View Full Version : Gold,Silver,Bronze Machine Pistols??

06-22-2018, 10:31 AM
Thread Moved

[emoji117]Quick Guide (l46 Machine Pistols)

06-22-2018, 12:40 PM
yes bring them back. maniacs sell them for 150mill ingame

06-22-2018, 02:38 PM
Rewards for the next Guild Event? :o who knows :)

Yea i agree, bring them back :)

06-22-2018, 07:32 PM
rewards for next guild event, no.

make them droppabl again with the other L46 stuff...yes

06-23-2018, 03:59 PM
Yes make them dropable at lv46 maps

06-30-2018, 01:34 PM
Agreed, would be nice to have them back.

07-11-2018, 04:32 PM
@Cinco why arent they dropable anymore?

07-14-2018, 11:09 AM
An answer would be appreciated :/

07-14-2018, 11:25 AM
An answer would be appreciated :/

Do you have the exact item names of these?
Maybe it's easier for cinco to check when he has the names

07-14-2018, 11:55 AM
Do you have the exact item names of these?
Maybe it's easier for cinco to check when he has the names

Yes i do!

Level 46, SYKE TAC-7 Machine Pistol ,(BRONZE, The black ones)
Level 46, Jail-Broken TAC-7 Machine Pistol ,(SILVER)
Level 46, TAC-7 Machine Pistol (U.C.X. Edition) ,(GOLD)

07-15-2018, 08:42 AM
Yes i do!

Level 46, SYKE TAC-7 Machine Pistol ,(BRONZE, The black ones)
Level 46, Jail-Broken TAC-7 Machine Pistol ,(SILVER)
Level 46, TAC-7 Machine Pistol (U.C.X. Edition) ,(GOLD)

Add the rarety and make it an actual post, thank you

07-15-2018, 08:54 AM
Add the rarety and make it an actual post, thank you

What do you mean?

07-15-2018, 02:11 PM
What do you mean?
Start another thread from zero, with more information about the items

07-15-2018, 02:31 PM
Start another thread from zero, with more information about the items

That would be called SPAM... you can't start the same thread.

07-17-2018, 04:52 AM
That would be called SPAM... you can't start the same thread.

Then you know what to do, edit this one and make it with more information if posible

07-17-2018, 05:57 AM
Done, check if its fine xd and thank you for the tip!

07-17-2018, 07:54 AM
Cinco, there are quite some fashion hunters in Star Legends.
We are tired of the same TAC colors. Give us these exact ones back. Make em drop in lv46 Terasa.
It was a drop before so its not a crime imo

07-17-2018, 08:02 AM
Cinco, there are quite some fashion hunters in Star Legends.
We are tired of the same TAC colors. Give us these exact ones back. Make em drop in lv46 Terasa.
It was a drop before so its not a crime imo

I think making them dropable in STS-25 EXODUS and lvl55 its a better idea.
HARD 6 , XAR-55, HOMESTEAD, KEYSTONE, they all drop there and in GOLD,SILVER,BRONZE colors see screenshots i posted on the thread.

07-17-2018, 09:45 AM
Done, check if its fine xd and thank you for the tip!

Looks Great now!

07-18-2018, 10:29 AM
Bump we need atleast an answer to what happened to those weapons

07-24-2018, 09:00 PM
Yall are just butt hurt cuz you can't afford em :)

07-25-2018, 06:35 AM
Yall are just butt hurt cuz you can't afford em :)

To be honest its not that, just 3 black tacs exist as we know and 2 silver , 1 gold, not many which sucks plus any other weapon has a color variant so i assume they just forget the machine pistols.

07-25-2018, 10:49 AM
Yall are just butt hurt cuz you can't afford em :)

I don't even like them

07-25-2018, 06:11 PM
If they do bring it back they should also do some variants for slashers and trench tech (im not sure if they do already?) Shouldnt be too hard to just recolour as legendaries and make them drop again in tarasa

07-25-2018, 06:36 PM
If they do bring it back they should also do some variants for slashers and trench tech (im not sure if they do already?) Shouldnt be too hard to just recolour as legendaries and make them drop again in tarasa

i have already recolored an ion cannon,
Red lines into Gold
Grey into Black ;)

07-25-2018, 07:06 PM
don't look at the quality, this was done without a pencil screen :/

07-26-2018, 12:17 PM
The colour scheme is amazing! I hope we get something like this as for elite weps or lvl 46 drops

only if cinco would reply, i rlly like ur recolours

07-26-2018, 02:01 PM
Cinco did reply, he said awesome job!

