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View Full Version : 5 minute rejoin

06-17-2018, 02:29 AM
Honestly i dont rejoin mid fight at all but have been gotten by this 5 minute rejoin time more than a few times and it takes the fun out of the game waiting 5 minutes to go back to pvp when your just trying to switch teams or something. At one point i was just going to go to the other side and i had all my skills ready and no damage on me and i wasnt autoing and somehow got the 5 minute elixer that keeps me from going to pvp, im really a pvp only player and this update ruins the flow for me because sometimes i cant be on for long and want to get a quick game and then accedently have this happen and then i cant even play anymore cuz i cant wait 5 minutes. I strongly beleive this should be REMOVED. It just seems like a huge waste of time for someone that accedently had this happen. Maybe rework what classifys as "combat" in the game?

06-17-2018, 02:42 AM
It should stay till the pvp event is over at least unless it's possible to restrict it to honor zone only. The idea was to discourage anybody who want to leave a given match and try to find a match better suit them, in any case either fighting or not, leaving at any point should result in few minute ban or for the event few points deduction.

06-17-2018, 10:01 AM
Watch under your health bar... use your auto attack. See that icon that pops up where your buffs are displayed? If you wait for that to go away this shouldn't happen again. I agree it is kinda annoying, but otherwise during the event people will rj to prevent others from getting kills.

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