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View Full Version : Guys be honest with the current update

Captain critic
06-29-2018, 11:54 PM
After all you have seen so far and after all 1 sts worker has told us and once they fix what they plan to fix, was this the "Biggest Expansion" from sts you were expecting to see or play after all the hype? I saw a comment that really described what the expansion really was to him which was really just a remake of maus but a re-design and a different design of mobs too and it was a pretty good description to me, i would post the ss here if i knew how to...

06-30-2018, 12:18 AM
I like the concept of leveling up weapons/gears, and the fact they removed exp kits from plat store for the time being. I also like killing bosses to farm for new set pieces/etc, which if the rich want it first they will HAVE to actually PLAY the content, so you can’t just Zeus your way through everything (anyone who was around for a couple years knows exactly what I mean).

Skill bug ruined the expansion imo, as the fact they didn’t even addresss extending the fast cap banner time/etc. I found it humorous when Lojack said charging skills won’t make the class unplayable, which rogue kind of is right now.

However, I want the previous developers back, especially Sam. The early content(kraken/shuyal) was so fun and challenging, with good rewards too. Right now the game is kind of a joke. Warriors are dealing more damage than mages and rogue ultimates are all useless, sts didn’t bother for checking through content etc. the almost 2 year wait for this wasn’t really worth it. It feels like a beefed up version of the last “expansion”(dreamscape). Haven’t seen the deep marsh or raid bosses so can’t say much about that. Hope it’s not as much of a let down as was the update and the fact that we have to wait for months on end for new gears to become farmable. The content is for 65+ but 60s can get in what a joke. People standing in boss pools/etc

The game has come a long way, but not really for the better. Yes the studio is making a lot more money now through different streams of revenue, but at the cost of the existing and new player base. I tried donating some of my eggs to newer players today and even though they were 16/17/18 they didn’t have trading unlocked so I couldn’t. New players are being left so far behind there’s nobody to replace the existing users that eventually leave, unless they become massive whales.

Just some of my feedback on the update..

06-30-2018, 12:39 AM
I like it but I think it’s wayyyy to Grindy.

It’s way to focused on leveling, while that is popular right now, as new players try level up here, I think they won’t have as much fun as not many will run here ( I could be wrong). They also need to be able to loot stuff here which doesn’t seem like there is much.

06-30-2018, 12:42 AM
To make things worse, I've heard from a few friends who play pocket legends (another game by staying) that the crocodile skin is essentially a copy from PL.

I was at first really hype like most players were but after 2 runs of the new map, was bored.

Things like this make me question, how much time did the devs actually put into this?

06-30-2018, 12:45 AM
I meant to write sts instead of staying. Stupid autocorrect...

06-30-2018, 01:28 AM
What you are seeing is probably just a small bit of the expansion. Like they said, they will roll out more and more things in the future. Things like the raids and other maps are locked away for now until we unlock them. I think everyone is speaking a little too soon about how they feel.

06-30-2018, 01:34 PM
Agreed, but also you have to acknowledge that this expansion really just is a retextured mauso/graveyard. Just like someone above said, I ran this map for 2 hours and I am already getting super bored with Graveyard flashbacks. Greatest expansion ever? not even close yet..

06-30-2018, 06:08 PM
I like the concept of leveling up weapons/gears, and the fact they removed exp kits from plat store for the time being. I also like killing bosses to farm for new set pieces/etc, which if the rich want it first they will HAVE to actually PLAY the content, so you can’t just Zeus your way through everything (anyone who was around for a couple years knows exactly what I mean).

Skill bug ruined the expansion imo, as the fact they didn’t even addresss extending the fast cap banner time/etc. I found it humorous when Lojack said charging skills won’t make the class unplayable, which rogue kind of is right now.

However, I want the previous developers back, especially Sam. The early content(kraken/shuyal) was so fun and challenging, with good rewards too. Right now the game is kind of a joke. Warriors are dealing more damage than mages and rogue ultimates are all useless, sts didn’t bother for checking through content etc. the almost 2 year wait for this wasn’t really worth it. It feels like a beefed up version of the last “expansion”(dreamscape). Haven’t seen the deep marsh or raid bosses so can’t say much about that. Hope it’s not as much of a let down as was the update and the fact that we have to wait for months on end for new gears to become farmable. The content is for 65+ but 60s can get in what a joke. People standing in boss pools/etc

The game has come a long way, but not really for the better. Yes the studio is making a lot more money now through different streams of revenue, but at the cost of the existing and new player base. I tried donating some of my eggs to newer players today and even though they were 16/17/18 they didn’t have trading unlocked so I couldn’t. New players are being left so far behind there’s nobody to replace the existing users that eventually leave, unless they become massive whales.

Just some of my feedback on the update..

