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View Full Version : The mausoleum x Encrusted weapon's rant

06-28-2018, 01:43 PM
The X amount of gold loot in mausoleum must be halved! Perhaps only 1/4 share the impact of gold loot ensures that only more gold is added which does not give a healthy future for this game. What to do is either Y% awakening removal or gold loot should be 1/2 part Halved or even less to 1/4 part (quarter) makes it harder for players to process 1 mil + within 1 day. The number of awakenings has ensured that mausoleum is a gold mine. Unfortunately, this is not done well. Last update of which Sir Spendsalot has reduced the so-called mausoleum gold mine is unfortunately a failure, let's also change the name for Sir Spendsalot into "Sir Givesalot" this is a better solution for everyone, even for the kraag npc the legendary Sir Greedyalot itself is the truth that Sir Spendsalot is literally a stingy mock but unfortunately .. Just like Jarl who was persecuted (Locked Crate's), the same problem happens with RIP Sir Spendsalot #2k18

"Do not look a gift horse in the mouth" <----- mistake, WRONG! For example, Encrusted Golden Knives resemble letter openers, Encrusted Golden Scepter resembles a pineapple, Encrusted Golden Claymore resembles a beetle forged on a sword, Encrusted Golden Bow fugly, Encrusted Golden Bulwark fake! Encrusted Golden Revolver looks like a Barnett Recruit Terrain Crossbow, 330 FPS, yep the perfect weapon for deer hunting for mages makes them even more cold-blooded.

Wait wait! I take that back, I've never felt anything before Jarl, yes that's true. Jarl can only be seen on a painting also the Jarl in Brackenridge, someone is disguised as Jarl "Do not fool us!"

The point is that 2017-2018 were bad years with a lot of influence on the market. Too much gold added in the game is not good if this is not resolved quickly, then i go to the Chinese Arcane Legends Yes, that is completely true, there is a Chinese Arcane Legends with 360 camera unlocked as part of options they also had to implement in the English Arcane Legends and not only is that function better because it also takes less time by not going the wrong way in the labyrinth mausoleum, but it is a fact that the future of this game can also be more fun. ;D

This is a saying for the so called "Elite forum Member" who try contradicting me, and he (In this case you) can speak very well and fascinatingly.

1. To kill someone (= keep on talking to someone until he becomes dazed)

2. To talk to someone's mouth (= flatter and be kind to get something done)

3. Something that is crooked right trying to talk (= talking to try to make a mistake look good)

4. Talking with two mouths (= contradicting yourself in different situations, not being honest)

5. Talking out of his neck (chatting) (= selling nonsense)

I have to confess something you can learn from RuneScape, yes, yes.

Listen in RuneScape you can learn to properly set long - term goals.

Most of my Mmo life, I've been incredibly impatient with setting long - term goals. But thanks to RuneScape's skill mastery system - which can take an average of 150 hours to master one of 27 skills - learning the trick to long-term goal setting becomes a trail by 🔥. An old friend of mine once told me that "the (first skill mastered) is always the hardest, and the subsequent become easier and easier the more you do it." I never believed him until now, and his quote can also be applied to goals for in this instance Arcane Legends, too - given a little bit of patience, anything becomes possible.

Want to type better non-stop in AL Typing practice.

Developing an average of 90 words per minute (WPM) didn't happen overnight, hell no! Due to the heavy aspect of RuneScape, players find themselves chatting on a constant basis with other players, whether it be for trading, cooperation, or for leisure. But no matter the circumstances, typing becomes rote memory, and before too long, the player subconsciously memorizes the locations of keys and the more they play, the better their accuracy becomes "Don't filter certain words!"

In Arcane Legends, many so-called merchants "About 80%" do not understand prices, better understanding basic economics.

But much of what i learned was that i thought myself from years of trading on RuneScape's version of the stock market: the Grand Exchange. Coming to understand the principles behind things such as supply/demand, scarcity, and market-clearing prices at almost the beginning of my adult age gave me an understanding the economics that run the world.

What it comes down to is that everyone can learn from playing or the past of RuneScape, even the community in AL, you should always remain positively optimistic!

But.. but mausoleum is better (with childish voice) because it produces 110% guaranteed gold "of course it does" instead of these elite maps, which is more economical in terms of time, but not every player wants to be an elite farmer or merchant.

Mausoleum addiction.

There are two major types of video games and therefore two types of video game addictions. Standard video games are generally designed to be played by a single player and involve a clear goal or mission, such as rescuing a noob. The addiction in these games is often related to completing that mission or beating a high score preset standard.

The other type of video game addiction is associated with online multiplayer games. These games are played online with other people and are especially addictive because they generally have no ending (which in this case mausoleum). Gamers with this type of addiction enjoy generating more gold and permanently becoming themselves an online character. They often build relationships with other online players when their husband or wife has escape them from reality. For some, this thread may be the place where they feel they're the most accepted.


Are you looking for professional help, read this thread again, thanks to listening advice me you will feel better soon.

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