View Full Version : Well, you never stop learning i guess...

11-13-2011, 01:59 PM
Well today during some normal in game chat, a series of the ********'s appeared across three consecutive words in my comments. Of course this erased all meaning to what i was saying and i was not aware that any bad words were hidden in my chat unlike the laughable 'Titan' armor.

Being curious, i typed the result of what i thought was the censored string of characters in to my chat box to check if this was indeed a censored word and BAMO! i was muted.

Well to be sure i ain't no spring chicken, but this censored term was totally new to me. Looked it up on google just now and yep, its a naughty word- an obscure ethnic slur. So i was muted, no prob. I understand and agree with the idea of keeping chat clean. But what was new and somewhat disturbing was the warning that came up, something like "...additional muting will result in being banned..."

Listen i don't want to get banned because of the non-contextual censor filters applied to in game chat. Feed back plz. :confused:

PS. I know i know
quote super-posters: "take this up with the devs...blabla" <------ Im also warning the community here y'all.

11-13-2011, 02:36 PM
was banned. 7 days. for repeating something that came up in the towne. the support were awesome about it, and got me back in almost as soon as they came to work, although it said that temp bans were not usually cancelled... very similiar to why you were muted. Did you try to put on that titan tech? anyway, thats the reason I logged on to the forum. I know that "not anything you would say in front of your mother" thing does not work for everyone, and they dont have a list of words that you are not allowed to use, or that will get you banned, this list of words can easily be abused... hmm so anyway, just stay clean from your side and it shudnt be a problem, go to menu>options>page 2 and uncheck "filter chat" then you can say whatever you want without getting filtered, or other people's text doesnt get filtered, but you still get muted or banned if you use any of those words

11-13-2011, 02:55 PM
was banned. 7 days. for repeating something that came up in the towne. the support were awesome about it, and got me back in almost as soon as they came to work, although it said that temp bans were not usually cancelled... very similiar to why you were muted. Did you try to put on that titan tech? anyway, thats the reason I logged on to the forum. I know that "not anything you would say in front of your mother" thing does not work for everyone, and they dont have a list of words that you are not allowed to use, or that will get you banned, this list of words can easily be abused... hmm so anyway, just stay clean from your side and it shudnt be a problem, go to menu>options>page 2 and uncheck "filter chat" then you can say whatever you want without getting filtered, or other people's text doesnt get filtered, but you still get muted or banned if you use any of those words

Good tip slant!

11-13-2011, 03:23 PM
*waits for people to post that stupid link to email the devs* We all know the email guys, posting it 6 times in the same thread is redundant :)
I'm scared of the flter mutes lol, so far I don't think I've been muted yet, but I'm sure it'll happen some day.

11-13-2011, 03:45 PM
*waits for people to post that stupid link to email the devs* We all know the email guys, posting it 6 times in the same thread is redundant :)
I'm scared of the flter mutes lol, so far I don't think I've been muted yet, but I'm sure it'll happen some day.
email support
support@spacetimestudios.com.au or click the support portal.............

Muting is not so serious its just a warning repeatadly get muted and youll be banned tho. just if yousee some letters censored dont repeat them.

11-13-2011, 05:03 PM
*waits for people to post that stupid link to email the devs*

wait for it... tada! ^^^^^

yeah I'm kinda nervous about the auto mute too. Some ppl are way more outta hand and don't necessarily use wordie dirties. Ik Ik "just ignore or turn off chat", that is not the point here. Im just saying that the filter could be smarter or at least clarified by the devs. We would love a clarification of the banning protocol. That would be swell.

11-14-2011, 12:43 AM
Happened to me also in PL last year, was talking and then there was **** ***** , I was like huh.
Luckily I wasnt muted that time but I did check the combo of those words and found also a bad word on online dictionary.
English not being my 1st language but still I am quite fluent, I learned a new word; sadly I forgot the word lol. :D
I hate when you **** while you are not cursing at all, talking normally.

Now yesterday during a conversation with a friend I was muted for 5 minutes for the 1st time in SL.
I scrolled the txt dialog and there was nothing. No ****. nothing that break the tos of sts from my side.
I was like: whaaaaaaaaaaaaat???
I am the kind of person whos always respectful, calmly avoid bad words during disputes and when I am really mad I prefer to shout irl than typing a txt in game.
I sent an email to dev to check up on this since I am really curious and dont know what I did wrong lol. :p

11-14-2011, 06:07 AM
wait for it... tada! ^^^^^

yeah I'm kinda nervous about the auto mute too. Some ppl are way more outta hand and don't necessarily use wordie dirties. Ik Ik "just ignore or turn off chat", that is not the point here. Im just saying that the filter could be smarter or at least clarified by the devs. We would love a clarification of the banning protocol. That would be swell.

lol i was only joking

11-14-2011, 09:38 AM
lol i was only joking

Haha! Ya got me XD