Completely Agree +11111111

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06-30-2018, 06:14 PM
AL was known for drawing in players and making them want to play more and more of the game because there was always something rewarding to do. Now, it’s nothing like that. The game has slowly started to go downhill. The only reason I still play is because I don’t mind dropping a couple bucks on plat and opening chest to try out my luck. Other than that, the game fails to keep me entertained after about 30 minutes of doing runs.

06-30-2018, 07:35 PM
Tbh, i kinda like it, apart from the fact that we have to wait ages to acces the other new maps or that the swamp is too big, its pretty decent

07-01-2018, 12:08 AM
I love how this post is not sugar coated and straight to the point, I agreed with 110% of what you said, and believe the Arcane Legends player base needs more like this. Straight to the point with amazing, constructive ideas. +1.
I like the concept of leveling up weapons/gears, and the fact they removed exp kits from plat store for the time being. I also like killing bosses to farm for new set pieces/etc, which if the rich want it first they will HAVE to actually PLAY the content, so you can’t just Zeus your way through everything (anyone who was around for a couple years knows exactly what I mean).

Skill bug ruined the expansion imo, as the fact they didn’t even addresss extending the fast cap banner time/etc. I found it humorous when Lojack said charging skills won’t make the class unplayable, which rogue kind of is right now.

However, I want the previous developers back, especially Sam. The early content(kraken/shuyal) was so fun and challenging, with good rewards too. Right now the game is kind of a joke. Warriors are dealing more damage than mages and rogue ultimates are all useless, sts didn’t bother for checking through content etc. the almost 2 year wait for this wasn’t really worth it. It feels like a beefed up version of the last “expansion”(dreamscape). Haven’t seen the deep marsh or raid bosses so can’t say much about that. Hope it’s not as much of a let down as was the update and the fact that we have to wait for months on end for new gears to become farmable. The content is for 65+ but 60s can get in what a joke. People standing in boss pools/etc

The game has come a long way, but not really for the better. Yes the studio is making a lot more money now through different streams of revenue, but at the cost of the existing and new player base. I tried donating some of my eggs to newer players today and even though they were 16/17/18 they didn’t have trading unlocked so I couldn’t. New players are being left so far behind there’s nobody to replace the existing users that eventually leave, unless they become massive whales.

Just some of my feedback on the update..

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07-01-2018, 01:36 AM
I like the concept of leveling up weapons/gears, and the fact they removed exp kits from plat store for the time being. I also like killing bosses to farm for new set pieces/etc, which if the rich want it first they will HAVE to actually PLAY the content, so you can’t just Zeus your way through everything (anyone who was around for a couple years knows exactly what I mean).

Skill bug ruined the expansion imo, as the fact they didn’t even addresss extending the fast cap banner time/etc. I found it humorous when Lojack said charging skills won’t make the class unplayable, which rogue kind of is right now.

However, I want the previous developers back, especially Sam. The early content(kraken/shuyal) was so fun and challenging, with good rewards too. Right now the game is kind of a joke. Warriors are dealing more damage than mages and rogue ultimates are all useless, sts didn’t bother for checking through content etc. the almost 2 year wait for this wasn’t really worth it. It feels like a beefed up version of the last “expansion”(dreamscape). Haven’t seen the deep marsh or raid bosses so can’t say much about that. Hope it’s not as much of a let down as was the update and the fact that we have to wait for months on end for new gears to become farmable. The content is for 65+ but 60s can get in what a joke. People standing in boss pools/etc

The game has come a long way, but not really for the better. Yes the studio is making a lot more money now through different streams of revenue, but at the cost of the existing and new player base. I tried donating some of my eggs to newer players today and even though they were 16/17/18 they didn’t have trading unlocked so I couldn’t. New players are being left so far behind there’s nobody to replace the existing users that eventually leave, unless they become massive whales.

Just some of my feedback on the update..

You said it all. I don't think some players were around back in the days of early maps so they don't appreciate just how difficult they were for us or how exciting. Players at low levels can get through them easily, even the elite maps so they seem tame to them. I don't wish they were made harder because new players need to level up quite a way now but I dislike the new trend for the long boring maps with no story. I used to look forward to levelling up but I've only just reached level 67 , that shows how enthusiastic I am. Sorry if I come across as negative but there are some good points..I see players enjoying the brawler arena which is nice ☺️

07-01-2018, 05:16 AM
I don’t understand how AL plans on gaining/acquiring new players, I haven’t any ads and they’ve made the game too complicated for new people to join, I’ve asked 3 friends to create an account and they quit in the first week itself .