07-26-2018, 04:27 PM
I love how they’re having a similar debate over at the Dark Legends forums about the helix and firestar. It’s almost like both games have old items that not many people have an people want them to come back. The way I look at this whole situation with old items is as follows:

Those people that really want those old items back should realize that the whole “old item” thing happens in MOST MMOs. It’s a common thing for an item to be taken out and some lucky few still have it. Just because a few people have it doesn’t mean that they’re better in any other way. It’s just an item. That’s it!

If sts were to bring it back then most people would have it and guess what? It would look stale since most people have them. They are desirable now because there are so little. It’s like when a child goes to the store and wants a new “cooler” toy than his last one. He buys it and gets bored of it. It’s the same concept that people are never satisfied. If cinco brings the old weps back then people will find a new thing to complain about anyway.

I don’t have a pair of those tacs and honestly they would be nice to own, but I deal with the fact that I liquidated mine before because they were so common!

Look at it this way now: those people that have the exclusive tacs now can’t even sell them. No way one of those guys would sell them for the current credit cap. So in common economics language they are priceless but at the same time worthless! The sellers won’t sell for the current economy cap which means that because the items aren’t being sold they are just there. I can bet that even if one person does sell their exclusive tacs for the max credit price, others will look at him being insane. The fact that no one CAN buy them and the sellers WON’T settle for the credit cap, they are worthless in a sense. You can’t put a value on something you can’t sell within the game. It is possible to sell them through other means (such as account / weapon selling for irl money) however it is against the sts rules. For that same reason, those exlusive tac sellers won’t take the risk of either being scammed or getting banned.

Long story short, if people want the tacs for their looks then I find that bringing them back will be fine, as they’ll probably be like 1m at most. Most people want them back though because they think that if they come back then they’ll retain their same expensive value and exclusiveness which is all wrong. They’ll be just like any other brown or silver/red tac out there. The same thing happened with the e6. It was so exlusive then it was brought back and in that time it was prominent it wasn’t worth much.

07-26-2018, 04:51 PM
I love how they’re having a similar debate over at the Dark Legends forums about the helix and firestar. It’s almost like both games have old items that not many people have an people want them to come back. The way I look at this whole situation with old items is as follows:

Those people that really want those old items back should realize that the whole “old item” thing happens in MOST MMOs. It’s a common thing for an item to be taken out and some lucky few still have it. Just because a few people have it doesn’t mean that they’re better in any other way. It’s just an item. That’s it!

If sts were to bring it back then most people would have it and guess what? It would look stale since most people have them. They are desirable now because there are so little. It’s like when a child goes to the store and wants a new “cooler” toy than his last one. He buys it and gets bored of it. It’s the same concept that people are never satisfied. If cinco brings the old weps back then people will find a new thing to complain about anyway.

I don’t have a pair of those tacs and honestly they would be nice to own, but I deal with the fact that I liquidated mine before because they were so common!

Look at it this way now: those people that have the exclusive tacs now can’t even sell them. No way one of those guys would sell them for the current credit cap. So in common economics language they are priceless but at the same time worthless! The sellers won’t sell for the current economy cap which means that because the items aren’t being sold they are just there. I can bet that even if one person does sell their exclusive tacs for the max credit price, others will look at him being insane. The fact that no one CAN buy them and the sellers WON’T settle for the credit cap, they are worthless in a sense. You can’t put a value on something you can’t sell within the game. It is possible to sell them through other means (such as account / weapon selling for irl money) however it is against the sts rules. For that same reason, those exlusive tac sellers won’t take the risk of either being scammed or getting banned.

