View Full Version : Two usefule additions to Guild Halls

11-14-2011, 04:20 PM
I think there are 2 more things that should be implemented inside guld halls to benefit guilds.
1) Bulletin Board - A place to leave guild messages. You can leave a guild message, welcome new members, set up times for a guild meeting, or set up times for guild runs for runs for different events like
exp runs for lower levels, runs for end game drops, etc. (another suggestion- set up a game clock so we can set times and also to let us know what time it is while playing). Not all guild members are on
at the same time, so it can be frustrating trying to pass information on to other mebers.
2) Guild Bank - Let you store items for other guild members to use. Have tier 3 guild hall have largest amount of storage, tier 2 a medium amount, and tier 1 the least amount. Guild master should be able
able to control who can take what from bank like guild master only, GM and officers only, or open to all as to not worry about 1 person cleaning out the bank. Should allow anyone to deposit into bank.
will allow for a varity of options. Can put in better quality, lower level items to make leveling for lower levels more efficient, can store epic items for you to give to fellow guild members etc.

11-14-2011, 04:25 PM
I think those items cant be deleted nor tradeable and it will go back to bank if a player leaves the guild or gets kicked. But if the item is back into the owners hands then its ok