ips and emails. So if they get banned it doesnt matter. They still have their op account.where they transfer all their Ill gotten gains

06-06-2018, 04:10 PM
So what are you suggesting? They get rid of trading?

Well sorta, even Justg once said if he did a new game he would get rid of the direct trading option due to scamming and drama.

06-06-2018, 04:32 PM
So what are you suggesting? They get rid of trading? I don't think this is the problem as you have the confirm and also the warnings when the offer is changed.

I think the threat is rich players making noob accounts off completely different ips and emails. So if they get banned it doesnt matter. They still have their op account.where they transfer all their Ill gotten gainsSTS ain't stupid. They can easily track his second account or even if he gifted/traded items to friend, finding him shouldn't be a problem for them.

06-06-2018, 05:40 PM
Well unfortunately they don't update you on scamming reports. I really hope he has been banned along with his main and all the expensive equipment. It is a real problem and is rightfully punished harshly with a ban.

Also for those of you saying posts like these are useless, I disagree. I read an old thread on here, I think it was called all about scams or something and listed the most common ones. It was really informative. Anyway, last week I get a pm from a guy selling a Malison egg (merch) for 70k. I go and check the auction and there was two eggs one at 100k and the other at 90k...Now i'm rusty on egg prices but I remembered reading that thread and learned about the perfectly legal "scam" of getting friends or alt accounts to put items in overpriced so you think you're getting a bargain. I have had people try this with unicorn food and other items as well. I might have fallen for it if I hadn't heard about it thanks to this forum.

06-06-2018, 05:46 PM
Many richies doing this trick for scam. Noobs will think they have enough gold to pay and do not care about their(noobs) 1m gold or lower.
Usually noobs will just simply trusted these guys with their golds and fake kindness.
Its my bad tho i got scammed this way too by ign-Club (twink pvp,mage,endgame decent player,warrior/rogue). He was so nice tho.
Also richies scam by overpricing the price. Noobs will trust them cus they thought "richies knows better". But they arent.
I alwasy thought richies dont care about 1m or lower but they do need it. Also maybe in their mind its easy to trap noobs to trust them cus theyre rich

06-06-2018, 06:34 PM
Sorry you got caught out as well. I hope you reported it..

My understanding is me lending him gold is not a banable offense. That's my own stupid mistake. I'm not sure what the rules are on attempted scams though. Do you need to actually fall for it and lose your stuff before these players are banned or are screenshots of them performing well known scams on you enough?

06-06-2018, 07:32 PM
I was scammed of 100k. I think of myself as quite an intelligent fellow but even I got duped. Let me tell you all my cautionary tale.

I was chilling in travellers outpost when a noob mage asked me for help running him through maps. Being an altruistic lvl 64 warrior I agreed. We had barely started Ydra forest when he invited me to trade and showed me all these arcane artifacts and weapons. He told me he had a lvl 66 Rogue with 60 million gold and wanted to try out a mage. He asked me how much gold I had and I told him 200k and that I was saving for my first heroic pet. He asked which one and when I replied cottonkill he told me Fenris is better for a warrior and as a thank you for me running him through the maps he would buy me it.

We got to Stronghold and by this time we had been chatting quite a bit. He asked me to lend him 100k so he can buy some better gear to save him switching to his rogue account to transfer gold. I did think this was weird but then remembered he showed me all his arcane stuff - this guy is rich - why would he scam me for 100k? Also he's giving me a Fenris egg for helping him so just give him the gold - which I did.

It was after completing Tindirin that I realised I was never getting the gold back. He told me he got rich by merching and asked for my other 100k and that he would turn it into 1 million in an hour. At this point alarm bells started ringing but I played along. I told him I just spent the money on a gl item but we could continue going through the maps. He then told me he has 6000 plats but has no idea what to do with them as he has pretty much everything he wants so has started awakening items for friends - then the friend request is sent. I play along again and tell him all my equipment is fully awakened already.

He then tries AGAIN. He tells me he knows a glitch in dead city where the boss can drop an arcane crate. How does it work? Well he needs the lepre I am wearing as only he can do it because he has the arcane item needed. When I told him ok so give me the arcane he said it's not tradeable.

At this point I asked for my gold back and told him I had screenshotted everyone of his attempted scams. He refused to give me the gold back and said there is no way he can get banned as his email is not attached to his main character. I'm not sure how true that is. Surely they can find out the account that transferred him the arcane stuff. I reported him anyway and was going to post the screenshots but i think it's against the rules.

Anyway, beware the rich noob. I let greed get the best of me. I just wanted the free heroic egg. No idea why these people scam when they are rich already. Maybe they just get a kick out of it.

LOL..... Arlor is becoming "Compton".......... LOL..........

I sometimes think some of those players are just "the competition" (other companies) who are intentionally doing this stuff to sabotage the game and taint the "morale" of players............... Just a "theory", LOL................

