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View Full Version : L105 elite weapons elitc PROC correction!!!

06-28-2018, 11:12 AM
Probably nothing new other than what I said in different threads that procs definitely need fixing because proc is random, proc is luck based and proc is so high that, proc is the single most valuable thing that decides the outcome of a fight also ruins the basics of team play ffa.

And some procs are really out of hand, it's not possible for me to go through each and every proc of elites items as I never owned all the weapons but still some procs seems to be game breaking -

- Talon : First it's too high and secondly talon is not meant to be something more tanky for real, with that 1k armor and 10k hp boost any class with talon proc can survive damage from three players for sometime and in a 1-1 it's just need to be avoided or waste of skill, so I think it's armor and hp proc buff should be changed to damage simply like +200. Damage is the thing that suits archers not tanking.

- Wand : It's high, all the stat values e.g mana & hp regen should be decreased by 60-70 %

- Dagger : Proc rate is too high, either the proc rate or the debuff stat values should be decreased highly and/ or some defensive stats e.g armor, hp can be added.

- Bow : Proc could be nerfed on the basis that it should gain some skill dmg boost without increasing it's auto damage much, if not then doesn't matter who says what, it's lacking skill damage and also armor at the same time, that means nerfing proc could render bow useless.

- Str weapons : I'd like to leave them alone for now as they seems to compensate their weakness ..

Int & Str 2h weapons : Anybody cares? if then, we can start adding some skill damage on int 2h and some skill damage + some armor on str 2h weapon :3

Mine AGK
06-28-2018, 11:49 AM
Talon proc is perfectly fine. Maybe the talon needs a slight damage buff but idk how that will be effected with enchantments.

Wand isnt OP. The proc in itself isnt broken. The point of the mana regen, is when we are low and mages have to MS. Our mana is gone in 2-3 autos. The hp boost we get is negated from simple auto damage aswell. The damage boost can be negated by armor enchants.

Proc rate is too high and the proc lasts too long. It got a proc spawn rate buff (which idk why in the first place)

The bow is broken as it is. Proc debuffs crit by ~70 and hit by ~100 and add the slowness on top. No one, espcially mages can really defend itself well to remain at distance.

I thin the sword proc should debuff armor and damage seeing as the axe proc debuffs crit/hit. The axe stacks its proc and can make people have hit/crit in the negatives. Remove the ability to stack those procs and add better debuffs to the sword proc to make it a bit better.

06-28-2018, 12:13 PM
Talon proc should get a nerf as it gives 8 seconds of invinsibility.

06-28-2018, 12:32 PM
Int & Str 2h weapons : Anybody cares? if then, we can start adding some skill damage on int 2h and some skill damage + some armor on str 2h weapon :3

I care. I've wanted staff mages to be a thing again for quite sometime (and maybe even staff birds and bears, or is that too much wishful thinking? :p).

I think the staff set is very underpowered. It has very low armor, I think the lowest out of all of the sets but correct me if I'm wrong. And for such a low amount of armor, the skill damage is just very weak compared to the wand set or really any other set.

On top of this, the staff proc is the same as the dagger proc - the proc shoots lightning that stuns the opponent except the lightning damage doesn't heal yourself like the dagger does, so it's not only unoriginal as a proc but much weaker than the dagger which has heal and more damage than the staff I believe.

So here's what I'm thinking: add some more skill damage to the staff. I really don't know how much at the moment, but let's say 200 for starters. It might also need a slight armor buff, but let's start with a skill damage buff first.

06-28-2018, 01:17 PM
I care. I've wanted staff mages to be a thing again for quite sometime (and maybe even staff birds and bears, or is that too much wishful thinking? :p).
So here's what I'm thinking: add some more skill damage to the staff. I really don't know how much at the moment, but let's say 200 for starters. It might also need a slight armor buff, but let's start with a skill damage buff first.

Yes, please. And looks wise, add a blue ring set somewhere on the 105 Elite staff to liven it up?

06-29-2018, 02:54 AM
Talon proc is perfectly fine. Maybe the talon needs a slight damage buff but idk how that will be effected with enchantments.
How come a talon proc is fine? it breaks many many things, made pvp lame, you can't make any real damage while proc is on.

Wand isnt OP. The proc in itself isnt broken. The point of the mana regen, is when we are low and mages have to MS. Our mana is gone in 2-3 autos. The hp boost we get is negated from simple auto damage aswell. The damage boost can be negated by armor enchants.
When major procs are getting decreased (if that happens) then wand proc deserved to be decreased as well, mages heal is already pretty high to make it full within secs, proc pull has something like +560 mana regen and some hp regen as well which is pretty high, +200 would be still desirable and that's for a whole team.

The bow is broken as it is. Proc debuffs crit by ~70 and hit by ~100 and add the slowness on top. No one, espcially mages can really defend itself well to remain at distance. As already mentioned, I don't have any problem with major nerf here like talon/wand/ dagger BUT THEN it's pretty much required that it get skill damage buff without increasing it's auto damage much otherwise bow would be useless.

I thin the sword proc should debuff armor and damage seeing as the axe proc debuffs crit/hit. The axe stacks its proc and can make people have hit/crit in the negatives. Remove the ability to stack those procs and add better debuffs to the sword proc to make it a bit better.
Never felt that any axe toon creating problem either in team ffa or 1-1, never seen any axe rhino though.

06-29-2018, 03:06 AM
I care. I've wanted staff mages to be a thing again for quite sometime (and maybe even staff birds and bears, or is that too much wishful thinking? :p).

I think the staff set is very underpowered. It has very low armor, I think the lowest out of all of the sets but correct me if I'm wrong. And for such a low amount of armor, the skill damage is just very weak compared to the wand set or really any other set.

On top of this, the staff proc is the same as the dagger proc - the proc shoots lightning that stuns the opponent except the lightning damage doesn't heal yourself like the dagger does, so it's not only unoriginal as a proc but much weaker than the dagger which has heal and more damage than the staff I believe.

So here's what I'm thinking: add some more skill damage to the staff. I really don't know how much at the moment, but let's say 200 for starters. It might also need a slight armor buff, but let's start with a skill damage buff first.

Yap, 2h weapons weren't scaled with 1h weapon sets for long, and following the trend since last cap updates I can definitely say that they are lacking skill damage and some armor as well.

06-29-2018, 09:35 AM
Cinco should change Talons proc. 10k hp / 1k armor dam unkillable bird for secs.
+1 for dagger nerf.

06-29-2018, 11:33 AM
It is luck-based, however on average mage wand proc occurs only like 3 times out of 40 autos. Once it eventually autos, it almost barely helps.

07-02-2018, 10:37 AM
Everything is luck based and it's exaggerated lel