Long story short, if people want the tacs for their looks then I find that bringing them back will be fine, as they’ll probably be like 1m at most. Most people want them back though because they think that if they come back then they’ll retain their same expensive value and exclusiveness which is all wrong. They’ll be just like any other brown or silver/red tac out there. The same thing happened with the e6. It was so exlusive then it was brought back and in that time it was prominent it wasn’t worth much.

Tbh most of the people here realize that bringing them back will make them alot less expensive, we saw that happening with almost anything, Rocketeer/E6/Scifi pack/Hero pack and many others, and i agree something exclusive should remain like so, but tacs? they were supposed to be colored since the beginning, they just forget them.

07-26-2018, 09:09 PM
I love how they’re having a similar debate over at the Dark Legends forums about the helix and firestar. It’s almost like both games have old items that not many people have an people want them to come back. The way I look at this whole situation with old items is as follows:

Those people that really want those old items back should realize that the whole “old item” thing happens in MOST MMOs. It’s a common thing for an item to be taken out and some lucky few still have it. Just because a few people have it doesn’t mean that they’re better in any other way. It’s just an item. That’s it!

If sts were to bring it back then most people would have it and guess what? It would look stale since most people have them. They are desirable now because there are so little. It’s like when a child goes to the store and wants a new “cooler” toy than his last one. He buys it and gets bored of it. It’s the same concept that people are never satisfied. If cinco brings the old weps back then people will find a new thing to complain about anyway.

I don’t have a pair of those tacs and honestly they would be nice to own, but I deal with the fact that I liquidated mine before because they were so common!

Look at it this way now: those people that have the exclusive tacs now can’t even sell them. No way one of those guys would sell them for the current credit cap. So in common economics language they are priceless but at the same time worthless! The sellers won’t sell for the current economy cap which means that because the items aren’t being sold they are just there. I can bet that even if one person does sell their exclusive tacs for the max credit price, others will look at him being insane. The fact that no one CAN buy them and the sellers WON’T settle for the credit cap, they are worthless in a sense. You can’t put a value on something you can’t sell within the game. It is possible to sell them through other means (such as account / weapon selling for irl money) however it is against the sts rules. For that same reason, those exlusive tac sellers won’t take the risk of either being scammed or getting banned.

Long story short, if people want the tacs for their looks then I find that bringing them back will be fine, as they’ll probably be like 1m at most. Most people want them back though because they think that if they come back then they’ll retain their same expensive value and exclusiveness which is all wrong. They’ll be just like any other brown or silver/red tac out there. The same thing happened with the e6. It was so exlusive then it was brought back and in that time it was prominent it wasn’t worth much.

I agree 10000%

07-26-2018, 10:04 PM
Dragonsalt is one of the few that finally get it

Fine some of the old items that Cinco brought back are fine, it adds some diversity.
I'm not even talking about potential loss In potential capital to earn. When Rocketeer helmets came back I had like 2 left that were original, same with grey jacket. These were worth a lot but meh it happens

BUT some items simply should stay exclusive. Im not talking about those tacs specifically.
Most of the items that were brought back were plat store items that you hadn't have to work for them other than buying some plat which wasn't even much. Back then items like Rocketeer cost 15 plat.

In other instances Items like Arbiter Pieces or Star Guard it would be nonsense to even think about bringing them back. That would be the same than just gifting every player a Squid Buddy. => No effort to get one.

"But cephei when such Items come back you'll have to farm for them too". That is true but knowing the event drop rates every player will end up with 10 of each after 2 days. Value = destroyed

To be honest when everything was made tradeable it was already a step in the wrong direction but it made the game somewhat more active BUT it gives newer players actually a chance to aquire old elite vanities.

Yes I may have easy talk because me and many own others own these pieces but in most cases they weren't gifted. We had to work for them by either capping (I capped 3x lv41, 46 toons back then) and by building a fortune to buy the ones we didn't own.

"But cephei if you didn't own these parts you would be crying for them too." False. I could've done that before instead I tried to use my resources to get them and it worked. Bringing them back would've done nothing. You want these to stand out, if everyone has them It wouldn't be the same.

And that's the case with many items. Sure SL doesn't have many exclusive Elite items but the ones it does have should stay that way.

My 4 cents