Doesn't look like they are going to slow down, so I guess just be strategic, smart, and report if you "get jacked"......... Keep screenshot function "at the ready" so that you can have evidence, and then I guess they will get hit in the head with THE BAN HAMMER so hard that "they won't have no neck left"..................................... LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-06-2018, 07:43 PM
Its annoying to me that so much of the AL community refuses to acknowledge scamming as an actual problem. When these types of posts come up (and they should) the most common response is, "you got scammed you should know the consequences, its your fault for being naive". The AL community should work together to fight the scamming instead of putting down those who have been scammed. To thos players out there who think that scamming doesn't affect them in any way, they should know that even if it is not them who get scammed, they are going to get bitten buy the bug eventually. I can confidently say that one of the leading causes of players leaving AL is being scammed and I in fact have had too many friends too count who have quit because of scamming. A dwindling AL community is worse for everyone.


06-06-2018, 08:20 PM
The problem is, as long as there is trading and a consignment shop/auction there will always be scammers who try to exploit them.
It's sad though that in most cases when someone is scammed or duped, Sts gets a email or a forum post about it and has to spend time figuring out if the complaint is legit and if or who should be banned.

That's time for Sts which is ultimately money spent on employee labor figuring everything out and investigating the matter, which would be better spent on advertising and making the game better.

But that's how much players love direct trading and the consignment shop. So much so, that Sts has really not found a way to limit scamming or stop trading altogether. It would hurt the game experience too much if they changed the mechanics of trading. That is why veteren players always say "stop trusting people" and "do research before buying something". So in that sense these scam posts are good! But everyone has to use common sense.

Captain critic
06-06-2018, 08:21 PM
Its annoying to me that so much of the AL community refuses to acknowledge scamming as an actual problem. When these types of posts come up (and they should) the most common response is, "you got scammed you should know the consequences, its your fault for being naive". The AL community should work together to fight the scamming instead of putting down those who have been scammed. To thos players out there who think that scamming doesn't affect them in any way, they should know that even if it is not them who get scammed, they are going to get bitten buy the bug eventually. I can confidently say that one of the leading causes of players leaving AL is being scammed and I in fact have had too many friends too count who have quit because of scamming. A dwindling AL community is worse for everyone.

The thing is what can we do about the scamming ??? Sts barely has their scam solution under control and for all we know our friends could be the next scammer we aren't sure at times and sometimes we are just that nice, and there are too many scammers to keep track of and like sts said people will claim innocence anyway and maybe post on forums and sorry guys but to anyone who said "we don't discuss bans on forums" well guess what people are posting bans on forums, my point is we have little power and not much we can do accept give support some how like saying nice things, and sts can ban its just there is so much their system can do

Suentous PO
06-06-2018, 10:03 PM
Its annoying to me that so much of the AL community refuses to acknowledge scamming as an actual problem. When these types of posts come up (and they should) the most common response is, "you got scammed you should know the consequences, its your fault for being naive". The AL community should work together to fight the scamming instead of putting down those who have been scammed. To thos players out there who think that scamming doesn't affect them in any way, they should know that even if it is not them who get scammed, they are going to get bitten buy the bug eventually. I can confidently say that one of the leading causes of players leaving AL is being scammed and I in fact have had too many friends too count who have quit because of scamming. A dwindling AL community is worse for everyone.


Scamming is a problem, as is naivity.

One way to think of this thing that annoys you is to see it as tough love, and not "putting down". Some ppl like me learn way faster this way. Different ppl have different ways to learn, so folk teach lessons in various ways.
A boxing coach may tell you once too keep your hands up, if you don't, he may hit you in the head because telling you wasn't effective enough.
Thread after thread seems to say that many need to keep their hands up, lol

06-06-2018, 11:20 PM
Scamming is a problem, as is naivity.

One way to think of this thing that annoys you is to see it as tough love, and not "putting down". Some ppl like me learn way faster this way. Different ppl have different ways to learn, so folk teach lessons in various ways.
A boxing coach may tell you once too keep your hands up, if you don't, he may hit you in the head because telling you wasn't effective enough.
Thread after thread seems to say that many need to keep their hands up, lol

I learned just like you, After i got scammed the first time, it never happened again

06-06-2018, 11:23 PM
The thing is what can we do about the scamming ??? Sts barely has their scam solution under control and for all we know our friends could be the next scammer we aren't sure at times and sometimes we are just that nice, and there are too many scammers to keep track of and like sts said people will claim innocence anyway and maybe post on forums and sorry guys but to anyone who said "we don't discuss bans on forums" well guess what people are posting bans on forums, my point is we have little power and not much we can do accept give support some how like saying nice things, and sts can ban its just there is so much their system can do

The problem is, as long as there is trading and a consignment shop/auction there will always be scammers who try to exploit them.
It's sad though that in most cases when someone is scammed or duped, Sts gets a email or a forum post about it and has to spend time figuring out if the complaint is legit and if or who should be banned.

That's time for Sts which is ultimately money spent on employee labor figuring everything out and investigating the matter, which would be better spent on advertising and making the game better.

But that's how much players love direct trading and the consignment shop. So much so, that Sts has really not found a way to limit scamming or stop trading altogether. It would hurt the game experience too much if they changed the mechanics of trading. That is why veteren players always say "stop trusting people" and "do research before buying something". So in that sense these scam posts are good! But everyone has to use common sense.