07-01-2018, 05:43 AM
The way this game is going it won’t acquire any new players. Not any that bother to stay and spend money at least. They’re more focused on the cash grab in the short run rather than an expanding player base and overall health in the long run. Fact is, AL is one of the most fun mmo in the mobile market along with some great storylines/graphics, etc. But they’re only trying to make it favored toward the wealthy, rather than towards the whole player base. Eventually the game will die off just like DL, PL, SL, call of champions. Only a matter of time. Although call of champions was actually a fun game, their marketing strategy had failed and certain heroes were completely broken. Comebine that with upkeep costs and not enough revenue.

The only reason AL is alive is due to the massive spenders. I think we all know who they are by this point. Funny enough, ever since some big spenders started leaving, content quality has gone down and everything seems rushed. Now the question to STS is, what will you do? Because I think this game can have the player base potential of those like summoners war/dungeon hunter/etc, but the game first needs to become friendly for ALL players, and then spend massive amounts on marketing this game to your target player base.

Yes this will reduce revenue and increase expenses for some time, but will overall help to increase the player base and eventually compound your revenue. Eventually multiple small spenders will be greater than a single big spender, and then if that big spender leaves sts won’t be left with nothing. Right now if their big spenders leave, they’re ruined.

07-01-2018, 09:01 AM
The way this game is going it won’t acquire any new players. Not any that bother to stay and spend money at least. They’re more focused on the cash grab in the short run rather than an expanding player base and overall health in the long run. Fact is, AL is one of the most fun mmo in the mobile market along with some great storylines/graphics, etc. But they’re only trying to make it favored toward the wealthy, rather than towards the whole player base. Eventually the game will die off just like DL, PL, SL, call of champions. Only a matter of time. Although call of champions was actually a fun game, their marketing strategy had failed and certain heroes were completely broken. Comebine that with upkeep costs and not enough revenue.

The only reason AL is alive is due to the massive spenders. I think we all know who they are by this point. Funny enough, ever since some big spenders started leaving, content quality has gone down and everything seems rushed. Now the question to STS is, what will you do? Because I think this game can have the player base potential of those like summoners war/dungeon hunter/etc, but the game first needs to become friendly for ALL players, and then spend massive amounts on marketing this game to your target player base.

Yes this will reduce revenue and increase expenses for some time, but will overall help to increase the player base and eventually compound your revenue. Eventually multiple small spenders will be greater than a single big spender, and then if that big spender leaves sts won’t be left with nothing. Right now if their big spenders leave, they’re ruined.

Another thing, once the FTP player basis has entirely disappear, the paying players will all start to quit cuz lets face it,a majority of the players in al are FTP, and once there are no more players left in AL, the paying players will find know interest in playing anymore.

07-01-2018, 09:05 PM
Not what I expect to be.Crazy amount of xp,bugs everywhere,murk coin too few as loot,price of the gears too expensive,same longer map,event that need plat or play like a madguy.I clearly don't see any fun from this expansion.

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07-02-2018, 05:19 AM
Not what I expect to be.Crazy amount of xp,bugs everywhere,murk coin too few as loot,price of the gears too expensive,same longer map,event that need plat or play like a madguy.I clearly don't see any fun from this expansion.

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07-02-2018, 05:22 AM
Ive been grinding and having fun. The raids have nice loot and with marriage, raids, pvp town and all small improvements i would call it the biggest expansion ever.

07-02-2018, 04:12 PM
The way this game is going it won’t acquire any new players. Not any that bother to stay and spend money at least. They’re more focused on the cash grab in the short run rather than an expanding player base and overall health in the long run. Fact is, AL is one of the most fun mmo in the mobile market along with some great storylines/graphics, etc. But they’re only trying to make it favored toward the wealthy, rather than towards the whole player base. Eventually the game will die off just like DL, PL, SL, call of champions. Only a matter of time. Although call of champions was actually a fun game, their marketing strategy had failed and certain heroes were completely broken. Comebine that with upkeep costs and not enough revenue.

The only reason AL is alive is due to the massive spenders. I think we all know who they are by this point. Funny enough, ever since some big spenders started leaving, content quality has gone down and everything seems rushed. Now the question to STS is, what will you do? Because I think this game can have the player base potential of those like summoners war/dungeon hunter/etc, but the game first needs to become friendly for ALL players, and then spend massive amounts on marketing this game to your target player base.

Yes this will reduce revenue and increase expenses for some time, but will overall help to increase the player base and eventually compound your revenue. Eventually multiple small spenders will be greater than a single big spender, and then if that big spender leaves sts won’t be left with nothing. Right now if their big spenders leave, they’re ruined.

I agree with this but at this stage, i think its too late. best thing would be STS making AL 2.0 or combining PL/SL/AL etc into a new mmo, new game engine, new ideas.

I wanted to come back and be hyped with this expansion and maybe its just me, but i can't find any fun in running the same map over and over again.

07-02-2018, 04:17 PM
Thanks for all the feedback