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View Full Version : Big Parent Fight just 10min ago.:(

11-13-2011, 06:31 PM
I didn't make this thread.

11-13-2011, 06:42 PM
Sorry to hear that I hope everything gets better Good luck and don't Lose hope just hang on..

11-13-2011, 06:55 PM
I am so sorry to hear this. I really, reallly hope that it works out. Sometimes, parents talk about divorce, but it doesn't happen at all or for a long time. I really, hope it works out.

And please feel free to talk to us here on this forum. We are your friends and want to help if there is anything we can do. Feel free to ask any of us if there is anything we can do.

Take care, and please, please keep us posted. We are really interested and feel for you. I've been through this. I know how you feel. So many others have also. And we all want to help. Just keep us posted.

I hope you do visit us often and continue to play as much as you can.

Take it easy.

11-13-2011, 07:25 PM
sorry, bro :'(. I am really feeling bad for you. I know it's hard.

Friend me!
PL: weeegeee,weeegeeetwo(main), weeegeeethree

SL: weeegeee(main), weeegeeetwo

11-13-2011, 07:26 PM
I am horribly, horribly sorry and would do anything to prevent a divorce from happening to your family. Currently I am in high school and have had a split family for around 2 1/2 years or so... I don't keep track. It's a tragedy to go through and my heart is yet to heal. I've suffered long term lightheadedness for about 2 years and thought about just giving up.

I've prayed and prayed and have had counseling and it's slowly getting better. But my whole point of this is to tell you whatever happens, happens for a reason. I'll be praying for you buddy, stay in their.

P.S. Don't be afraid to cry and tell your parents how you feel. It will help a lot.

11-13-2011, 07:33 PM
You have many, many friends here. Please do not keep this to yourself. Let us know if there is anything we can do.

Remember, your friends here. When you need to relax and destress, come to the forum or fire up the game. We look forward to hearing from you everyday. So keep us posted.

So many have gone through what you are, so take comfort in that, maybe we can help a bit when you need it.

11-13-2011, 08:26 PM
I never knew you but, that is still horrible.i have never had anything similar happen to me, so I have no really good tips, just make sure that u know the commmunity of pl and sl both care.
EDIT:my parents have had BIG fights too, it always help when you come in and tell them how you feel.
Feel better,

11-13-2011, 08:26 PM
Look Buddy , I understand How you feel My parents have been divorced a few years As well It is a very sad thing especially when It happens at a young age like you or me or anyone else. The best thing to do Is not take sides Because Your bound to get yelled at by one parent if you do :( also Keep your head up and Tell each parent about the good qualities eachother has Maybe the'll consider not Divorcing :/ I hope all goes well Buddy If you need anything ask away Thats what the forumers are here for...

11-13-2011, 08:32 PM
OMG, this is awful. I really do hope it works out. Definitely try to talk to your parents, but also do not assume you know what they were really fighting about. Generally big blow-out fights like that are build-ups from other stuff, usually stuff that's been building up for a long time.

Well, let's hope they talk and remember why they were/are a family.

11-13-2011, 08:34 PM
OMG, this is awful. I really do hope it works out. Definitely try to talk to your parents, but also do not assume you know what they were really fighting about. Generally big blow-out fights like that are build-ups from other stuff, usually stuff that's been building up for a long time.

Well, let's hope they talk and remember why they were/are a family.Exactly, not sure if this will work, but try calling a family meeting...lol nvm it probably won't work.

11-13-2011, 08:37 PM
Your kidding me right he is trying to communicate his feelings and you tell him this belongs in off topic discussion if I'm not mistaken....I'm sorry to hear about whats going on I hope things get better

11-13-2011, 08:39 PM
Your kidding me right he is trying to communicate his feelings and you tell him this belongs in off topic discussion if I'm not mistaken....I'm sorry to hear about whats going on I hope things get betterIt does belong there, and woundedeagle said in nice way btw.

11-13-2011, 08:41 PM
Well for one this probaly is not the time to play forum police

11-13-2011, 08:42 PM
Well for one this probaly is not the time to play forum policeok, he was just warning his friend that is all.

11-13-2011, 08:42 PM
Hang in there. I'm a mother with a husband and children age range 9-22. Sometimes there is something going on with parents that even they don't understand. Just know this : It is not because of you or your siblings! They both love you guys very very much and if they can work this out they will, they don't want you to be hurt!
PM me if you need an ear :-)

11-13-2011, 08:43 PM
Hang in there. I'm a mother with a husband and children age range 9-22. Sometimes there is something going on with parents that even they don't understand. Just know this : It is not because of you or your siblings! They both love you guys very very much and if they can work this out they will, they don't want you to be hurt!
PM me if you need an ear :-)Perfect timing, a mother came in!!! :p

11-13-2011, 08:48 PM
I'm really srry to hear that but......the only time ive ever saw my dad was when I was 3 years old....never Seen him since. My mom and stepdad got a divorce not long ago to so I know what ur going thru

11-13-2011, 08:50 PM
Your kidding me right he is trying to communicate his feelings and you tell him this belongs in off topic discussion if I'm not mistaken....I'm sorry to hear about whats going on I hope things get betterIt does belong there, and woundedeagle said in nice way btw.

No, we, told him he didn't have friends and that he should keep this too himself. I CANNOT BELIEVE this. Yeah, sure, this should have been off topic.