Scamming is a problem, as is naivity.

One way to think of this thing that annoys you is to see it as tough love, and not "putting down". Some ppl like me learn way faster this way. Different ppl have different ways to learn, so folk teach lessons in various ways.
A boxing coach may tell you once too keep your hands up, if you don't, he may hit you in the head because telling you wasn't effective enough.
Thread after thread seems to say that many need to keep their hands up, lol

I agree with all of your points but what about all the poor noobs who just started AL? The little gold they probably earned that likely lose in seconds. This would likely discourage them from logging on and playing AL again afterwards! There NEEDS to be a way to deal with scammers. Not a wish or something that is encouraged, there MUST on the survival of Arcane legends be a way to deal with scammers. Its killing the community faster than likely any of us realize

06-07-2018, 12:05 AM
I agree with all of your points but what about all the poor noobs who just started AL? The little gold they probably earned that likely lose in seconds. This would likely discourage them from logging on and playing AL again afterwards! There NEEDS to be a way to deal with scammers. Not a wish or something that is encouraged, there MUST on the survival of Arcane legends be a way to deal with scammers. Its killing the community faster than likely any of us realize

The only thing I could think Sts could do to help new players, is what they do occasionally in the message or chat window when you log into the game. They could have a short disclaimer like they do about not giving out emails or passwords or sharing your account.

Something that says, "Remember to always be careful when buying and trading items with fellow players. Never loan, trade or give another player anything your not willing to lose - The Sts Team"

Other than that it's common sense or the book of hard knocks that are gonna help a new player avoid getting scammed.

06-07-2018, 02:30 AM
I've been scammed, it was a couple of years ago. I actually forgave him because he was poor and he did show remorse and paid me back in installments. I can't however, understand why anyone who is rich would stoop so low as to scam someone they can clearly see is a nice helpful player who hasn't one iota of their wealth. Rich scammers are despicable. I agree that we should have threads like this in the hope it helps players realise just how scammers work. Trouble is, new players don't read forums straight away. I agree with Thekragle, a message from STS may be one way of helping new players keep their hard earned gold but I'm afraid scamming seems like it's becoming a hobby to some unscrupulous players. Then there are the players who cry they've been scammed, I feel sorry for them and push some stuff their way but not sure if they've actually been scammed. I've just given myself a headache. Take care and bye for now.

06-07-2018, 11:55 AM
There was a time when arcane items, I think it was eggs, were dropping randomly. I think it was the first time or something. Sorry, it was long ago and the exact details are hazy. I just remember all the mercenary rich people sitting in Windmoore offering low prices to the new players, who did not know what they had just dropped.

It was disgusting, but expected and happens everyday.

We celebrate this: Bubba found xxxxx in the antique shop/newspaper and it was really a blahblah and worth a bazillion bucks but he only paid 5 cents. We all congratulate Bubba.

Very normal.

06-07-2018, 12:22 PM
There was a time when arcane items, I think it was eggs, were dropping randomly. I think it was the first time or something. Sorry, it was long ago and the exact details are hazy. I just remember all the mercenary rich people sitting in Windmoore offering low prices to the new players, who did not know what they had just dropped.

It was disgusting, but expected and happens everyday.

We celebrate this: Bubba found xxxxx in the antique shop/newspaper and it was really a blahblah and worth a bazillion bucks but he only paid 5 cents. We all congratulate Bubba.

Very normal.It could be during first egg-zavier. As far as I know arcane eggs prices were ridiculously low during that event.

06-07-2018, 03:09 PM
Nope, way before that. It was either the first arcane egg or first arcane item. Don't remember anymore. Could also have been first mythic item/egg.

06-07-2018, 08:14 PM
Be careful there are some rich scumbags. Send me a pm and I will buy you a heroic cottonkill/fenris and give you 100k.

Ign: Handsumlegend.

Let me know what your in-game name is and what time you will be online with your time zone.

06-08-2018, 03:55 PM
My in game name is just macgreaze I'm online now . Chilling in kraag

06-10-2018, 11:50 AM
Guys, a nice warrior called manytheman reimbursed me the 100k. I told him he didn't need to but he insisted. It's really nice to see that the good players far outnumber the few bad apples. Thanks for the other offers of help but now I've been reimbursed what I lost it would be wrong for me to accept. I'm still going to help players but will be more cautious in future. Thanks

06-10-2018, 07:23 PM
Long story long:

A mage was in glintstone town a while back saying he was scared and things like that. So I asked why and he goes to trade. I was shown ghost leaderboard helmet vanity and him saying how hes trying to transfer it to another account but can't trust people. I expressed that he shouldn't trust anyone and his best bet would be to sell it off and transfer gold over or just keep it on that mage. He didn't want to and was basically trying to lure me into a "trust" trade with him. He wanted me to gift him the arc ring I was wearing and he would give it back with his ghost on helm to transfer -_-. I never offered him to help just advice but he was very persistent trying to get me to "help" him.I warned the town and put him on mute.I wanted to report the guy be he technically isn't doing anything wrong :/.

Take everything with a grain of salt