View Full Version : Devs: Want to increase your revenue from this game?

07-09-2010, 05:36 PM
Gold to platinum ratio is way off kilter. Currently, to purchase 350k in-game Gold, it costs $109.30 US (if u purchase 800p at $49.99).

I don't think there are many individuals buying gold with platinum. Your demand for Platinum for gold is LOW for obvious reasons. By increasing the amount of gold you get per platinum, you will increase your demand for platinum.

Why change the ratio? Well the demand for gold is very high. Current trading market trends show that pink items can go for a lot of Gold, 6-7 figures for a few rare jems... (ie. Alien Blaster).

By keeping the current ratio the way it is, you're increasing gameplay time, but that doesn't equate to money in your pocket does it? Give us more bang for our buck. You get richer, and those who can afford to pay will be happier. Balance the scales a bit. It's a win/win for those except the hardcore gamers who spend countless hours/days trying to get these valuables.

I wouldn't worry about the game's sustainability because of decreased gameplay or player dissatisfaction because the interest of this game is increasing at a healthy rate and you'll find other methods to satiate the desires of hard core gamers to be successful/unique/popular.

07-09-2010, 06:03 PM
I agree there should at least be larger quantities at greater discounts available. I still don't think I'd buy any, but it does seem way expensive now.

07-09-2010, 06:43 PM
Coiuld be a bad idea. If you lower the plat to gold cost, players who buy gold have two sources of gold income so they have more, they can then afford to trade for items at higher prices, so item prices rise and pretty quickly it becomes hard or impossible to trade for items as a non-gold buyer.

Decreasing the cost of gold could just devalue it, leading to a situation where you are effectively paying in real dollars because gold is so cheap that you can not farm enough by in-game means, so you have to buy gold.

07-09-2010, 07:24 PM
Decreasing the cost of gold could just devalue it, leading to a situation where you are effectively paying in real dollars because gold is so cheap that you can not farm enough by in-game means, so you have to buy gold.

Well of course they'd have to test it and change it slowly, but I think this is a really good idea. :)

07-09-2010, 07:42 PM
Coiuld be a bad idea. If you lower the plat to gold cost, players who buy gold have two sources of gold income so they have more, they can then afford to trade for items at higher prices, so item prices rise and pretty quickly it becomes hard or impossible to trade for items as a non-gold buyer.

Decreasing the cost of gold could just devalue it, leading to a situation where you are effectively paying in real dollars because gold is so cheap that you can not farm enough by in-game means, so you have to buy gold.

Thats the point.

07-09-2010, 07:50 PM
So you would want them to ruin the game to make more money that's your point?

07-10-2010, 01:27 AM
One of the most put together posts I've read on this forum. Whether it would ever happen is unknown considering people don't quite understand what you are saying but I think it is a great idea.

07-12-2010, 04:02 PM
aw thanks!

07-14-2010, 08:22 AM
The devaluation of gold is caused by the high value treasure drops and by the gold farmers. All this idea is asking for is to recognize that the gold has already been devalued to the point where the plat exchange is absurd to ridiculous. But for me, buying gold with plat is not in the spirit of the game anyway, so I don't mind its current, pardon the pun, absurdity.

07-20-2010, 09:30 PM
So why would they even offer it?. lol. Devs made a gold to plat conversion for a reason, and I'm suggesting a simple readjustment to suit supply/demand. What reason would that be? Profits. not for you or me, for the devs. They needed an additional revenue channel and I'm pointing out their problem. Obviously no one but the richest iPhone gamers are "absurd" enough to buy it. Thanks for helping the point.

07-20-2010, 10:59 PM
the reason the devs offer gold for plat is so other players dont set up gold selling websites, because it would deffinitly happen if you couldnt buy gold with plat, i only agree with the idea because your money goes to the devs and helps the game, instead of some greedy low life that spends all day selling gold for real money.

honestly...you earn a much better reputation if you are simply nice to other players, give your friends items they need for free, give people gold that need it, help people level up.

i have three characters, all three are level 45 and all three are completely geared out in the best gear, ive never bought or sold a pink. people just show me the same kindness i show them.

you dont have to be greedy or spend alot of money to get to the top...

just my advice.

07-21-2010, 12:33 AM
the reason the devs offer gold for plat is so other players dont set up gold selling websites, because it would deffinitly happen if you couldnt buy gold with plat, i only agree with the idea because your money goes to the devs and helps the game, instead of some greedy low life that spends all day selling gold for real money.

honestly...you earn a much better reputation if you are simply nice to other players, give your friends items they need for free, give people gold that need it, help people level up.

i have three characters, all three are level 45 and all three are completely geared out in the best gear, ive never bought or sold a pink. people just show me the same kindness i show them.

you dont have to be greedy or spend alot of money to get to the top...

just my advice.

Amen brother

07-21-2010, 11:16 AM
So why would they even offer it?. lol. Devs made a gold to plat conversion for a reason, and I'm suggesting a simple readjustment to suit supply/demand. What reason would that be? Profits. not for you or me, for the devs. They needed an additional revenue channel and I'm pointing out their problem. Obviously no one but the richest iPhone gamers are "absurd" enough to buy it. Thanks for helping the point.

You make a good point. I can see this change being more helpful to the more casual player that have busy lives but have more expendable income. It makes sense to say spend 10 plat for 100k gold as an example and buy that Alien Blaster they always wanted but never had the time to put in 8 hours of playtime to get it. The more hardcore crowd are able to obtain the gear they need by logging in play time; whether it be through farming, trading, helping, etc.

07-21-2010, 04:12 PM
If gold becomes more readily available through the platinum store, the more people that buy it - the more gold floods the economy, then you have inflation in-game, and with inflation, prices go up accordingly, that alien blaster that the casual player saw go for a mil a while back, is now worth far more because everyone has loads of gold....

There's already enough gold in-game in my opinion, one of the main problems is that people stockpile it with no sink to spend it in, be that some kind of upgrade or stronger potions, either way, there's only so many things people can buy from NPC's to suck gold back out of the economy.

EverQuest II had gambling goblin merchants at sea ports (where people got caught waiting for boats) that allowed the player to take part in a fully functioning lottery, on the developers side, commision taken from lottery money was a great way to adjust how much gold was taken out of the economy (only via this method - granted) and for the lucky winners, a big fat pile of gold.