But, under the circumstances, if he had some problem with this, then he should be the one to pm the dev and ask for the change.

He should have said almost nothing of what he did say, then at the end,, say, "and if it is ok with you, I am going to ask Samhayne to move this to off topic, ok?"

I am just shocked and stunned by what he said. A deep personal tradegy like this and the forum police have to stop in and give say these things. During deep personal tradegy try to be nice. Actuall, try to be nice always, no need to police the forums. And if a thread was posted in wrong spot, then who ever it is that actually cares about that should be the one to pm the dev with op's persmissioin.

There was an attempt to APPEAR nice. So, to keep up a charade.

I'm not going to discuss this further in this thread. Start another one if you feel a need to respond.

11-13-2011, 08:51 PM
Well for one this probaly is not the time to play forum police

Agreed! It kinda sickened me! I mean, the guy's parents are having a huge argument and somebody tells him his thread is in the wrong section? *disbelief*

11-13-2011, 08:53 PM
Well for one this probaly is not the time to play forum police

Agreed! It kinda sickened me! I mean, the guy's parents are having a huge argument and somebody tells him his thread is in the wrong section? *disbelief*

I'm with Apollo....I know how he feels and this would make me even more sad. It defiantly siccens me to

11-13-2011, 08:53 PM
Agreed! It kinda sickened me! I mean, the guy's parents are having a huge argument and somebody tells him his thread is in the wrong section? *disbelief*I never was playing forum police, until the guy said that we don't need to tell him stuff like that. Read my above posts.

11-13-2011, 08:57 PM
Agreed! It kinda sickened me! I mean, the guy's parents are having a huge argument and somebody tells him his thread is in the wrong section? *disbelief*I never was playing forum police, until the guy said that we don't need to tell him stuff like that. Read my above posts.

We shouldn't have. It is unbelievable that that happened.

11-13-2011, 09:14 PM
My condolences Largecommando, divorces are extremely hard on the kids which I don't think the parents understand.

If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to send me a PM!


11-13-2011, 09:19 PM
Sorry to who said it ,but I definately agree, that was friggin rude. Between this and Zheo's thread, I think this forum needs to really step back and turn it down a notch. I'm stunned. Maybe a Dev could make a sticky about how forum policing is just as bad as no policing when you cross the line and overdo it. Now excuse me while I pray for the poor chap's family. In the end, PL, SL, and the forums are nothing compared to something like what has happened to Large. My thoughts and prayers are with you bro, I went thru the same stuff not too long ago myself. On the bright side ,once the dust settles, you'll know your parents still love you and that's what counts.

11-13-2011, 09:21 PM
I'd say feel free to PM me, but so many wonderful people are offering. Either way, feel free to PM me if you need any help! Trust me, I've been through this! I am getting the sense that you are Indian? Correct me if I'm wrong. (:

11-13-2011, 09:47 PM
I'm sorry that your in this situation. Looking at all the other posts, everyone here really cares about you and some can actually relate so don't feel like your alone. It may be difficult but be strong through all this, no matter how it ends.

Remember that we care so keep us updated. Don't be a stranger through this difficult time. We are here to help.

11-13-2011, 10:20 PM
I'm really sorry to hear that. :/ Don't forget, we're your cyber family; which is the next best thing in a pinch! But seriously, I hope things work out; coming from a family who (aside from my mom) I never see; since they all live in ontario, and My father is a whole other story, I understand what you must be going through. :( I really hope things work out for you; and as said above, there's lots of people you can talk to via a pm. I wish you the best! :)

On a side note it says woundedeagle made this thread but i thought it was largecommander. :confused:

11-13-2011, 10:28 PM
Largecommando deleted his post making Woundedeeagle the "OP".

11-13-2011, 10:44 PM
Largecommando deleted his post making Woundedeeagle the "OP".

Was about to say, what the heck happened.

11-13-2011, 11:32 PM
Why was the first post deleted and it now made my thread? And I was just stating a point to whoever downrepped me.

11-13-2011, 11:47 PM
No, we, told him he didn't have friends and that he should keep this too himself. I CANNOT BELIEVE this. Yeah, sure, this should have been off topic.

But, under the circumstances, if he had some problem with this, then he should be the one to pm the dev and ask for the change.

He should have said almost nothing of what he did say, then at the end,, say, "and if it is ok with you, I am going to ask Samhayne to move this to off topic, ok?"

I am just shocked and stunned by what he said. A deep personal tradegy like this and the forum police have to stop in and give say these things. During deep personal tradegy try to be nice. Actuall, try to be nice always, no need to police the forums. And if a thread was posted in wrong spot, then who ever it is that actually cares about that should be the one to pm the dev with op's persmissioin.

There was an attempt to APPEAR nice. So, to keep up a charade.

I'm not going to discuss this further in this thread. Start another one if you feel a need to respond.
Oh and for saying that I was a jerk about it, I said I was there for him if he needed me and that he has friends here he can talk to if he needs to. I shouldn't have said anything? I was only trying to offer support and it wasn't being a jerk, i did PM a dev to. It's not like that was the only thing I said. And if you're going to create an allusion to Zheotares thread, your posts of me doing the 'wrong thing' have no point, you offered him no support in this. If you wanted to shame on me, take it up with me. Don't flame.